NT was this even a fair fight?

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

basically this dude ive been havin a problem with for a long time today hits me up when im at a party talkin about lets settle our @#$%...i go outside,and mind you theres people and cops walkin all over so im like, lets just go to the ally and settle it there without making a commotion...i still have my phone in my hand, then as im tellin him to come with me dude starts punchin the @#$% out of me so i was like @#$% it guess it has to be done here...we're punchin it out for a couple minutes, i tackle him to the ground and he gets on top of me [color= rgb(255, 0, 51)]somehow[/color] and starts REPEATEDLY SLAMMING MY FACE IN WITH HIS KNEE...at this point i cant even do anything else, im on the curb and im literally getting curb stomped except with his knee...eventually it got broken up but i feel like it wasnt even a fair fight... did i take a legitimate L?
easy L...i dont even know why you werent sure to begin with, sorry.
take the lebron route.

fair fight or not, if there's no vid of the altercation, the fight didn't exist.

technically you didn't take the L
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by ericescobar

Is your face holding up okay? I assume it changed a little

aside from a black eye, im fine. i bled cause he kept slamming my nose with his knee but everythings fine. i couldnt see out my left eye at the time so thats why i went after him and stopped because he obviously had the advantage
You didnt stop because of no swollen eye. Dude just finished beating the fear of god into your %%!! you should of just played dead after thatbeating!

Originally Posted by wildout4

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

we're punchin it out for a couple minutes, i tackle him to the ground and he gets on top of me somehow and starts REPEATEDLY SLAMMING MY FACE IN WITH HIS KNEE...

thats when it became fair
same thing I was thinkin
There is no such thing as a fair fight a fight is a fight. Believe me and you we get into I will do anything to take your !@! out. And once your down I willstomp you out so you never think about coming back for some more.
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