NT I'm having a house party over the weekend...any suggestions?

iNviTe us, we'll be your bouncers
just tell whoevers coming that there responsible for whatever comes out their mouths and actions... and handle it with beatdowns if theres any disrespect toyour property or you.
make it BYOB (but still provide some drinks)

have a beerpong room

have a smoking room

invite dudes

invite girls, tell them to invite their girls, and for their girls to invite their girls
-Invite people you know. That's it.
-Lock all rooms that aren't used for the party.
-Get some of your boys to play the role of security.
-Tell your neighbors that you are throwing a party and it could get loud. I don't know what kind of neighbors you have but they might shut down the partyafter the first 15 minutes.
Thanks for all the replies so far everyone. I'm leaning towards just inviting people i personally know...besides NT of course. I'll PM anyone thatwants the address in a little bit haha.
Keys to having a legit party:
- hide all your prized possessions.
- have only one open bathroom. yeah the line will be long, but you can keep track of people
- also apply the the one above, try to keep it in as few rooms as possible
- if your charging to get in, make sure you have people watching all the possible entries
- have security if you have rougher type people coming.
- have a higher amount of women then men.
- plenty of drinks, and if you wanna charge have a bartender
- good music is a plus, i would say not to many slow jams it just kills the party
- have some reliable friends help you manage in case anything goes down. (i have been to parties where a sprinkler head broke.)
- have fun your self it is your party.
- and have some type of weapon if your not gonna have security.
Hire a cleaning person the day after. You don't want to clean. Probably run you 300$. I'd drop the dough.
-Post up the address
-Tell every female you know that you would smash about your party
-Tell NO dudes except 4 ya main dudes, others will hear about it will find out about it
Originally Posted by DatRealBalla12

-Post up the address
Chill. The police go hard especially when there's an address available. Only give the address to people that you know are coming and then theycould pass it along from there.

This isn't an underage party is it?
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