NT Poll how many of you actually believe you can become a billionaire?

Unless I marry someone that rich, it won't happen.
I believe I can do it. I have the resources to try and achieve it, too. I just need time. I'm 25, btw.

1 mil should be everybody's goal, though. It is a very attainable and reasonable figure.
Do you guys know how much money a billion dollars actually is?

I'm not even trying to clown or put down your aspirations and I admire your high goals, but come on.

Even considering a billion in 50 years won't be as much as it will be now, it's still a HUGE number and isn't exactly a common feat met in today's society. You guys think you're going to be worth over 999 MILLION DOLLARS?
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

What does age matter though? You can be 70 and make your 1st billion
It's not like that it's more of a guide to see what different age groups thought their chances where.
i'll be happy making 6 figures, forget all this millionaire and billionaire talk

Living below your means FTW 
haha, it's NT so I know most of you cats out there are lying about how you "will" become a millionaire.

Me? Unlikely and I'm 23
Take into account that for this generation, you need to make at least 5 mill to be considered lower middle class due to inflation and all that. IMO someone (typical American) who hustles his hardest can reach the 8-10 mill reasonably. Anything beyond that you need to be either a celebrity or founder of a company or business. If you're talking about becoming a billionaire, then you need to invent a new Google or Johnson Johnson.
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