NT, I need your help! E-Book Readers Please Come In! Related to my MBA Program

Jun 24, 2005
This survey is for my analytical business research class and my group is creating a survey for a new business called ScrewPulp. Feel free to check them out if you would like, but its an e-book marketplace for authors to get their books published for free. What they are looking for are more readers. The more readers they get, the better.

So, this survey will seek your thoughts and opinions on the e-reading process and look for ways Screwpulp can enhance the e-reading experience. The survey is anoynmous and will be closed on November 29th. It should only take 4-5 minutes to complete.


This is for anyone who has read an e-book at some point in time. Also, we are looking to have at least 250 people to take the survey. So far, we have about 40.
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