NT, im Mad and Hurt (really need advice)

Jan 3, 2008
Speed dial vers. for effectiveness: (please understand, i dont have pics,

1. I'm a Soph. in HS and i have a friend ( person A. female) i've known for a year now. she's really opened my eyes to things in the school.We're pritty close and we talk on a daily basis
2. This girl however has a BF, and he always doin some neglectful things to her. but she still tries to glue it together and try and be there for him.
3. she randomly text messaged me one day asking "can i go 2 the prom with you" (2yrs from now mind you) and i asked y? she said she needs somebodythere for her. then she said its either me or her bf
4. her best friend is also one of mine (Person B.), we keep a "whatever we say stays here" kinda thing, so i told her "i like her" (PersonB does not like Person A's BF) she told me "ask her how you 2 could be seen as"
5. i text message person A, and she said "she sees me like a brother, but maybe one day we could" so i had the real
face in my mind
6. she's crying now, her bf made her cry and she wants to end it.

the problem: im Mad because her BF treats her like dirt, I get the "friend zone" and i feel like that would'nt had happen if i was wit her.
im Hurt: i let my natural Male instincts of being there for somebody, catching feelings and then being in this position. I could move on,thats not so much as the problem, but imean i don't know what i want, or what i should do. NT help a brother please

My fault with the typos
he treats her like that b/c she lets him...not much you can do until she's ready to leave the situation with her bf...
^he's right...it's a two way street and she doesn't want to make a u-turn...just try to talk to other girls, you have to let go at this point,maybe she'll change her mind at one point (based on my experience they never do and will continue to get treated bad because of their blindness)
ayo, read over what you just typed because honestly that didn't make any sense.
2. This girl however has a BF, and he always doin some neglectful things to her. but she still tries to glue it together and try and bethere for her.
3. she randomly text messaged me one day asking "can i go 2 the prom with her"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Are you even reading what you're typing? I can't stand to readsomething that isn't even worded properly.. (if it was spelling, I'd let it slide but c'mon)[/color]
yeah you really can't be captain save the day for her. if she wants to stay in an unhealthy relationship thats on her. you really can't be mad atanyone but yourself for trying to slide in for the run and getting tagged out. I've been there..it sucks, but if yu show her that you have other options,and that you're not just waiting on her it will make things a lt better (trust me)
I realized just now how alot of these girl problems NT has is pretty much the exact same thing, as in they play the role of Trey Songs. I think it'stime for a sticky with a link to that Don Juan forum. But to the ts, don't worry about it, focus on Person B. you don't want this "Person Afemale" if she's stupid enough not to know when to leave.
It ain't that tough to understand.

- He has a female friend
- He's friend-zoned
- Female friend has a "mean" boyfriend
- Female friend asked him to go to prom on a platonic basis
- Had a conversation with a mutual friend about the situation, was encouraged to tell her how he felt
- Friend-zoned status was confirmed and verified

Now he doesn't know what to do.

My advice? Continue being her friend and support what she does, but move on and look for another female. It's not really that difficult.
yall are only in 10th grade...you think you're the one for her...she probably thinks her and her bf will be together forever...i PROMISE when you look backon this both of you will be like @*% was i thinking and just laugh it off...espcecially you...you probably don't believe me now but trust it willhappen...girl A just loves the attention...who ask someone to prom two years before when they have a bf?
man....screw all that. no one should have to settle for being a second option. save your self respect. that's what her man is for. he's her BF. thusit's her obligation. tell her "Why are you asking me....what your BF treated you like trash so you come to me?"

DONT be a second option.
currently in a similar situation. was there for a good friend of mine (girl). she going through some #@#+ right now, i talk to her and stuff. i mean, i wannabe her serious bf but i think im friend zoned so i just be there as a friend for her but get my @$@*% on the outside from other chicks. if she sees me as BFmaterial later down the road, im ready lol.
^ dude...me too...

but simply put...dont fall for no girl like that. you're an emotional tampon and bet if you try something, she'll back out cuz of her man...dont be asave a ho...cuz if a chick is with a loser, she WANTS to be...been there done that...
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

Speed dial vers. for effectiveness: (please understand, i dont have pics,

1. I'm a Soph. in HS and i have a friend ( person A. female) i've known for a year now. she's really opened my eyes to things in the school. We're pritty close and we talk on a daily basis
2. This girl however has a BF, and he always doin some neglectful things to her. but she still tries to glue it together and try and be there for him.
3. she randomly text messaged me one day asking "can i go 2 the prom with you" (2yrs from now mind you) and i asked y? she said she needs somebody there for her. then she said its either me or her bf
4. her best friend is also one of mine (Person B.), we keep a "whatever we say stays here" kinda thing, so i told her "i like her" (Person B does not like Person A's BF) she told me "ask her how you 2 could be seen as"
5. i text message person A, and she said "she sees me like a brother, but maybe one day we could" so i had the real
face in my mind
6. she's crying now, her bf made her cry and she wants to end it.

the problem: im Mad because her BF treats her like dirt, I get the "friend zone" and i feel like that would'nt had happen if i was wit her.
im Hurt: i let my natural Male instincts of being there for somebody, catching feelings and then being in this position. I could move on, thats not so much as the problem, but imean i don't know what i want, or what i should do. NT help a brother please

My fault with the typos

1. Never become friends with females you're attracted to 'cause that friendship never equals relationship next time keep it moving
2 . The wholebf thing seems like a cop out on you're part like you're justifying it
3. the whole txting thing seems like a ploy to make her bf mad and gain leverage in the relationship while toying with you
4. Another cop out on you're part YOU knew Person B was going to tell her what you said regardless of what you type here
5. Again she's toying with you using you as her emotional tampon and worse you're letting her and justifying it to your self
6 . who cares what her bf does or doesn't do plain and simple, he's a jerk that messes with her emotions because that's exactly what she likes ...while she does the same exact thing to you ..think about it and u'll see that she does

Basically let me break this down for you think of your best guy friend you know that one bud that rubbed his crouch and made you smell his fingers, now thinkabout the worst thing that ever happened to you, you know that one girl that you liked but made her friend tell her and then got butt hurt in the end ... wouldyou tell him what happened and how sad it made you NO cause all he's gonna do is clown you .... while instead you got a girl you kinda like you guys arebuds all you tell her all this top secret emotional crap like how that one kinda gay scene made you cry abit and instead of clowning on you as you deserves shegoes all aughhh and then you start liking her ... but let's hold on a sec..... NO she doesn't do that 'cause she likes you she does that cause youguys just became tampon buds ... while on the other hand the jerk bud that you have that always clowns on you is the own that she falls for

LONG Story short move on or helll cry .. write a song and show her the bad%#* dude you really are ... either way she's doing the same exact thing her bfdoes too her too you and unless you put a stop to it you have zero chance with her ... like other dude said give the Don Juan board a visit it has a classicpost on this ...... and i've been in you're situation in h.s. sometimes you gotta learn the hard way
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