NT I'M SHOOOOK vol. Wisdom teeth

i had mine removed at 19.... had laughing gas... i dont remember feeling anything, but woke up with a LOT of blood spillin out the side of my mouth

prepared to not eat anything for at least 2 days... and dont flick the wound with the tip of your tongue or it'll bound to get infected.
Well surgery went fine now I got chipmunk cheeks it wasnt bad bein under it feel good i'd do it again just for this feeling its like im drunk as #$% butstill know what im doin lol
Tell your dentist you want to be awake for the procedure. You do have an option. He'll just give you about 10 shots in ur mouth to numb you up. Does nothurt. Trust me. Wont feel the other shots after the first one. Vicodin does the trick later on.
Originally Posted by Tracy1McGrady

i think i need to get mine pulled out soon
Originally Posted by TCERDA

Tell your dentist you want to be awake for the procedure. You do have an option. He'll just give you about 10 shots in ur mouth to numb you up. Does not hurt. Trust me. Wont feel the other shots after the first one. Vicodin does the trick later on.

Damn! When I got my teeth pulled, I wanted to be put out. I have a fake front tooth and I've had so many lidocaine/novacaine shots it ain't even funny.Those things hurt like a +%+$@! I couldn't imagine getting more than 2 of them at a time.

To the OP, no worries, you'll be fine. If you don't want to go to sleep, you don't have to, but I would recommend it. Whatever you do, don'tpanic, you'll be fine.
i was fully awake when they took mine out, it was infected so while they were pulling it out, it broke into pieces and the orthodontist had to take it outpiece by piece
Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

No offense dude...but that is just p___y $$+% to me. You're going to be given plenty of anesthetics anyway. I've had all of my wisdom teeth extracted and it's pretty much a painless operation. Man up...

I got mine taken out over the summer and I was knocked out. Didn't feel much pain after that, mouth just bleed for a couple days and I couldn't eatsolid foods for a while. I didn't even take any of my vicodins.
OP, you should just get knocked out. I got my wisdom teeth pulled out without getting knocked out and it wasn't a really pleasant experience
. I got abunch of shots in my mouth and you could hear/watch the crunching, grinding, and pulling while they take it out.
i had all four of mine pulled out
. the toughest part was not being able to eat before it so when they came with the needles

OOO WEEE seemed like i was havin a seizure, on top of that it took four tries to get the needle in me. after that i was drugged up and fine.

minus the kanye west cheek buldge for a few weeks.
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