NT, please pray for my sister

Feb 24, 2008
So no less than a month ago I found out that a family friend of mine was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer,
i've known her for almost 8 years of my life and she has literally been my other big sister. She treats me like
any other older sister would. She didn't find out that she had colon cancer until it was too late and now it has spread to
too many major organs in her body. She only has 6-12 months to live under chemo, so i would like to ask NT,
if it's too much to ask, but to pray for her and wish her the best.

that's the article of her in our college newspaper, i attend the same college as her also.
shes in my prayers dude. she'll be ok.


I'll keep her in my prayers fam, hope she can get well man. It's never too late to get help so get as much as help you can.. hope she'll pullthrough.
gotchu man, and your a local....sorry to hear that man def stay in my prayers and hope for the best
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