NT help me out... final design project COPIED. VOL. College is no joke

Post all of his personal information on here please. I'm ready to go in.

My mom is a college professor, so I know that cheating can get you straight expelled. It just makes it THAT much worse that this dude is trying to bring you down with him. Honestly OP, as much as I really want to kill this guy for you, I also want to thank you for sharing your story, because this is some BS that I would get caught up in. I've let a couple people see my essays/projects already, and now there's no way in hell they're seeing anything of mine ever again. I really hope this works out for you man. Let's send him elephant poop or something.
Post all of his personal information on here please. I'm ready to go in.

My mom is a college professor, so I know that cheating can get you straight expelled. It just makes it THAT much worse that this dude is trying to bring you down with him. Honestly OP, as much as I really want to kill this guy for you, I also want to thank you for sharing your story, because this is some BS that I would get caught up in. I've let a couple people see my essays/projects already, and now there's no way in hell they're seeing anything of mine ever again. I really hope this works out for you man. Let's send him elephant poop or something.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Originally Posted by ConnorIsThatDude

That's a straight Scumbag Steve move. Not even cool.



idk how i would even handle this.. no way am i going down though
Originally Posted by Kramer

I would set up a meeting with said "friend" and the dean ASAP and get some answers out of him. You worked way too hard for that

record the entire conversation without him knowing it.  that should seal the deal.
Originally Posted by Kramer

I would set up a meeting with said "friend" and the dean ASAP and get some answers out of him. You worked way too hard for that

record the entire conversation without him knowing it.  that should seal the deal.
I understand why you did it, but you really #%%*$% up and most profs will still deem that as cheating. You should really consider not telling the truth about this situation, like say he flat out stole it from your computer or something.  
I understand why you did it, but you really #%%*$% up and most profs will still deem that as cheating. You should really consider not telling the truth about this situation, like say he flat out stole it from your computer or something.  
i think it will work itself out. just state your case to the dean and see what he says
i think it will work itself out. just state your case to the dean and see what he says
Happened to me on an Engineering Design project I had. My boy from my football team changed the name and a few phrases and it called it his. Instead of making a big ordeal. I simply took my lap top to my professor and should him the date it was originally created, and I also should him the email we had sent between each other. He called my boy into the office and asked to see the documents original date created. It all lined up with the emails. The professor actually gave me an "A" for the paper and also a pat on the back for not going crazy and making a big ordeal about it. My boy..the professor simply had him do it over again and he got like a "B", he explained that football was kicking his butt and he didnt have time and he admitted he was wrong. Try it man, the computer and email dont lie.  
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