NT: Times You Felt Like King/Queen VOL. Cant Tell Me Nothin..


May 31, 2007
Sup yall. I remember a thread like this a year or two ago and decided to bring it back. Its simple, Post times in your life where you was justboosted/hyped/etc..

-Got an A on my Calc final (repeated class) which brought my GPA up so I could be readmitted into college
-Getting my acceptance letter to college (only applied to one school)
-Getting my first paycheck
-First time gettin top
-Gettin top from two girls on the same day
-Matter of fact.. my whole HS senior year. Got my car, a job.. had chicks on me all year. ("Damn homie, in highschool you was the man homie, the effhappened to you.."
50 had to be talkin to me..)

Ight.. back to my homework. post yours
- Gettin saved

- Gettin accepted into Purdue (only school I applied to)

- First check from first job

- Discarding my V-Card

- Everytime I wake up in the morning. Hell, my name's King Lincey. How can I not feel like a King?
getting that first paycheck

copping my first pair of Js without my parents money

When i passed all of my state test the first time around

<<<-----now...my 713 post...Houston thing...
In HS I took AP Pre Calc as a junior. I was struggling in the class, but the first test of the 4th quarter I got a 95% on that !%%$$, the best grade in theclass. Best feeling EVER, I felt like I ran the world and had girls lined up, ready to make me sandwiches and kool-aid.

More recently, earlier this week(monday or tuesday I think) classes started back up, and I kept running into different girls I knew and talked to. Therewere dudes that kept seeing me talking to different girl after girl after girl. Between realizing my options were THAT broad and seeing dudes with that
on their faces made me feel
That was a pretty good feelingtoo.
- Getting into Cornell (even though I ended up not going there, but it still felt good to get into the school I wanted)

- Graduating in the top 1% of my class in high school

- Getting top for the first time of course
-Getting an A on my honors history final after studying my%#$$ off.

-Getting a 95 on my last Algebra 2 test.

-Walking into a party on NYE and everybody was saying my name and glad to see me. All the girls...
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

getting rid of that learner's permit....

Man, I cant wait until I'm off my provisional.. I;ve been gettin tickets off some real dumb, "what are the odds?" type stuff. Had to go tocourt after 2 tickets so they wouldn't suspend my liscense. Got another ticket after that and now my liscense is subject to being suspended for 6months... only way out is to fight the damn ticket. Only way I can win is if the cop no-shows or I put on an Oscar worthy performance. Cryin, pleading andall..
My little brothers god-father is NBA referee Danny Crawford....And he got us court side seats at a Bulls game (In the Jordan era
)...and I guess my uncletold mike my name and during Warm-ups he came up to me and said "Nice shoes (My name here)"...I had on OG XII's...I swear I damn near fainted
YMCA soccer game when I was in 4th grade, I think the score was like 10-11 to 0. We was whooping that@%*%, ref told us to let them score one

I was feeling like a King, just dominating
Some more..

-One time playin poker in the dorms. Turned $10 into $120. This one kid had won big the night before and just kept buyin in. I just kept killin him. I keptgettin pokect pairs and hittin trips, quads, and full houses. Great night..

-Another night I was playin online. Couldnt go to sleep so I hit a few tourneys. Cashed in the top three 3 out of 4 tourneys, one of which I won. turned $40into $220... lost it all within the next few days.

-I said the first time gettin top, scratch that, ANYTIME gettin it I feel like king.

-One time in class, the TA was going over this problem and I kept answering all his questions. When it got time to do the assignment the whole class wascrowdin around me to work in my group. (I go to a majority white college and to be the only black student and have everyone wanting my help just felt good)

-Anytime I hit the bowling alley to practice/clear my head and older bowlers come over and tell me I'm good.

-Of course, when people compliment me on my shoes.
Fresh braids, fresh fit, feeling good, money in my pocket, sunny day outside, hanging out with the girl who you're feeling and she's feeling you justas much...

...has to be a good feeling!

Love it man!

-elementary school basketball -undefeated until regionals. damn

-elementary gym class
- some girl betting i couldnt make a half court shot. nailed it. then her betting and some other ppl betting that i couldnt do it again on the next shot with3/4 of the class watching. nailed it, again. -having girls obsessed with me, practically worshipping the ground i walk on.
-first time getting some top
-in 2nd yr, having the "hottest" asian girl hit on me and ask for my contact even after i told her i had a gf.
-bday party at a club, grinded up on a girl with my gf present. i felt invincible that night lol, gf complained, but let it slide the next day, i was"drunk". smh at me.
-gf getting mad when she catches other girls checking me out lol
-killing exams and finishing with A in whatever course in high school and university
-not failing any of the 3 driving licensing stages
-high school ultimate - dominating a team 9-0 and having thier coach complain to ours about our sportsmanship. Then our coach having a team meeting the nextday about how ultimate is a "social sport" aka. just for fun and how we shouldnt have dominated the way we did cause it was the other teams first yrhaving an ultimate team (it was our teams first yr too, they just suck)
-for some strange reason, every time i put on compression shirt under my tshirt and hit the gym, i feel like i can bench 300 lol
these girls were in my math A class last year nd they stayed talkin jive, always gettin 100's nd whatnot (note i sayed nothing to them)
one day i got a 100 on a test nd they ended up gettin 80's so they see me talkin to somebody about the test and one of them walked up sayin i was showinoff when i was jus talkin about the test itself to my friend. man
hatin is aheck of a drug
-Matter of fact.. my whole HS senior year. Got my car, a job.. had chicks on me all year. ("Damn homie, in highschool you was the man homie, the eff happened to you.."
50 had to be talkin to me..)
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