NT School Me on MELATONIN vol. My dreams finna be in HD boiiii

Aug 30, 2008
Taken from the other thread, it seems as if these capsules will enhance my dreaming ability.
Any reviews? What are a good brand and dosage? Anyone ever took em before? How were the results?
Causes depression, boosts testosterone. Give yourself 8 hours of room to sleep.
honestly i dream best when I've had a crappy day. Makes my mind have to relax and reflect. TBH, try to think piece thoughts before you sleep.
Originally Posted by KickHead23

I thought melatonin was those shots people injected to get tan?

Skin color comes from the amount of melanin
edit: I never heard of anyone injecting it.. is that possible?? 
 Just go outside and get a tan 

The more your in the sun, the more melanin your body produces to protect from the sun, I believe.
Buy 1 mg tablets, the time release kind.
-Take 20mins before bed

-Start with 1 mg

-Up dose every 4 nights (so it will go like this 1mg,1mg,1mg,2mg,2mg,2mg,3mg,....and so on until you get to a dose of 5mg

-If you ever wake up drowsy, the dose is to high

-Back off 1mg (example if 4mg makes you drowsy back off to 3mg for a couple more nights) 

-Still the ultimate goal is to reach 5mg 

-When you get to 5 you good, just rock out at that and you can buy 5mg tablets so you won't need to take multiple pills. 
i don't have a problem sleeping, i just want to enhance my dreams. I dream of real $$%!, In about 80% of my dreams I'm some trill **$+! doing trill **$+! $$%!. And i figure that if i pop some 20mg melatonins, that would enhance my dream x 10, and id wake up in awe like i just came from a roller coaster
I've taken it, didn't experience any of the affects mentioned in this thread.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Buy 1 mg tablets, the time release kind.
-Take 20mins before bed

-Start with 1 mg

-Up dose every 4 nights (so it will go like this 1mg,1mg,1mg,2mg,2mg,2mg,3mg,....and so on until you get to a dose of 5mg

-If you ever wake up drowsy, the dose is to high

-Back off 1mg (example if 4mg makes you drowsy back off to 3mg for a couple more nights) 

-Still the ultimate goal is to reach 5mg 

-When you get to 5 you good, just rock out at that and you can buy 5mg tablets so you won't need to take multiple pills. 
5 mgs bro? I have a lot of mass on me so wouldn't you think its safe to take a higher dosage? I was looking at these 20 mg
Originally Posted by FlyNY

i don't have a problem sleeping, i just want to enhance my dreams. I dream of real $$%!, In about 80% of my dreams I'm some trill **$+! doing trill **$+! $$%!. And i figure that if i pop some 20mg melatonins, that would enhance my dream x 10, and id wake up in awe like i just came from a roller coaster

Wait, so your dreams are like San Andreas, and you want to upgrade?!?! 
Sounds like you want to dabble in the psychedelics my friend 
I've taken melatonin. I stopped taking it because I would wake up in the night and my sheets would be soaked from sweating. I had the weirdest dreams too. A good amount of those were nightmares. This didn't happen every night, but I would say 2-3 times out of the week. And it didn't really help with sleeping.

Now I've been prescribed Ambien CR
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

I've taken it, didn't experience any of the affects mentioned in this thread.

It probably wasn't strong enough

I was poppin three 3mg pills at time so 9mg. IDK, though maybe it's psychological, this is the first time I've heard they can affect your dreams.

I was just taking them to help me get to sleep against my usual sleeping pattern. Maybe I'll try some tonight.
OP took what I said ENTIRELY out of context

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by megatron

I wish i had dreams

Get some better sleep son. Buy some Melatonin pills

I've had some of the best sleep/vivid dreams ever this past week
Melatonin increases your quality of sleep. Doesn't help you dream better. How does that make sense?

Yea I said that I felt as though my dreams were more vivid, but that's just a byproduct of getting a better nights sleep.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

OP took what I said ENTIRELY out of context

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by megatron

I wish i had dreams

Get some better sleep son. Buy some Melatonin pills

I've had some of the best sleep/vivid dreams ever this past week
Melatonin increases your quality of sleep. Doesn't help you dream better. How does that make sense?

Yea I said that I felt as though my dreams were more vivid, but that's just a byproduct of getting a better nights sleep.

Wait, this first dude said he wished he had dreams?? I thought if you weren't dreaming you'd die?? I thought your body NEEDED the REM cycle of sleep to "recharge?"
check out choline bitrate. It can make your dreams intense! A lot of lucid dreamers use it to help them. GNC only has choline which is pretty good too. Its also good for your brain.They suggest that you give a few hours before you take one and go to sleep. I've popped 3 before bed and had dreams so intense that they woke me up. You MAY get nightmares, or maybe you just remember more of them. But its have fun regardless

My first nightmare off of them was insane tho. I was smokin herb and killed this little spider. That night it started to rain. I sleep on the bottom of a bunk and around 3 in the morning I either woke up or dreamed that lightning struck and as the light reflected in my room I saw the same spider I killed about 3 feet tall just dangling from the matress above me. I vividly remember its thick brown hair and million eyes just looking at me. I only saw it for a quarter sec but I jumped outta bed sooo fast and tore my room apart harder than a stoner looking for that last bag of chips he lost. I was so shook I had to sleep in another room. To this day I believe my 3rd eye (pineal Gland ) really saw the demonic soul of that spider (pineal gland is only activated during sleep and many cultures believe it can see things our regular eyes cant) and it tried to punk me back...

Sorry for the story, but try bitrate choline
Originally Posted by buggz05

Causes depression


7. Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder - Some studies show that people which suffers from major depression or panic disorder have low blood levels of melatonin. There are experimental studies showing that melatonin increases serotonin levels which helps reduce the symptoms of depressive illness.

For OP

13. Dream Enhancement (Vivid Dreams) - The use of melatonin can lead to vivid, memorable and enjoyable dreams but it can also lead to vivid nightmares. Melatonin improves REM sleep. Any dose of Melatonin that is higher than 1 mg is likely to make dreams very intense. People have reported encountering nightmares on high doses ( typically 2 to 5 mg ).
Originally Posted by KickHead23

I thought melatonin was those shots people injected to get tan?
Thats melanotan. 
There are a bunch of supplements that will enhance your dreams out there, melatonin to my knowledge just increases sleep quality. Nt needs an official supplement thread asap though, there are so many amazing supplements out there.

edit: like poster above said ^^ upping your choline intake is one way to enhance your dreams, choline bitartrate is the weakest form of choline to my knowledge though. Everyone is different though and reacts differently to the different forms of choline. 
Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Buy 1 mg tablets, the time release kind.
-Take 20mins before bed

-Start with 1 mg

-Up dose every 4 nights (so it will go like this 1mg,1mg,1mg,2mg,2mg,2mg,3mg,....and so on until you get to a dose of 5mg

-If you ever wake up drowsy, the dose is to high

-Back off 1mg (example if 4mg makes you drowsy back off to 3mg for a couple more nights) 

-Still the ultimate goal is to reach 5mg 

-When you get to 5 you good, just rock out at that and you can buy 5mg tablets so you won't need to take multiple pills. 
5 mgs bro? I have a lot of mass on me so wouldn't you think its safe to take a higher dosage? I was looking at these 20 mg
Nah brah, with melatonin its better for you to stay on the low side and take it for longer periods. High does are what cause the negative side effects people complain about. If you got a lot of mass (no Bosh) You can go up to 10mg if you want but I wouldn't go over, and I still recommend 5mg. Melatonin is a hormone your body naturally produces, not some antioxidant. Not go crazy 
And don't buy those, taking 20mg to start with is a bad idea. You will wake up feeling like @!%!, like you just got punched in the face. You gotta start low a build up. 
Originally Posted by breezylocks

real life ...

just take some acid or something.... or some DMT

The stuff I read about about DMT is crazy. I don't smoke though so I wouldn't know
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