NT how nice is your facebook profile picture?

Mar 10, 2011
Do you actually take the time to edit them and make it look nice?  Or is this a female thing

Because majority of girls on fb look like 10's there but at school, they just 7's at most.  Makes me wonder how I'd look if I had their editing abilities

Most guys in my school like to emphasize their clothes in the picture but never actually edit their faces. 
Shirtless by the mirror
friends show me pics they took of me
i pick which one i like
new FB default

maybe ill crop some things out but never thought about editing a pic what guy does that?
Just a quick pic of me taken by my family on Christmas. It's the only pic I have in my facebook album.

My previous profile pic before the one I have now was going strong for 3 years 
Im a chick & I admit to editing a few things on my profile picture, maybe mess with the brightness & contrast or enhance the photo quality but thats about it. I have both male and female friends who OD on editing...and I actually have friends who know im not too bad with PaintShop & ask me to change things about their pictures. I dont think there is anything wrong with editing a pimple or something out of a picture lets say, could be a great picture and you just had a bad skin day. 

My friend had a picture in stretchys and asked me to edit her camel toe out 
Originally Posted by gorjess

Im a chick & I admit to editing a few things on my profile picture, maybe mess with the brightness & contrast or enhance the photo quality but thats about it. I have both male and female friends who OD on editing...and I actually have friends who know im not too bad with PaintShop & ask me to change things about their pictures. I dont think there is anything wrong with editing a pimple or something out of a picture lets say, could be a great picture and you just had a bad skin day. 

My friend had a picture in stretchys and asked me to edit her camel toe out 

post camel toe or youze lyin'
completely untouched, I always
at people who airbrush the hell out of themselves or use the angles. Who are you fooling?
i could never respect a man who is so insecure with his image he had to edit his facebook photo
Nope could careless about facebook. I go on like once a month, I feel bad for the people who actually care about worthless things in life like that.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by gorjess

Im a chick & I admit to editing a few things on my profile picture, maybe mess with the brightness & contrast or enhance the photo quality but thats about it. I have both male and female friends who OD on editing...and I actually have friends who know im not too bad with PaintShop & ask me to change things about their pictures. I dont think there is anything wrong with editing a pimple or something out of a picture lets say, could be a great picture and you just had a bad skin day. 

My friend had a picture in stretchys and asked me to edit her camel toe out 

post camel toe or youze lyin'
For your LOL's : 

Do you guys think this type of editing would be wrong to do? I think there isn't anything wrong with it. Some editing can be misleading...this is just tweaking a good picture that something went wrong in.
Originally Posted by gorjess

Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by gorjess

Im a chick & I admit to editing a few things on my profile picture, maybe mess with the brightness & contrast or enhance the photo quality but thats about it. I have both male and female friends who OD on editing...and I actually have friends who know im not too bad with PaintShop & ask me to change things about their pictures. I dont think there is anything wrong with editing a pimple or something out of a picture lets say, could be a great picture and you just had a bad skin day. 

My friend had a picture in stretchys and asked me to edit her camel toe out 

post camel toe or youze lyin'
For your LOL's : 

Do you guys think this type of editing would be wrong to do? I think there isn't anything wrong with it. Some editing can be misleading...this is just tweaking a good picture that something went wrong in.

Wanna know how I know I'm gay? The only thing I noticed in that picture was homegirl's knees in the back!

Lookin' like somebody just wiped their booty hole on them thangzz!

EDIT: Just a heads up... be prepared for the corniest PMs
You just exposed yourself as the new chick on the block.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by gorjess

Originally Posted by Based Mod

post camel toe or youze lyin'
For your LOL's : 

Do you guys think this type of editing would be wrong to do? I think there isn't anything wrong with it. Some editing can be misleading...this is just tweaking a good picture that something went wrong in.

Wanna know how I know I'm gay? The only thing I noticed in that picture was homegirl's knees in the back!

Lookin' like somebody just wiped their booty hole on them thangzz!

EDIT: Just a heads up... be prepared for the corniest PMs
You just exposed yourself as the new chick on the block.

I didnt even notice that LMAO! 
Nothing beyond making it black and white. Editing never crossed my mind, but I'm strikingly attractive so there's really no reason for me to change it. A girl peeped my pic today and said I look high. I don't even smoke.
No editing but it is one of me at the races so I'm done up slightly more than I am on a normal day.

Natural >>>> makeup
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