Nt i just got assigned a "different kind of" roomate

Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Do gay guys want all guys like straight guys want all (or most) girls?? I've always wondered that.

I obviously don't know any gay guys.

Seems like you want to. For someone so homophobic you seem to be posting in this thread a lot..

From what I've posted, why do you think that I'm homophobic? Either you're calling me gay or calling me homophobic I don't get it. I'mactually interested. I have no problem with the gays.
Originally Posted by eaalto

This is what I imagine white people felt like when they got black roommates back when our society wasn't so integrated. Just for perspective.

Like you were part of the Little Rock 9. Drop the race nonsense.

My dad's San Francisco apartment roommate is gay, but is very formal with him. He is messy but is nice and drove him to the airport on 5 minutes notice.Don't hate on gays.
Seems like 80 percent of people on here are homophobic. OP just see how it turns out and you might like it. Just hope ur roommate doesn't try and get atyou
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Niketalk houses a very interesting breed of men. They're extremely homophobic but at the same time extremely narcissistic. They fear the unfamiliar and are repulsed by what they perceive to be "not normal" while at the same time believe themselves to be so attractive, to both men and women, that they could attract that kind of attention. Apparently Niketalk men are so desirable that homosexual men would be so infatuated with them, they'd go by any means to have sex with them, even after said Niketalk guy makes it clear to the gay dude that he's hetero.
I was about to post something very similar to this. It is laughable. You have people that exhibit the worst characteristics, yet think that evenin exhibiting this they are still the lust objects of anyone they come in contact with. Narcissism doesn't even begin to explain it. Even with this weirddisplay of repulsion they think that they'd be desired. I don't look at Christians and think they want to convert me to Christianity. I sincerely thinkthat the highlight of some of the people's life on here would be having the opportunity to turn down someone of the same sex. Like it would be some weirdinitiation to some hateful club where they brag about how they turned down some homosexual and how repulsive it was......when in all actuality it made theirhead (possibly both heads) swell. Most on here would do well to be desired by someone who doesn't exhibit the same amount of hate.
you'll be iight OP
not every gay guy is ballsy enough to smash another dude in his sleep

atleast i hope not...
I have a bisexual roommate right now. at first I was worried about their being issues. but we both sat down and discussed what can go on and what def cant goon. If your concerned about him bringing home some men, just give dude your # and tell him to shoot you a text in advance to maybe sleep at one of your ladyfriends house or whatever. but as of now, dude is mad legit, and like everyone is saying, Gay men bring a boat load of chicks around, and if your cool withyour roomie just ask him to ally-oop you some of these females for the slam dunk
I had a gay guy as my roommate for the first year of college, it wasn't too bad actually we kept to ourselves and kept it pretty neutral. Not sayinghe's a bad guy just that we didn't have much in common in terms of hobbies and interest.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Had a gay dude as a roommate last year. It was piff actually. Dude had a CONSTANT flow of females in our house , he always wanted to share his weed, and various other drugs, and he always had free wine on deck.

Stop acting like every gay dude wants you and accept it.

-The Juice

hes gay but he could bring a constant flow of females
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Your problem was looking him up on facebook.

Let the first impression be in person and not online.

Now you have all of these preconceived notions about dude and you have yet to meet him.
Exactly. I think it would be really messed up to try to get out of the room assignment now because of what you THINK might go down. Be adult aboutit, don't approach the situation like an immature child would.

while at the same time believe themselves to be so attractive, to both men and women, that they could attract that kind of attention.

QFT. I was going to say something similar, but you articulated this so much better than I could of. It's ridiculous that straight men get concerned whenthey will be around gay men because they falsely assume the gay man will be checking for them. Nuh uh. Sorry. That's almost never true.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Niketalk houses a very interesting breed of men. They're extremely homophobic but at the same time extremely narcissistic. They fear the unfamiliar and are repulsed by what they perceive to be "not normal" while at the same time believe themselves to be so attractive, to both men and women, that they could attract that kind of attention. Apparently Niketalk men are so desirable that homosexual men would be so infatuated with them, they'd go by any means to have sex with them, even after said Niketalk guy makes it clear to the gay dude that he's hetero.
I was about to post something very similar to this. It is laughable. You have people that exhibit the worst characteristics, yet think that even in exhibiting this they are still the lust objects of anyone they come in contact with. Narcissism doesn't even begin to explain it. Even with this weird display of repulsion they think that they'd be desired. I don't look at Christians and think they want to convert me to Christianity. I sincerely think that the highlight of some of the people's life on here would be having the opportunity to turn down someone of the same sex. Like it would be some weird initiation to some hateful club where they brag about how they turned down some homosexual and how repulsive it was......when in all actuality it made their head (possibly both heads) swell. Most on here would do well to be desired by someone who doesn't exhibit the same amount of hate.

This was allover the place.
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