NT, what are you all trying to change... or are you good the way you are?


Apr 23, 2008
I'm stubborn as hell, but I don't think that's a problem. People call me an arrogant !!* hole but they never stop talking to me. Clearly I'mdoing something right if they haven't ditched me yet right? I'm not changing any time soon.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]^ Money Management[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The way I talk to people[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My lateness when I make plans with people[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]edit: My shyness as well[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Those are about it for now[/color]
being more decisive
sometimes being prideful
letting others get under my skin so easily
Money management as well

Self confidence- I have absolutely none and I dont see myself establishing any new relationships anytime soon because my shyness is really keeping me fromdoing that

Being more independent

All I can think of for now
SpeakUp23 wrote:

Self confidence- I have absolutely none and I dont see myself establishing any new relationships anytime soon because my shyness is really keeping me from doing that

Why're you lacking self confidence if you don't mind my asking?
-My lack of ability to seal the deal with girls unless they blatantly throw it in my face. Actually, I've know of this for a while, I just didn't thinkanything of it until I saw for myself the shortcomings.

-Inability to be consistently on time when I make plans (turrible).

-Indecisiveness when I order things in restaurants. For the longest time, I have not been able to decide on what I wanted to eat until the waiter/waitresscame.

-Organization. I'm such a slob, I can see the benefits of knowing where everything is, not having a mess everywhere, but I just don't bring myself todo it... which leads to my next problem

Yea I'd like to be less passive and more proactive when it comes to women, aside from that I love myself.
My indecisiveness... good lord I can never make a decision on ANYTHING.
Being less shy about everything.
And just being more confident in myself.

Other than that, I'm good.
be more positive...eliminate things like commenting on others negatively and such.
Originally Posted by iBlink

SpeakUp23 wrote:

Self confidence- I have absolutely none and I dont see myself establishing any new relationships anytime soon because my shyness is really keeping me from doing that

Why're you lacking self confidence if you don't mind my asking?

Idk, I see myself as aesthetically unpleasant, therefor my self-confidence is way down. Whether that is the case for certain idk, but thats the ayI see myself. Its kinda hard to talk to people when you think that all theyre thinking about is eww when is this guy gunna get out of my face.

Yea I know man up. Easier said then done in this stage of the game for me
Originally Posted by jbeezie


Good god.
i made 4k from end of may to begin of august. only saved 500. only bought one new pair of shoes, 2 pairs of pants, and a couple shirts and thatsit. trying to figure out where my money went
-Money management
-Try not to be seen as an a hole as much
-Lose a lil more weight
-Not talk to other chicks when i'm seriously involved with someone
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by iBlink

SpeakUp23 wrote:

Self confidence- I have absolutely none and I dont see myself establishing any new relationships anytime soon because my shyness is really keeping me from doing that

Why're you lacking self confidence if you don't mind my asking?
Idk, I see myself as aesthetically unpleasant, therefor my self-confidence is way down. Whether that is the case for certain idk, but thats the ay I see myself. Its kinda hard to talk to people when you think that all theyre thinking about is eww when is this guy gunna get out of my face.

Yea I know man up. Easier said then done in this stage of the game for me

Son everyone on this planet is attractive to someone. Try hitting the barber shop to get a fresh, cop some new out fits, kicks, whatever may haveyou.

Life's too short to be thinking you're not good looking. You don't have to be Denzel or Paul Walker to get people to want to talk to you. The onlyreason you won't get any new relationships is because you're thinking too negatively. People can pick up on that @#%+ and it wards them off, trust me.

Try going a day with a smile on your face and thinking positive pimp. You haven't suffered from any burns to the face or anything, so there's no reasonto think you're "aesthetically unpleasant".

Real talk.... turn your swag on pimp.
-My weight, tryna lose some
-Money management

Thats all i can think of as of now...
-Definitely money management. I find myself just going out and spending money when I'm bored.

-And not being such a brat. If I dont get my way I make people feel guilty until I do... Not a good look.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by iBlink

SpeakUp23 wrote:

Self confidence- I have absolutely none and I dont see myself establishing any new relationships anytime soon because my shyness is really keeping me from doing that

Why're you lacking self confidence if you don't mind my asking?
Idk, I see myself as aesthetically unpleasant, therefor my self-confidence is way down. Whether that is the case for certain idk, but thats the ay I see myself. Its kinda hard to talk to people when you think that all theyre thinking about is eww when is this guy gunna get out of my face.

Yea I know man up. Easier said then done in this stage of the game for me

definitely man, another thing is to go out and find yourself. Maybe spiritually through yoga or just start running in the mornings, the better you feel andlook overall, the more grand your life becomes.

and make sure you got that personality smoke a couple
and put on some good pimp songs and it will make you smile and feel betterlittle by little. keep doing your thing, don't have that vibe where you think you not doing it right, people especially females will not dig that vibe.Good luck brother
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