NT...We REALLY need a Relationships & Personal Problems forum

Dec 1, 2002
I been here on NT for yeeeeeeeeeeeeears (Yes. Sad. I know. I know.
) and we get relationship & personal problem & girlproblem posts day after day...almost like 1 for every 15-20 true "General topic" posts.

Remember the problem we had with music posts flooding the General forum and so we made a Music forum?

For the most part we don't mind helping the average guy here deal with a break up or something but I just can't help but notice we get more and moreand more nowadays to the point that this is the General & Girl problems forum. No? Yes?
Of course, Yes.

I'm not knocking it. I've been there too. Just think it would be better for these poor guys to have somewhere they can directly go and discuss thisstuff....I will say god bless the sap that would have to mod that forum!!!

What do you say oh high and mighty guardians of the NT galaxy?

NT'ers have feelings too...
i think ppl need to figure out their own love problems. if you are not capable of doing so then you should be single...
This would be good for us all...

These guys can get a place to discuss their problems.

And the rest of us can go back to teh LULZ.

Whats the big deal? Sneaker reviews and Photoshops were barely made in their respective forums but that ended up getting it both their own forums.

I'm just saying...It's no big deal really.
i think dudes need to grow a pair and discuss those kinds of problems with real friends and family.
I admit i've posted my share of girl threads.

NT is like fam lolz, its good to get advice from other guys that share the same kind of interests. nh
^^^^ Not everyone is born with game or had the benefit of an older brother to teach them the game. The General forum moves too fast, topics are off the firstpage within minutes.
I just wish these dudes would stop acting like this is %#!@%$% the Opera Show or like this is Jerry Springer. . . *%! and the worst part about it is theydon't even post PICS *%!. . .they need to get over it, if their posting about their girl issues on a shoe forum their def YNS x 100 . . .
I find some of these threads quite comical others just plain sad. Just shows the level of immaturity / makes me feel I'm too old for this place.

Don't act like some of ya'll ain't ever made a relationship or girl problems post in the past and ya'll on a new screen name with a new swagnow.

But the forum wouldn't need to be just about that....thats why I wrote Relationships & PersonalProblems.

You'd be surprised how much a little bit of advice from a complete stranger can help someone get through some #%@$.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911


Don't act like some of ya'll ain't ever made a relationship or girl problems post in the past and ya'll on a new screen name with a new swag now.

But the forum wouldn't need to be just about that....thats why I wrote Relationships & Personal Problems.

You'd be surprised how much a little bit of advice from a complete stranger can help someone get through some #%@$.

yea but on NT especially on the General the most advice you're going to get is "YNS"
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

I just wish these dudes would stop acting like this is %#!@%$% the Opera Show or like this is Jerry Springer. . . *%! and the worst part about it is they don't even post PICS *%!. . .they need to get over it, if their posting about their girl issues on a shoe forum their def YNS x 100 . . .
Another thing I wanted to discuss.


Why dudes so scared to post pics?

I'm sure homegirl got like 10,000 dudes already on the myspace beasting for pics.

They want advice from us but they wanna front when it comes to putting up a measly pic.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by CIDMAN911


Don't act like some of ya'll ain't ever made a relationship or girl problems post in the past and ya'll on a new screen name with a new swag now.

But the forum wouldn't need to be just about that....thats why I wrote Relationships & Personal Problems.

You'd be surprised how much a little bit of advice from a complete stranger can help someone get through some #%@$.

yea but on NT especially on the General the most advice you're going to get is "YNS"
Thats why it would get a mod & a few rules or w/e...just like the rest of the forums.

To help clear out the clutter & garbage posts.
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