NT recommend me a book

May 27, 2009
I'm in a point in my life where I need some inspiration towards my education, future, and life.

I know its very vague, but I feel like I got a lot of time to spare coming up, and I want to be productive with it by expanding my mind by gaining

some knowledge through reading.

So NT, recommend me a book...
I'm sure a lot of people here would agree that Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist fits your needs perfectly. Hopefully it'll help you focus on the path aheadof you.
Originally Posted by ikari XD

I'm sure a lot of people here would agree that Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist fits your needs perfectly. Hopefully it'll help you focus on the path ahead of you.
This is the perfect book for your situation. It breathed energy into my soul.

or my personal favorite . . .

Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Originally Posted by ikari XD

I'm sure a lot of people here would agree that Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist fits your needs perfectly. Hopefully it'll help you focus on the path ahead of you.
This is the perfect book for your situation. It breathed energy into my soul.
damn thats deep man
Outliers - by Malcolm Gladwell
-Great book about success
-I started with this one earlier this year and it has inspired me in many of the same ways you are searching for.

48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
-Interesting breakdown of power and its universal structure
-Has some fascinating historical anecdotes

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
-A very "classic" book in the sense that it was written years ago. Still has great (often overlooked) tips on interpersonal communication.

The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
-Warren Buffet says its the best book on investing ever written.

Hope those help.
Originally Posted by BaBaller

Outliers - by Malcolm Gladwell -Great book about success -I started with this one earlier this year and it has inspired me in many of the same ways you are searching for. 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene -Interesting breakdown of power and its universal structure -Has some fascinating historical anecdotes How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie -A very "classic" book in the sense that it was written years ago. Still has great (often overlooked) tips on interpersonal communication. The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham -Warren Buffet says its the best book on investing ever written. Hope those help.
i really liked outliers. it gave me motivation in a sense that it gave me an idea of how much work needs to be put in to really succeed. it takesapprox. 10000 hours to really master something. from bill gates sneaking out of his parents house to program all the way to the beatles getting gigs atvarious clubs.
Originally Posted by BaBaller

Outliers - by Malcolm Gladwell

48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene

-Interesting breakdown of power and its universal structure

-Has some fascinating historical anecdotes

Hope those help.

I was going to say this book, because i have to get around to reading it also. I asked a similar question to someone last week and she recommended me thisbook.
Originally Posted by BaBaller

48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
-Interesting breakdown of power and its universal structure
-Has some fascinating historical anecdotes
Currently reading this.
Game : Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists by Neil Strauss

Yes it's about pickup artists. However, there is a moral to the book which shows you just how shallow that kind of lifestyle is. It really is a selfimprovement book at the end.
Originally Posted by BaBaller

Outliers - by Malcolm Gladwell
-Great book about success
-I started with this one earlier this year and it has inspired me in many of the same ways you are searching for.

48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
-Interesting breakdown of power and its universal structure
-Has some fascinating historical anecdotes

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
-A very "classic" book in the sense that it was written years ago. Still has great (often overlooked) tips on interpersonal communication.

The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
-Warren Buffet says its the best book on investing ever written.

Hope those help.
great post.
still havent read Outliers but really enjoyed Tipping Point.

Im coppin Outliers tonight.
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