NT was this even a fair fight?

Sons face looking like...
you obviously underestimated this dude and you were naive to think he'd follow some rules you made to the fight. its 2009 my dude you need to get with it.get well soon n keep some ice on that face.
aaint no rules in fightin G. enjoy that L. you shoulda stole dude soon as he came up to you on some "let's settle this" like who does that?
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

basically this dude ive been havin a problem with for a long time today hits me up when im at a party talkin about lets settle our @#$%...i go outside,and mind you theres people and cops walkin all over so im like, lets just go to the ally and settle it there without making a commotion...i still have my phone in my hand, then as im tellin him to come with me dude starts punchin the @#$% out of me so i was like @#$% it guess it has to be done here...we're punchin it out for a couple minutes, i tackle him to the ground and he gets on top of me somehow and starts REPEATEDLY SLAMMING MY FACE IN WITH HIS KNEE...at this point i cant even do anything else, im on the curb and im literally getting curb stomped except with his knee...eventually it got broken up but i feel like it wasnt even a fair fight... did i take a legitimate L?
Ducktales. Average person can't even fight past 1 minute without heavy fatigue setting in. Sounds to me like dude put the hurts on you in lessthan a minute, and just decided to have fun with his knee afterwards

-The Juice
I"m surprised that out of nowhere Chris Tucker didn't run up to u and said ''You got knocked the %+%# out!""
I think you know you lost that fight even if it was or wasnt a fair fight. I know you want a rematch just by making this thread, Did dude really get you withthe knee? %%% is he a UFC fighter.
Damn OP got the UFC beatdown.

At least you're alive though, right?
Fam you set yourself up for this L big time. You must've not even been that mad to fight or you just didn't want to. You tried to use the cops forprotection and was hoping that someone would stop the fight before it began.

You wanted to WALK with the guy you're supposed to be fighting to an alley? This ain't wrestling. It ain't supposed to be planned out like that.

I hope ol boy who whooped you aint the braggin type(even tho I bet he is) because he is gonna talk some heavy trash about you now. Did your friends witnessthis?

Real talk you might have to jump him now...

yeh man you pretty much gotta take that as an L and keep it pushin. There is not such thing as fair fight on the streets...The objective is to bruise, break,stomp, or whatever it takes. You got that %** whooped. Only thing you can do now is Fade on sight every time you see him.
Straight mollywhopped.

Anything goes in a fight, if it's the difference between me getting my **@ kicked and "fighting fair", or fighting dirty and winning. I'mwinning.
sounds like a "FLAWLESS VICTORY"

that phrase prolly popped out of the air after you lost!
hopefully you didn't get your blood on his clothes. Take the L, grow up and stop getting into fights.
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