Nt, Was I Wrong


Dec 11, 2008
So I'm sitting here watching my Spartans getting they cards pulled by North Carolina and the crib phone rings...I see Southfield Police dept. on the callerid so i pick up. Its a collect call from a dude who, I swear to lord, I have not talked to since 4th grade (I'm now a sophomore in college). It was acollect call for $9 dollars and I don't ++** wit' dude like that, so I hung the phone up. 5 mins later, he calls back and again I hang up. What thehell is this _thinking? Why call me out of all people, I haven't talked to him in damn near 10 years.

Was I wrong?
Cuz you the only cat with a landline. You could've took the 2nd joint though. prolly just needed you to holla at someone for him.
I can't really call it, but how would he get your number in the first place... Maybe you know someone in there with dude and he got some inside info foryou...happens alot...

Or maybe he trying some slimey is.h. But I would have open the can a little bit to see if there was anything to worry about.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

I can't really call it, but how would he get your number in the first place... Maybe you know someone in there with dude and he got some inside info for you...happens alot...

Or maybe he trying some slimey is.h. But I would have open the can a little bit to see if there was anything to worry about.
Thing is, I've had the same house phone number forever and a day, and its easy as hell to remember...and seeing as how it was from the Policedepartment and not a prison, i'm thinking dude must have just got grabbed up.
I hate gettin' those calls

Receive somewhere between 2-4 a month from people I ain't spoken to in a minute. Only one I'll answer is from my brother
But in that situation Ialready know the deal

Enh, a lot of cats aren't really the type of people you would holl at under those circumstances so maybe he had no one to reach out to...
Oh so, then he probably couldn't get in touch with nobody and you was his last hope.

And I be seeing you front real big on here, so mentioning the $9 is

I don't know tho... if it was me I prob. would have picked up.
Seeing as dude doesnt have that $9 to give you for that call than I wouldnt even pick up, we in a recession my dude.
dude had your number for 10+ years and he only now decides to call you from the popo department. on top of that, it was a collect call. you did the right thinghomie.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Oh so, then he probably couldn't get in touch with nobody and you was his last hope.

And I be seeing you front real big on here, so mentioning the $9 is

I don't know tho... if it was me I prob. would have picked up.
If he called twice it was probably semi important

Y'all _s got me feeling bad now...but you gotta understand, I don't even know this dude no more, that was my man in elementary school, but i'm agrown man now. What could we possibly have to discuss...On the real, I know y'all dudes on here better than him.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMs

Oh so, then he probably couldn't get in touch with nobody and you was his last hope.

And I be seeing you front real big on here, so mentioning the $9 is

I don't know tho... if it was me I prob. would have picked up.
If he called twice it was probably semi important

Y'all _s got me feeling bad now...but you gotta understand, I don't even know this dude no more, that was my man in elementary school, but i'm a grown man now. What could we possibly have to discuss...On the real, I know y'all dudes on here better than him.

Thats your son though..Cmon..All that money you flaunting around in those pics and you dont wanna drop 9 singles on an old friend?
He couldve had some ILL info for you..

He IS going to remember that when he gets out, and he will get out..And when he does..
Maybe he ran into your cousin, or found out who shot someone you know, or buried a treasure. Who knows? But you should have at least answered it and found out.
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