NT, STOP SIMPIN. Vol. no more "girl help" threads

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Yall should stop messing with Garden tools and get yourself a Gardener.
They are real women out here and I can attest to that.
You keep that all women are B's mentality and see where you end up
20 years from now...a old dude swinging his junk at the hot nurse in the retirement home.
Did you even read my og post? Stop jumping to conclusions. N_ talkin bout 20 years from now and %%##

youre right, there are real woman out there, i said that in the opening post so i dont understand why you wasted your time repeating me
And if you woulda read my post you'd know i specifically said there are TWOtypes of woman, meaning not all of them are B's...which makes your whole post meaningless


of course there are real women in this world, they just hard to come by.

funniest thing is that your probly one of them N's thats simpin
take your thong off and stop defending these b's
Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by THE FAME

They are real women out here and I can attest to that.
You keep that all women are B's mentality and see where you end up

dudes should always think realistically

if the game is rigged you can't deny it
Really? So you don't think that there are any good women out there?

Fame is 110% correct. Same dudes that be saying M.O.B. and %^&$*#@ ain't %$&( are the same dudes that will smash any ole JO around their way. Youwill never find a good girl with that kind of mentality. You can try though, best of luck to you.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by THE FAME

They are real women out here and I can attest to that.
You keep that all women are B's mentality and see where you end up

dudes should always think realistically

if the game is rigged you can't deny it
Really? So you don't think that there are any good women out there?

Fame is 110% correct. Same dudes that be saying M.O.B. and %^&$*#@ ain't %$&( are the same dudes that will smash any ole JO around their way. You will never find a good girl with that kind of mentality. You can try though, best of luck to you.
it's a cold world

u the dude cam is talking about in the "stop calling" song
Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by THE FAME

They are real women out here and I can attest to that.
You keep that all women are B's mentality and see where you end up

dudes should always think realistically

if the game is rigged you can't deny it
Really? So you don't think that there are any good women out there?

Fame is 110% correct. Same dudes that be saying M.O.B. and %^&$*#@ ain't %$&( are the same dudes that will smash any ole JO around their way. You will never find a good girl with that kind of mentality. You can try though, best of luck to you.
it's a cold world
Ironic of you saying that when I pretty much said the same thing.
Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by phillypac

Originally Posted by THE FAME

They are real women out here and I can attest to that.
You keep that all women are B's mentality and see where you end up

dudes should always think realistically

if the game is rigged you can't deny it
Really? So you don't think that there are any good women out there?

Fame is 110% correct. Same dudes that be saying M.O.B. and %^&$*#@ ain't %$&( are the same dudes that will smash any ole JO around their way. You will never find a good girl with that kind of mentality. You can try though, best of luck to you.
u the dude cam is talking about in the "stop calling" song
Perception ISN'T reality----society, wrongfuly conditions it that way----with that being said, if people were more honest and upfront about theirrelationship motives and agendas, then the simping will be reduced dramatically----im speaking of over-the-top simping, because it is good evey now and then toshow compassion for the other at times.

Furthermore,, it is the over-simping and lack of honesty and loyalty that is messing up the "game" for people like myself from being in a qualityrelationship, with a woman of great quality---or at worst, makes it difficult for me (and others like myself) to seek that quality relationship with a woman.

When you get older, this "game" gets redundant and becomes fatiguing----and im not a "player" like Pun used to say...and there are both menand women that feels this way.

There are good men and women out there who are trustworthy, loyal, and honest---but is up to you, the individual, to set those standards and follow these samecharacteristics in yourself---before you find them in others----you receive what you give...point blank.

Like others said on here: don't expect 100% of your return if you give out only 90%----people aren't investment portfolios, regardless of what you seein society---- Life dosent work that way.

I honestly don't think the quantity of "good" women in this world are as nil as you guys perceive it. I'm not making any judgments here, butwomen will react differently towards guys because well....relationships are dynamic. I'm basically re-iterating what someone has already said - if youdon't come off as the relationship type (which you won't if you act like women are all b's and h's and never to be trusted) then you won'thave a relationship with a respectable girl.

I say this because back in my younger days (maybe a year ago?), I sort of had that same mentality which you guys are expressing. After 1 failed attempt at aserious relationship where I didn't really care for the girl and I was out and about with other chicks, I was sort of fed up. A conversation with a femalefriend of mine told me if I really wanted to do something about it, that I should probably not be doing things like that anymore because any self-respecting,good girl would not subject herself to be put on a team as my friend said. I didn't immediately follow that advice, but with more trial and error, itfinally occured to me she was right.

Right now I've still been without a relationships for almost about a year now....but the reason being, as the facebook quiz told me, is that "I am toopicky"
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