NT, Most addictive video games ?

Aug 1, 2008
Yo NT,
Me and my boys were having this disscussion the other day. What video game for you has been the most addictive and you have played the most?

My list would be.
The old gameboy pokemon games
Tony Hawks 1

vice City and S.A
Age of empires 2 .
I swear I beat Poke'mon Blue 20+ times

San Andreas was crack

And me and cousin would always go at it on Tony Hawk 1-6
World of Warcraft. I don't play it, but I've seen friends drop out of college and break up with gf's over this game. This game is worse than crackrocks.
San Andreas most def
Metal Gear Solids for me
Call Of Duty 4
Smash Bros, and Brawl
Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
OG Star Fox
GTA FTW, all the different ones took up a great amount of my time when first released.
super ninento: super mario world, street fighter, ninja turtles, and paper boy
playstation: raiden project, gta2, final fantasy vii & viii
PC: starcraft & counterstrike 1.5 & 1.6
nba 2k9. it frustrates the hell out of pple (online gameplay), but ull still keep coming back.
WoW... dude i live wit only comes outta his room to eat or go to class... other than that he's playin that game to no end
Halo 3, GOW2, COD4, Left 4 Dead
Old pokemon (Blue version
San Andreas had me playin for a week straight when it came out til i beat it
The Legend Of Zelda
Every GTA
Bond for N64
Need For Speed Underground(Ps2)

Currently I can't stop playing Nhl 09 for Ps3. Anyone else play?
Word Word Fable 2 was crack, i must of played 50+ hours. 2k9 also frustrates me, but i always go back haha.

I would never touch WOW
Originally Posted by odog4eva

World of Warcraft. I don't play it, but I've seen friends drop out of college and break up with gf's over this game. This game is worse than crack rocks.

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