Nt I Need some Recommendations vol. Self Help Books

Nov 10, 2008
I've really started to notice myself becoming more of a procrastinator once I got to college. However it isn't just limited to school work, prettymuch anything that I don't really want to do I just keep brushing off until it comes back to bite me in the $%%.Which leads me to my question, do you guys have any good books or even methods for being more disciplined, motivated, self sufficient, etc?
Originally Posted by ComebackKid

I've really started to notice myself becoming more of a procrastinator once I got to college. However it isn't just limited to school work, pretty much anything that I don't really want to do I just keep brushing off until it comes back to bite me in the $%%. Which leads me to my question, do you guys have any good books or even methods for being more disciplined, motivated, self sufficient, etc?

4-hour work week by tim ferriss. thank me later.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by ComebackKid

I've really started to notice myself becoming more of a procrastinator once I got to college. However it isn't just limited to school work, pretty much anything that I don't really want to do I just keep brushing off until it comes back to bite me in the $%%. Which leads me to my question, do you guys have any good books or even methods for being more disciplined, motivated, self sufficient, etc?

4-hour work week by tim ferriss. thank me later.

book aint that great...
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

Originally Posted by ComebackKid

I've really started to notice myself becoming more of a procrastinator once I got to college. However it isn't just limited to school work, pretty much anything that I don't really want to do I just keep brushing off until it comes back to bite me in the $%%. Which leads me to my question, do you guys have any good books or even methods for being more disciplined, motivated, self sufficient, etc?

4-hour work week by tim ferriss. thank me later.

This I'm reading this book now and I can't put it down
Start with this.


Edit: NVMD, I just read your OP and it's not the type of book you're looking for. I'll leave it up since I think it's a great book anyways. youshould try...

You know I had the same issues and this book put a lot of things into perspective nice read.
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