NT help me out... final design project COPIED. VOL. College is no joke

Old folks are just too senile to get it..What he did was wrong, obviously, but if dude is telling him to "pick up his self esteem" how is that even necessary? 
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Kids just don't get it. How is that being an "a-hole" when its the truth. If Brett never gave Iqbal anything for reference, he wouldn't be in this kind of situation. He could've handled it differently while protecting himself. Maybe tell him an excerpt of the paper before or after class, or email it in a more casual wording instead of allowing Iqbal to have a physical copy of his paper. OP took the L before he received the bigger L.

He's an "a-hole" because he's acting like the entire thing is Brett's fault, and he had it coming to him. I'm confused-- when did it become standard for a person trying to help a classmate out get screwed over? I understand if Brett said that the student asked for his work so that he could COPY him, but from the information we've gotten, that wasn't what the student said at all. For you to say, "Well, you had it coming" because Brett was being a decent human being, it's actually pretty disgusting. People that think like you are the reason that the world is full of scamming, lying, two-faced "opportunists." If a person is decent enough to trust someone else to do what they SAY they're going to do, then that person is obviously just an idiot who's asking to get himself screwed over, right? So why not just eff him over? Great mentality brah. LOL, and then Bud DARES to talk about ignorance... you literally make me sick.
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Kids just don't get it. How is that being an "a-hole" when its the truth. If Brett never gave Iqbal anything for reference, he wouldn't be in this kind of situation. He could've handled it differently while protecting himself. Maybe tell him an excerpt of the paper before or after class, or email it in a more casual wording instead of allowing Iqbal to have a physical copy of his paper. OP took the L before he received the bigger L.

He's an "a-hole" because he's acting like the entire thing is Brett's fault, and he had it coming to him. I'm confused-- when did it become standard for a person trying to help a classmate out get screwed over? I understand if Brett said that the student asked for his work so that he could COPY him, but from the information we've gotten, that wasn't what the student said at all. For you to say, "Well, you had it coming" because Brett was being a decent human being, it's actually pretty disgusting. People that think like you are the reason that the world is full of scamming, lying, two-faced "opportunists." If a person is decent enough to trust someone else to do what they SAY they're going to do, then that person is obviously just an idiot who's asking to get himself screwed over, right? So why not just eff him over? Great mentality brah. LOL, and then Bud DARES to talk about ignorance... you literally make me sick.
man this guy really scrwed you over..
from the other posts seems like u got evidence to prove its yours.. but the problem is that u "cheated" by giving it to him
you said you dont do these kinds of things, but if your other "friends" are really your friends, get a group of them,
go up inside this kids dorm or anywhere alone and beat the @%%! out of him until he signs that he stole it.
otherwise theres going to be a decent chance you get royally *#*+@@ over by this mess
and i feel yadude iknow that pressure ya get when a friend asks for an assignment its tough to leave someone in the cold liek that
man this guy really scrwed you over..
from the other posts seems like u got evidence to prove its yours.. but the problem is that u "cheated" by giving it to him
you said you dont do these kinds of things, but if your other "friends" are really your friends, get a group of them,
go up inside this kids dorm or anywhere alone and beat the @%%! out of him until he signs that he stole it.
otherwise theres going to be a decent chance you get royally *#*+@@ over by this mess
and i feel yadude iknow that pressure ya get when a friend asks for an assignment its tough to leave someone in the cold liek that
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Old folks are just too senile to get it..What he did was wrong, obviously, but if dude is telling him to "pick up his self esteem" how is that even necessary? 

Why else would you simply volunteer 80 hours of your blood, sweat, and tears?
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Old folks are just too senile to get it..What he did was wrong, obviously, but if dude is telling him to "pick up his self esteem" how is that even necessary? 

Why else would you simply volunteer 80 hours of your blood, sweat, and tears?
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Kids just don't get it. How is that being an "a-hole" when its the truth. If Brett never gave Iqbal anything for reference, he wouldn't be in this kind of situation. He could've handled it differently while protecting himself. Maybe tell him an excerpt of the paper before or after class, or email it in a more casual wording instead of allowing Iqbal to have a physical copy of his paper. OP took the L before he received the bigger L.

He's an "a-hole" because he's acting like the entire thing is Brett's fault, and he had it coming to him. I'm confused-- when did it become standard for a person trying to help a classmate out get screwed over? I understand if Brett said that the student asked for his work so that he could COPY him, but from the information we've gotten, that wasn't what the student said at all. For you to say, "Well, you had it coming" because Brett was being a decent human being, it's actually pretty disgusting. People that think like you are the reason that the world is full of scamming, lying, two-faced "opportunists." If a person is decent enough to trust someone else to do what they SAY they're going to do, then that person is obviously just an idiot who's asking to get himself screwed over, right? So why not just eff him over? Great mentality brah. LOL, and then Bud DARES to talk about ignorance... you literally make me sick.
You don't help a person out by handing them the ENTIRE work. That's just asking to get got.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Kids just don't get it. How is that being an "a-hole" when its the truth. If Brett never gave Iqbal anything for reference, he wouldn't be in this kind of situation. He could've handled it differently while protecting himself. Maybe tell him an excerpt of the paper before or after class, or email it in a more casual wording instead of allowing Iqbal to have a physical copy of his paper. OP took the L before he received the bigger L.

He's an "a-hole" because he's acting like the entire thing is Brett's fault, and he had it coming to him. I'm confused-- when did it become standard for a person trying to help a classmate out get screwed over? I understand if Brett said that the student asked for his work so that he could COPY him, but from the information we've gotten, that wasn't what the student said at all. For you to say, "Well, you had it coming" because Brett was being a decent human being, it's actually pretty disgusting. People that think like you are the reason that the world is full of scamming, lying, two-faced "opportunists." If a person is decent enough to trust someone else to do what they SAY they're going to do, then that person is obviously just an idiot who's asking to get himself screwed over, right? So why not just eff him over? Great mentality brah. LOL, and then Bud DARES to talk about ignorance... you literally make me sick.
You don't help a person out by handing them the ENTIRE work. That's just asking to get got.
man, you got me mad just reading thins

get the goons on him and make him sign that appeal paper.
Son, did I offend your honor or something. Don't call me or justify other people's scamming/cheating ways cause how I think. How you going to generalize that when I've done transactions with NTers worth more than your life.
Son, did I offend your honor or something. Don't call me or justify other people's scamming/cheating ways cause how I think. How you going to generalize that when I've done transactions with NTers worth more than your life.
Son would definitely feel the heat.

Talk to the dean and your professor and let them know what happened first. Print screen the emails you sent of your report with dates and if you happen to have any drafts of other dates take print screens of those also, then show to you have to show.

Then resort to violence.
Son would definitely feel the heat.

Talk to the dean and your professor and let them know what happened first. Print screen the emails you sent of your report with dates and if you happen to have any drafts of other dates take print screens of those also, then show to you have to show.

Then resort to violence.
Son, did I offend your honor or something. Don't call me or justify other people's scamming/cheating ways cause how I think. How you going to generalize that when I've done transactions with NTers worth more than your life.
Son, did I offend your honor or something. Don't call me or justify other people's scamming/cheating ways cause how I think. How you going to generalize that when I've done transactions with NTers worth more than your life.
I understand that Brett wanted to help his "friend" but what I don't understand is why he gave his "friend" a physical copy of his own work. Brett shouldn't try and shift responsibility when he is at fault as well. When people ask me for my help, I refuse to give them MY work and instead will offer to help guide them in the right direction. It's funny, calling Frank Mucus a "scamming, lying, two-faced "opportunists" when that is exactly what Iqbal did. Brett gave Iqbal the opportunity, and he then took that opportunity and scammed and lied about his project. But obviously, what Frank pointed out about protecting HIMSELF, is nothing more than acting like Iqbal.
I understand that Brett wanted to help his "friend" but what I don't understand is why he gave his "friend" a physical copy of his own work. Brett shouldn't try and shift responsibility when he is at fault as well. When people ask me for my help, I refuse to give them MY work and instead will offer to help guide them in the right direction. It's funny, calling Frank Mucus a "scamming, lying, two-faced "opportunists" when that is exactly what Iqbal did. Brett gave Iqbal the opportunity, and he then took that opportunity and scammed and lied about his project. But obviously, what Frank pointed out about protecting HIMSELF, is nothing more than acting like Iqbal.
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