NT Networking/What do you do for a living Thread

Jan 3, 2008
Lets get started simply...

What do you do for a living or what are you in school for?

Major: Neuroscience and Behaviorial Biology (single major)

Career: To be come a Radiologist.

Major: Psych
Career: To become some sort of Psychiatrist
Job as of now: Starbucks barista, hopefully a shift supervisor after this month
Major: Civil Engineering
Career: It's too early to tell, but I like water resource design
Job: full-time student. I need some internships
Major: Composite Business Education
Career: Upper Level Management At Smith's Food & Drug (Plan A)
High School Marketing Teacher (Plan B)

Job as of now: Lower Management at Smith's
Major: Civil Engieneer
Career: To help build rec centers and schools around nyc
Current Job: A union headquarters in Manhattam
Major: Computer Information Systems
Career: Something with computers, not sure what though..
Current Job: Full Time student.. I wish i had a job though
Major: Graphic Design/Illustration
Career: Character Design or something in advertising.
Job: None, living off of checking/savings account and financial aid from last semester.
Originally Posted by NationalTruckerDave

Major: Computer Information Systems
Career: Something with computers, not sure what though..
Current Job: Full Time student.. I wish i had a job though

This reminds me of Steve Harvey Roasting that dude in the crowd on "The Original Kings of Comedy"
Major: Business Marketing/Accounting (haven't decided, not both)
Career: Entertainment agent or FBI/CIA Agent
Current job: Full time student.
Major: Marketing
Career: Something in Advertising
Current Job: Production
Major: Anthropology & Philosophy
Career Goal: Academic Anthropologist( Professor )
Current: Work Study/ Full time student
Current: Student/ Part-time worker
Major: Management with Marketing Concentration
Career Goal:Own a business
after i get my a+, network+ and security+ certs in the spring, i'm goin back to school in the fall to go after that Computer Science degree
but right now.. i'm not doing a damn thing.
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

after i get my a+, network+ and security+ certs in the spring, i'm goin back to school in the fall to go after that Computer Science degree
but right now.. i'm not doing a damn thing.

just got my a+ and mcse certifications a few months back. going back to school for spring semester after taking almost a year off.

also haven't been doing a damn thing cept working part time.
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