NT: I need some relationship advice.

Sep 5, 2000
Was it something she never brought up when she spoke with you before or was did you just find out she was lying about it?
She got a donkey on her, but make her decide between you or the friend. Personally, i don't condone choosing relationships over good friendships, but inthis case she crossed the line by messing with him.

On the real though you should probably leave her if this relationship has been going on for more then 3+ months. If shes just telling you about that friend,then chances are shes been messing with him on the dl whole time.
Yea, I'm not for the whole "them or me" scenario either but at the same time the fact that they used to fool around compromises the situation.She obviously cares about him more than a "good friend" she just in denial. I say talk to her first and see where her head is at. But in the end itdoesn't look too good for u chief. Something like this almost happend to me when I was a lad but luckily for me she was an ex and I was just gettinbuckets.
First off don't go all crazy and jeopardize your situation, take a step back and try to review the time you've been with her and ask yourself if theiris anything at anytime that could've gone on while you both were together. She was wrong for just now admitting that her and her friend had messed around,but after 2+ years you have to know how your girl is and from that you can assess what you should do.

Just explain to her that your mad that she just now told you this info and make a decision that you want to make: either give her an ultimatum between you orher friend since it makes you uncomfortable, or let her know that it wasn't right and let it slide.
Hold....so you've been talkin' to this girl for 2 years.....she boned him 2 years ago [3 months before you two got together].......and you just foundout about this? So they've been cool this whole time, she was probably doin' stuff like goin' out and what not with this dood the whole time, andmore than likely, there's still somethin' between them.

I would talk to her about it, see what she tells you.

Did you know about this dood before you found out he boned your girl?
You LIVE with her?
Man, if there was somthing going on between these two, they would have been official long ago and you two would have never happened. You obviously are doingsomething right in life for the Lord to have blessed you with a woman that is horse from the waist down, so be grateful. I am not naive, but i am not insecure,either. If she didn't care about you, she wouldn't put you first. What you should really be concerned about is how this relationship with her makes youfeel. Are you growing ? Is she growing ? I messed around with alot of my female friends right before they got with their boyfriends and none of them havewanted to mess with me, they are loyal and trustworthy women that wanted to see what was up with me and then were like, "its okay, but not for me"and then got into a relationship with good men that take care of them. I hope that helps.
Originally Posted by dunkaruu

Man, if there was somthing going on between these two, they would have been official long ago and you two would have never happened. You obviously are doing something right in life for the Lord to have blessed you with a woman that is horse from the waist down, so be grateful. I am not naive, but i am not insecure, either. If she didn't care about you, she wouldn't put you first. What you should really be concerned about is how this relationship with her makes you feel. Are you growing ? Is she growing ? I messed around with alot of my female friends right before they got with their boyfriends and none of them have wanted to mess with me, they are loyal and trustworthy women that wanted to see what was up with me and then were like, "its okay, but not for me" and then got into a relationship with good men that take care of them. I hope that helps.
First of all,
at what I highlighted hahahahaha. Secondof all, it's possible she's puttin' OP first because of how naive he may be [not makin' any assumptions, just throwin' out a scenario] andshe takes advantage of that. Everyone exploits advantages they have somehow...when I say everyone I mean:

I don't know, but from the sound of the situation, she might be playin' you for a fool fam. Not sayin' she's still bonin' other dood, butsome feelings might still be there. Like I said before, talk with her about it. One hint of a mind game bein' played, regulate.
Honestly, if it was before you came into the picture, she's not outta pocket. What is outta pocket is if she's still on his richard and possibly+$%@%#+$.

Females and guy friends....its touchy but whenever I meet a female with plenty of guy friends (and the usual excuse, esp the finer they are, is "femalesare too catty, guys are chill"), more often than not....if you think somethings up, then it is. I usually don't care cuz I'm not trying to settledown, but if the chick doesn't seem to have too many female friends, I personally wouldn't wife her. Chicks like this fiend for male attention.Speaking from experiences of dating girls like this

It was before you but she shouldve at least told you if you knew dude. Once again, a classic example of telling you what you need to know. You live with herso....

Ps: he just moved up a notch...so whenever you f up, be prepared to kiss his kids when you kiss her.
You gotta understand she had a life before you my dude. I use to mess with my best female friend before her boyfriend and we still talk on the phone andsometimes chill and we NEVER do anything. The attraction really is not there anymore and we can be alone for hours and we not even think about doing anything.So I guess it decides on the person, hopefully your girl and this guy are on the same level as me and my friend, if so you have nothing to worry about. Just donot go crazy and start questioning if shes with him and what not, you will seem super insecure and possibly drive her away. Good luck
^ mag always going in..the nt reseident love doctor. But you should have a sit down with her...and see what she says.
Consult Chris Rock, hel tell you what's up. If you and her fall out, or have any problems shes gunna cry on his shoulder. And hes going to be like
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

You girl talks to dude on the phone AND kicks it with him? You're ok with that?

[color= rgb(204, 0, 0)]Co-sign....ifyour in a relationship i find it sorta wrong for the other partner to chill privately with a friend who is of the opposite sex...[/color]
cut that @@*% out. NOT allowed. unless like once every 3months. thats not cool. ask her if you can kick it with some ladies u use to mess with and see how seefeels.??? feel me. then u should know ur answer. make u choose a bad chick to kick it with to see if ya girl gets jealous or insecure. feel me.
honestly, it depends on a few things...
1. Are you close with the dude she hooked up with? If you are, then you should think he knows he shouldn't mess things up.
2. Has you're girl ever treated bad or cheated on you? Then you have to take every dude she chills with into consideration.
3. Does he like her? <- pretty self explanatory.
4. How does she ask to chill with him? If they insist they're not doing anything why don't you tag along, then you'll know what's going on.
honestly, it sounds kind of suspicious that u just found this out. Feels like she hidin some stuff from u. thats just me tho.
honestly, it sounds kind of suspicious that u just found this out. Feels like she hidin some stuff from u. thats just me tho.
That's grimey if you're just finding out now, if you weren't so deep in I'd say walk out but start working towards that, who knows what elseshe could be hiding. By the look of that backside she could be hiding 3-5 other dudes up in there right now.
Originally Posted by Dynasty Raider

That's grimey if you're just finding out now, if you weren't so deep in I'd say walk out but start working towards that, who knows what else she could be hiding. By the look of that backside she could be hiding 3-5 other dudes up in there right now.

Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

^ mag always going in..the nt reseident love doctor. But you should have a sit down with her...and see what she says.
seriously just sit down & calmly talk to her bout it. but if it was me i'd simply break up with her, after i talk to her bout it
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

You girl talks to dude on the phone AND kicks it with him? You're ok with that?

Man he probably thought nothing of it like a bunch of other dudes. If she has a man then why hang and chill with another one? This new breed of humans confuseme. If your girl chills with a guy 1 on 1 and your wondering why then everyone makes you out to be insecure and they say you don't trust her. Whateverhappened to being able to ask questions and wonder about peoples intentions? I'm telling y'all this new way of thinking makes me want to go crazysometimes because you some of you "new age thinkers" invite the next man in to share your pie.

I just don't get it. Thats like if your married or living with your girl and she is inviting other dudes over
. It better be a BBQ.

Oh OP is she just now telling you and no your not wrong for how you feel. If your not comfortable with their actions then speak up and hold your ground.
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