NT I'M SHOOOOK vol. Wisdom teeth

Nov 21, 2006
Tomorrow I have to get them removed and I have to get put out for it. I've never been knocked out before I got crazy anxiety as I type I think I'mgonna have a panic attack at the spot lol I had a lower one already yanked out at health clinic and that didnt bother me but this whole being knocked out partis scarrrry as #$% to me
Don't worry dude. Trust me it's better than getting them pulled with nothing to cut the pain. I've done the one with nothing and a pair ofsterilized pliers (I was in Iraq and it's the best they could do to get an infected wisdom tooth out) and trust me anything is better than that.
No offense dude...but that is just p___y $$+% to me. You're going to be given plenty of anesthetics anyway. I've had all of my wisdom teeth extractedand it's pretty much a painless operation. Man up...
Painless? Really? I cant comment on it because mine are in my mouth messin up my other teeth while i type this. BUT, painless is not exactly what i have heardabout the procedure.
Youll be ok
The procedure itself won't hurt at all bro...and if your mouth hurts the day after you can call up your dentist and he will give you pain pills like vicsor percs....milk that dentist for all the pain pills you can get.....
Dont really hurt just a little throbbing the day after i had mine done all but one it is upside down inside my gums serious thought i was a freak but iguess that and sideways wisdoms are common it just happens...
My dentist said I gotta get mine taken out sometime soon. I dont think I do, but whatever I'm not sweating it. And you can be damn sure I'm gonna beput out for that operation. I just hope I can get some pain pills before my mouth starts killing me the next day.
one of my wisdom is coming in straight and my dentist said i could hold off on it
oddly, i dont have any coming out on the bottom
he basically told me that i didnt need to take it out just yet...
I understand you though, hate the idea of being knocked out while some procedure is being done. I want to know exactly what is going on. But it is fairlyroutine and all scary stories aside I'm sure you'll be fine. When its over you can guarantee that you'll never have to go through it again...unlessthey don't remove all your wisdom teeth.
You'll be ok.

From my experience, the hard part is to relieve the pain and bleeding with gauze and ice, take painkillers, and be on liquids for several days.
It's not that bad. They will hurt after the local anesthetic wears off, but if you have decent painkillers you'll be fine after that. The worst part iswaiting for them to heal because of the eating and cleaning problems, but in the end you'll be glad you got them out...
I had them removed when I was 16 it didn't hurt at all. They gave me laughing gas and local anesthesia. I woke up laughing

Mine hadn't even broken the gum line yet so they had to be scooped out. if that helps
dude, they will numb the crap out of your mouth you wont feel a thing. i just had one of mine taken out saturday morning
the only thing you have to worry about is the bleeding thats going to happen, you will bleed all day, but don't let that prevent you from eating.
chill out homey...they put the mask on you, you'll be out ASAP...then you'll wake up your mouth stuffed and ready to leave and go home and sleep itoff. it's no big thing at all.
Got mine all removed at once. Tell em n2o (nitrous) is your friend. I love that stuff. I got knocked out for mine and didn't feel a thing. it was kindasore the next few days but nothin advil didnt fix. Kept all my pain pills for a really good weekend
I got mine pulled about a month ago... it sucks... you wont remember the actual surgery...
but you'll remember the pain... the pain killers helped but they make your breath EXTRA FOUL...
and your jaws will be swollen for about a week...
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