NT school me on HOWARD UNIVERSITY vol.pun intended??


Jan 14, 2008
get it?school-howard..get it?forgetit

Anyways, I wanna know alot of stuff about this school
I read up on all the info on college websites but i wanna hear sum real human input
I wanna know the pros and cons
how are the professors
social life
surrounding areas
Is there parties poppin, is there alot of fun stuff to do on campus

Trynna major in the Business area: business management/accounting/marketing excetra excetra
and i herd mad females are in the business major??
and excactly what kind of jobs/ careers would be available to me with a business major/majors stated above
Good lookin out

and what is a good GPA/SAT score to be accepted into the school
are extracurricular activities a big part they look at wen there accepting or considering acceping you??
its the "Mecca" of HBCUs

if your not at the AUC or Howard, then you aint spit! but those are the best HBCUs since they are in Cities and not the country like the others usually are, soyou can have fun socially and get a good education
o iight
does anyone here on NT go to Howard or knows any1 that goes there??
how do yall fel about it?
I don't think NT is your best bet to try to get information on one specific university. Its unlikely that there are a lot of students from any particularcollege on this message board. This is some general information.http://collegesearch.collegeboard.com/search/CollegeDetail.jsp?collegeId=789&type=qfs&skey=Howard This is information on grades and SAT scores and howyou compare. http://collegesearch.collegeboard.com/academictracker/servlet/ACTServlet?pg=2&collegeId=789 They have a really wide range of SAT scores sothats good. But you're transferring right? So I doubt they're gonna care about your SAT scores from High School. I'm sure you'll have noproblem transferring if you finish your first year of college with a fairly good GPA.

edit: Sorry. I didn't really read your orginial post. I kinda just jumped into it.



Thats more of the kind of stuff you were looking for.
i've been on their campus. it seemed pretty chill i will tell you this tho...the chix out there
Yeah you can transfer into Howard...
I don't know if its easy to get in... Its a pretty good school though, so if your coming straight outta college I would think you would need somethinggoing for yourself... Its almost always easier to transfer.. If you aren't doing extracurriculars then atleast have had a part time job...
I know there Homecoming is crazy... and i know the surrounding area can get kinda hood, DC can get rough... But alotta schools suffer from that.. Its neverbeen anything too major, cause IMO if you want to, you can sink into your own world on campus, and not need much else from the city... They have a prettyserious Greek life, with a few Alpha chapters there... (shout out to APA Beta Chapter 1906)
I suggest you visit if you can... The cats that attend Howard have a feel about them, but i guess the cats in the AUC do too...

Me... I went to a school in the AUC... Clark Atlanta University
.... there can be noAUC, without CAU...
Yo congrats on looking into school and checking out HBCUs while your at it... Good luck bro...
thx for yall help
im not transferring tho
comin fresh outta high school with a 83 average my junior year
Any other infos
Academics are blah. Socially, its like walking into a rap video. The shorties are bangin and materialistic, dudes tryin to thug it. Its not hard to getinto...at all, but it has a decent job outlook since any company wanting to up there black quota will head there.

Overall...I'd advise against it. If you black you're just getting more of the same nonsense you see on the block, and college is suppose to be a newexperience.
i also heard that its a "Fashion show"
So im guessin theres alot of flashy ppl there??
and how is the weather in DC?? is it similar to NYC weather
Academics are blah. Socially, its like walking into a rap video. The shorties are bangin and materialistic, dudes tryin to thug it. Its not hard to get into...at all, but it has a decent job outlook since any company wanting to up there black quota will head there.

Overall...I'd advise against it. If you black you're just getting more of the same nonsense you see on the block, and college is suppose to be a new experience.

Being honest... this is all unfair..... I know alot of people from Howard... Your gonna have fun, meet a diverse group of people, experience alot of new things, be in a new environment, meet celebrities and goto concerts, raise your understanding of yourself and society in general, AND get a good education.

i also heard that its a "Fashion show"
Howard is a pretty fashionable place... But our promenade was too... you'll grow to love it, or ignore it... stuff like that is only as important as you make it... Howard has a Crazy alumni list... alot of great people went to Howard, they have a good law school and business school...
Still, uhmm check out the AUC too.. lol

I know alot of people from Howard too, and they pretty much cosign with that summary of the school. Well you gotta do you fam, but I'd advise against it.
Hows the food???
and the females?
is 82 avareage in H.S a good start?
you should put this in the DC/MD/VA forum...you'll probably get alot of help in there...
Everybody I know who goes to Howard enjoys it. Of course there are those times when you ask why are you here, but I think that goes for every school.
i go to howard and honestly, I love it here. 82 average and a good essay will prolly get you in. Females are gorgeous, and have completely raised my standardsin women. Food in the caf is pretty bad to be honest but it has its good moments (ie soul food thursday, theres also a dj in the caf every thursday night). Ifyou're in the school of business YOU WILL love it. The buildings like an airport. I'm in the school of architecture are building is
so i'm hella jealous. DC weather is bipolar: It was like 2 degrees last weekand its 70 now. Most parties are pretty good, you just gotta know where to go and the clubs are bomb too. Just hella expensive for dudes. If ur not carefulu'll drop a hundred on clubs during freshmen week. Now for the bad stuff: Administration is inefficient. Mad fake thugs running around The amount ofstd's and aids in dc is
Ur right in the hood. Dudes get robbed habitually, there was a rumor that on Halloween night alone there were 52. and therewas a shooting right around the haunted house which is true (I was right around there when it happened) Be prepared to spend money. Bookstore owns peoplespockets and trying to keep up with the sneakers at the same time smh Most professors are good. The ones for math are alright. As for dorms, your a dude sounless ur an athlete or on a scholarship, ur most likely gonna end up in drew hall. Its like a project. There is no AC in the summertime, the elevator has notworked since move in day. And we're always losing visitation. On the plus side, its like a family. they really do a good job with rooming u with someone oflike interests and most people are cool. Lemme know if theres anything else you wanna know. Good luck bruh
Current Howard University student right here.

The school is great. There is always a good speaker at the chapel every Sunday. Last week we had Cornell West. Angela Davis came through this week. Plenty ofbig names come through on a weekly.

In terms of academics. I'm an Electrical Engineering major with one more year left. Professors are good. Jobs are not hard to come by. Keep the gpa above3.0 and you're good. Washington, DC is a major metropolitan area so there are plenty of job oppurtunities.

For the person that said it was a fashion show. I think last year, or the year before that, Howard was ranked the 2nd most fashionable school in the country...behind only NYU.
Also, the school newspaper is in the top 5 in the country. 2 years ago it was ranked number 1.

Social life is good. Women are nice. Greek life is on point. (peep da avy...Iota Phi Theta)

All in all. The school is good.
Originally Posted by threat6

i go to howard and honestly, I love it here. 82 average and a good essay will prolly get you in. Females are gorgeous, and have completely raised my standards in women. Food in the caf is pretty bad to be honest but it has its good moments (ie soul food thursday, theres also a dj in the caf every thursday night). If you're in the school of business YOU WILL love it. The buildings like an airport. I'm in the school of architecture are building is
so i'm hella jealous. DC weather is bipolar: It was like 2 degrees last week and its 70 now. Most parties are pretty good, you just gotta know where to go and the clubs are bomb too. Just hella expensive for dudes. If ur not careful u'll drop a hundred on clubs during freshmen week. Now for the bad stuff: Administration is inefficient. Mad fake thugs running around The amount of std's and aids in dc is
Ur right in the hood. Dudes get robbed habitually, there was a rumor that on Halloween night alone there were 52. and there was a shooting right around the haunted house which is true (I was right around there when it happened) Be prepared to spend money. Bookstore owns peoples pockets and trying to keep up with the sneakers at the same time smh Most professors are good. The ones for math are alright. As for dorms, your a dude so unless ur an athlete or on a scholarship, ur most likely gonna end up in drew hall. Its like a project. There is no AC in the summertime, the elevator has not worked since move in day. And we're always losing visitation. On the plus side, its like a family. they really do a good job with rooming u with someone of like interests and most people are cool. Lemme know if theres anything else you wanna know. Good look bruh


Im at Savannah state and we STAY loosing visitation haha, got dudes going suicidal and stuff. And Business College at most HBCUs are usually better then theother facilities.
It aint no Morehouse

My folks both got bachs and masters from HU, but they faked on me with a scholarship
, boo bison!
Originally Posted by threat6

i go to howard and honestly, I love it here. 82 average and a good essay will prolly get you in. Females are gorgeous, and have completely raised my standards in women. Food in the caf is pretty bad to be honest but it has its good moments (ie soul food thursday, theres also a dj in the caf every thursday night). If you're in the school of business YOU WILL love it. The buildings like an airport. I'm in the school of architecture are building is
so i'm hella jealous. DC weather is bipolar: It was like 2 degrees last week and its 70 now. Most parties are pretty good, you just gotta know where to go and the clubs are bomb too. Just hella expensive for dudes. If ur not careful u'll drop a hundred on clubs during freshmen week. Now for the bad stuff: Administration is inefficient. Mad fake thugs running around The amount of std's and aids in dc is
Ur right in the hood. Dudes get robbed habitually, there was a rumor that on Halloween night alone there were 52. and there was a shooting right around the haunted house which is true (I was right around there when it happened) Be prepared to spend money. Bookstore owns peoples pockets and trying to keep up with the sneakers at the same time smh Most professors are good. The ones for math are alright. As for dorms, your a dude so unless ur an athlete or on a scholarship, ur most likely gonna end up in drew hall. Its like a project. There is no AC in the summertime, the elevator has not worked since move in day. And we're always losing visitation. On the plus side, its like a family. they really do a good job with rooming u with someone of like interests and most people are cool. Lemme know if theres anything else you wanna know. Good look bruh
sound good
im comin out the hood so i dont think itll be too big problem for me
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