Nt i just got assigned a "different kind of" roomate

Is flamin or a low key gay dude (
)? Then I'd look on his FB wall and see if he only has a bunch of comments from other gay dudes cuz if he does thenRIP...
I had a gay dude in my suite that went to my hs

funniest +$%! was, I'd always move in early and be playing rap music loud as +$%! during move ins as to offend the conservative white parents....

well, I get a knock on my door, open it up, its this kid, talkin bout some

"keenan, you live here too? GREAT. we gonna be like...best friends"

granted, he did have two dope chicks from our hs with him....

but I still moved out.....got an apt. and it was grand.
Originally Posted by AlanDutch

oh yea..I heard this story at a college where this dude had a gay roommate..and the straight dude woke up with anal pain and didnt know where it came from.he went to the doctor and the doctor said it most likely came from butt secks. So the straight dude searched the room and found a bottle of chloroform. he emptied it out and put water in it and in the middle of the night the gay roommate put a rag over the straight dudes face..needles to say gay dude caught a beat down

Cliffnote-Protect ya neck and ya bootyhole son

Your problem was looking him up on facebook.

Let the first impression be in person and not online.

Now you have all of these preconceived notions about dude and you have yet to meet him.
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Like he was the stereotypical gay black dude....talked with a major lisp ate chicken, was a performance band major loud, listened to Cher NWA....the whole nine. He was cool though, but I made it a point to kick it at my gf's room for the most part. And once I was in my room, I was in my room for the night--wasn't no way I was gonna walk outta my room and witness whatever was going on out there those people were doing.

I'll never forget when he showed up on that first day. I was just like....."DAMN you dark".

Somethin to think about.
thats nothin to think about. thats damn near me cept im lightskinned.

and for the record... if the guy is like the small gay guy from will and grace (the funny one)
you should have a hell of a time! that show be havin rollin when im off that purp. and i wanna
I wouldnt care if dude had some control over himself...no offense a lot of overtly gay flamboyant type dudes are annoying as !*$%
hahaha I have a gay roommate but we have 4 diff rooms and he is never there. So im straight. If you have to be in the same room you might be a gonner
Homosexual men always got the hottest girls to hang around with, being a suitemate with one not only wont hurt, it actually a super plus son! Id be his beststraight friend if im you .
Originally Posted by play2much2004

you sound like you're already uncomfortable with it, move out while you can...but you should at least meet him first and make sure

exactly, besides gay dudes usually surround themselves around females.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by AlanDutch

oh yea..I heard this story at a college where this dude had a gay roommate..and the straight dude woke up with anal pain and didnt know where it came from.he went to the doctor and the doctor said it most likely came from butt secks. So the straight dude searched the room and found a bottle of chloroform. he emptied it out and put water in it and in the middle of the night the gay roommate put a rag over the straight dudes face..needles to say gay dude caught a beat down

Cliffnote-Protect ya neck and ya bootyhole son


you know a little too much detail son.......???????/
Like others said, just pray that he has some good looking females and use that to your advantage. Make sure he puts you on.

I doubt he will bang another dude in the room while you are there. YEA it is his room too, but I am sure that the majority of them won't go out like that.I am sure he feels you are already looking at him with a watchful eye.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I dont have a problem with gay people. AT ALL. You jumping to conclutions.
Of course you dont. You live in the ATL.



S'all good though Katie.. My city > yours!

But seriously.. Can a man have preferences?!?!?
don't gay dudes usually have alot of female friends?

i say meet dude, if he isn't outrageous with it, then it might be a W..
My first year of school I lived in a on campus apt. It had 4 seperate rooms but when I first went a room was coverd with makeup etc an thought they made amistake. Guy shows up an hes the typical and i was like hmm ok. Ended up being pretty good constant flow of girls comin through he was friends with tons ofparties etc.
oh...dont listen to these immature responses. just sit down and talk with dude from jump. Explain to him that his lifestyle makes you uncomfortable and youguys should outline equal rules. If he cant smash neither should you be able too. if you cant deal with that talk to residence life and see if you can switch.but that is discrimination.
Originally Posted by Chicityk7

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by AlanDutch

oh yea..I heard this story at a college where this dude had a gay roommate..and the straight dude woke up with anal pain and didnt know where it came from.he went to the doctor and the doctor said it most likely came from butt secks. So the straight dude searched the room and found a bottle of chloroform. he emptied it out and put water in it and in the middle of the night the gay roommate put a rag over the straight dudes face..needles to say gay dude caught a beat down

Cliffnote-Protect ya neck and ya bootyhole son


you know a little too much detail son.......???????/
seeing that my bootyhole only stretches when I take dumps..nah..try again though
My roommate freshman year is gay. Everyone knew he was gay on our floor but he was in the closet. He was cool. Only hung out with girls. He never brought anyguys back to the room out of respect for me. Even my parents knew something was off about him when I moved in. We're still friends today but he is out andabout.
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