NT, Real Talk - How Do You Feel About Gays?

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

nothing. but the bullchicks...kinda scare me. especially in the dc area. they look rougher than some of these dudes here.

I aint gon lie these broads do get me kind of tight. Its like they over compenste for not being born a man.
Make me want to swang my joint in their face.
Originally Posted by Diego

Side Note: Dudes that think ghey dudes are ok as long as they dont hit on them are extra full of themselves for no reason. Does every straight girl hit on you? If not, then chances are you dont have to worry.
People act like every gay guy is constantly hitting on straight men 24 hours a day. If it happens, tell them you're not gay and move on.

As far as homosexuals go, let them be happy. Who am I to judge a relationship between two consenting adults, if they want to be together, more power to them
The glorification of homosexuality in the media is
i live with one, and sometimes they take that %$$* too far. he's an activist, so hes really into gay rights and stuff, being free about his gayness. its all fun and games till i have to hear him talking to his girl friend about sucking some dude off. its like they flaunt it, its just disturbing to hear it. the gay friends he brings over are rude and snappy, cook massive amounts of weird vegan food and NEVER clean up. some homosexuals feel superiority and act like society owes them something because theyre generally frowned upon. my boss is also gay, and he talks like a female and wears lip gloss on the job. not professional at all on the lip gloss tip, i really dont have a problem with it...but id rather they kept all that private stuff private. they deserve rights just as every other human does...
i live with one, and sometimes they take that %$$* too far. he's an activist, so hes really into gay rights and stuff, being free about his gayness. its all fun and games till i have to hear him talking to his girl friend about sucking some dude off. its like they flaunt it, its just disturbing to hear it. the gay friends he brings over are rude and snappy, cook massive amounts of weird vegan food and NEVER clean up. some homosexuals feel superiority and act like society owes them something because theyre generally frowned upon. my boss is also gay, and he talks like a female and wears lip gloss on the job. not professional at all on the lip gloss tip, i really dont have a problem with it...but id rather they kept all that private stuff private. they deserve rights just as every other human does...
Most gays I don't have a problem with.

BUT... I absolutely have a problem with the gender artists.
Men who dress up like women or even the post op men, who go out and try to trick guys into having sex with them. (applies to women who do this as well)

That is WRONG.
If you are going to be gay. Be gay. But don'y try to trick us straight guys into being gay with you.
Most gays I don't have a problem with.

BUT... I absolutely have a problem with the gender artists.
Men who dress up like women or even the post op men, who go out and try to trick guys into having sex with them. (applies to women who do this as well)

That is WRONG.
If you are going to be gay. Be gay. But don'y try to trick us straight guys into being gay with you.
I only have a issue with the gay dudes that become not so obvious trannies like sidney star.Lol @ myself for wearing purple today, i completely forgot till i checked fb.
I only have a issue with the gay dudes that become not so obvious trannies like sidney star.Lol @ myself for wearing purple today, i completely forgot till i checked fb.
Originally Posted by bns1201

its all fun and games till i have to hear him talking to his girl friend about sucking some dude off.

Now that's a little TOO much right there.

Originally Posted by bns1201

its all fun and games till i have to hear him talking to his girl friend about sucking some dude off.

Now that's a little TOO much right there.

No problem w/ Homosexuality as a whole, and I honestly mean that. I just fear we're losing grip of gender roles in society today. There are various reasons one would choose to be gay in our day in age, but I think that there are a little too much guys and girls swinging to homosexuality for the wrong reasons. Very tough to state, because who am I to judge one's reason for homosexuality?

...However, from my observations, there is always one prevailing variable among young women and men who choose to turn that route today; Guys - a lack of a strong father figure within the house-hold, Ladies - a lack of self-esteem. I think society place such a high standard on men being strong, independent, and suppressing emotion that the requirements may seem insurmountable to sustain. Its almost as, if you're not an Alpha in social settings you're either highly feminine, or display a lot of Beta characteristics (or simpish traits, as we know it). Likewise with Women, its almost as if you're beautiful, or you're not, and society will consistently remind you if you're not.

...Just my thoughts.
No problem w/ Homosexuality as a whole, and I honestly mean that. I just fear we're losing grip of gender roles in society today. There are various reasons one would choose to be gay in our day in age, but I think that there are a little too much guys and girls swinging to homosexuality for the wrong reasons. Very tough to state, because who am I to judge one's reason for homosexuality?

...However, from my observations, there is always one prevailing variable among young women and men who choose to turn that route today; Guys - a lack of a strong father figure within the house-hold, Ladies - a lack of self-esteem. I think society place such a high standard on men being strong, independent, and suppressing emotion that the requirements may seem insurmountable to sustain. Its almost as, if you're not an Alpha in social settings you're either highly feminine, or display a lot of Beta characteristics (or simpish traits, as we know it). Likewise with Women, its almost as if you're beautiful, or you're not, and society will consistently remind you if you're not.

...Just my thoughts.
bns1201 wrote: the gay friends he brings over are rude and snappy, cook massive amounts of weird vegan food and NEVER clean up.

you know this doesn't have anything to do with them being gay right?
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