NT, help me become an %@*-hole

Dec 1, 2004
maybe i'm simping? i don't want to tho. i just don't have it in my heart to be mean to anyone, not even just girls, but i mean everyone. haha helpme become an @+!-hole! hahah

ok, i sense thread failure in the next few posts.
Yo, just be yourself man. Just be more confident in who you are. Workout or something to get more confidence. Girls not attracted to the aholes as much as itis the confidence or in this day, the "swag" that comes with being an ahole.

Confidence is key
Post pics of your GF (preferably more of her and that Nikon cap) and this fail will be forgotten.
You can't fake it, it has to come naturally... sometimes I wish I wasn't such an %!#+@%% to people
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Yo, just be yourself man. Just be more confident in who you are. Workout or something to get more confidence. Girls not attracted to the aholes as much as it is the confidence or in this day, the "swag" that comes with being an ahole.

Confidence is key
boxing and MA

but seriously if you aint made for it just be nice, dont let people take advantage put your foot down if it comes to a point then be an a hole.
You're soft for life son deal with it too many tigers in the fields and not enough daffodils.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Yo, just be yourself man. Just be more confident in who you are. Workout or something to get more confidence. Girls not attracted to the aholes as much as it is the confidence or in this day, the "swag" that comes with being an ahole.

Confidence is key
true words. thanks bro <3 hahaha

Originally Posted by niCke1z

Shut ur sweet cake %*# up.

i'll kill you. sike nah. haha
Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Stop trying to cater to other's needs and worry about what you want.


hard to get what i want, nah mean?
Once you're not deemed as a push-over, you'll slowly but surely begin getting what you want.

Females love a challenge just as much as we do.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Stop trying to cater to other's needs and worry about what you want.


hard to get what i want, nah mean?
Once you're not deemed as a push-over, you'll slowly but surely begin getting what you want.

Females love a challenge just as much as we do.

i feel you on that bro. great advice.
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