Nt Lets Talk Post Count

Originally Posted by northparkblind

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

That's because people with higher post counts know how things work on this board.


People with high post counts usually are the older NT'ers.

They know how NT works around here.

See...Perfect example.
There's a dude who's been here since 2001 or 2002 with less than 500 posts

Had me like
when I first saw it.
I certainly make a point of scanning threadstarters names when i see a bunch of boring titles - if it's somebody I know/like/hate I will usually open it upjust to see what they're up to. If it's a name I don't recognize, and it's a mediocre sounding topic to me, I will probably just not enter it.

So it's more of a name recognition thing than a post count - i couldn't tell you who's count is at what to be honest with you.. i just know somenames, and the ones I don't, they all get treated equally less exclusive
well, kidding on that last part. But the rest is true.

Post count means nothing really - most people with low ones are just banned members back to raise havoc, and most people with high ones are usually above allthe weird posts on here that go on forever in general thread, and really don't tend to post THAT much anymore.

I think my average over 8+ years here is still like 5 posts per day. Not exactly a ton.
Not true.

There are plenty of cats on here who have more posts than Meth and son get quoted more than the Bible.
post counts on her are CRAZY compared to other boards..

elsewhere the mods and admins have like 2000 post MAX

i think dirty has like 45k
I have like a medium post count and still get flamed like anyone else would.

New dudes do be making some strange/odd/dumb posts though.

But post count shouldn't determine the response they get.
Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by ccb21040

i been on NT since e-z board (not under this SN) and i noticed a lot of things pertaining to post count. i noticed that NTers with a higher post count get quoted more often and there threads get WAY more replies. the Nters with lower post count get no kinda respect at all
. like in a thread dudes will be like "shut the hell up noob" or just treating all the noobs like *%%# just cuz of there post count. so my fellow NTers i ask does post count determine your "status" on NT??? just wondering outta curiousity

shut up noob you have 120 posts noob

i swear in every thread there is always one! if you would read the first sentence of the post you would understand im not a noob im just under a new SN. butim not about to go back and forth cuz i definitely am not trying to get banned again
Originally Posted by ccb21040

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by ccb21040

i been on NT since e-z board (not under this SN) and i noticed a lot of things pertaining to post count. i noticed that NTers with a higher post count get quoted more often and there threads get WAY more replies. the Nters with lower post count get no kinda respect at all
. like in a thread dudes will be like "shut the hell up noob" or just treating all the noobs like *%%# just cuz of there post count. so my fellow NTers i ask does post count determine your "status" on NT??? just wondering outta curiousity

shut up noob you have 120 posts noob

i swear in every thread there is always one! if you would read the first sentence of the post you would understand im not a noob im just under a new SN. but im not about to go back and forth cuz i definitely am not trying to get banned again
Went right over your head huh... noob...
Originally Posted by ccb21040

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by ccb21040

i been on NT since e-z board (not under this SN) and i noticed a lot of things pertaining to post count. i noticed that NTers with a higher post count get quoted more often and there threads get WAY more replies. the Nters with lower post count get no kinda respect at all
. like in a thread dudes will be like "shut the hell up noob" or just treating all the noobs like *%%# just cuz of there post count. so my fellow NTers i ask does post count determine your "status" on NT??? just wondering outta curiousity

shut up noob you have 120 posts noob

i swear in every thread there is always one! if you would read the first sentence of the post you would understand im not a noob im just under a new SN. but im not about to go back and forth cuz i definitely am not trying to get banned again
actually, it surprises how there are those sn's that have been on for a shorter amount of time and have as many (or more) posts as/than me (consideringthat this sn has been active since 2002)

so in my opinion, like stated before, it's really based on the quality of the posts rather than the quantity.
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by ccb21040

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by ccb21040

i been on NT since e-z board (not under this SN) and i noticed a lot of things pertaining to post count. i noticed that NTers with a higher post count get quoted more often and there threads get WAY more replies. the Nters with lower post count get no kinda respect at all
. like in a thread dudes will be like "shut the hell up noob" or just treating all the noobs like *%%# just cuz of there post count. so my fellow NTers i ask does post count determine your "status" on NT??? just wondering outta curiousity

shut up noob you have 120 posts noob

i swear in every thread there is always one! if you would read the first sentence of the post you would understand im not a noob im just under a new SN. but im not about to go back and forth cuz i definitely am not trying to get banned again
Went right over your head huh... noob...

not gonna lie it did
. just thought ol' boy was tryin' to get aquick laugh to boost his "e-fame" like so many other NTers
It's funny how some think cuz your new to NT that your new to life lol. But gotta say alot of noobs do make stupid threads sometimes..
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