NT, what are you all trying to change... or are you good the way you are?

commitment problems, had this since i was in middle school
Me and my father relationship, we pretty much act like ghost around each other
Theres a lot of stuff, main one is taking life seriously
I need to focus on school a lot more then I have the past years

All the dumb stuff I did in the past I NEVER wanna do again, and I'm not.
man i needa gain some weight real talk.
my eating habits are so #@@+%@, i don't even remember the last time i actually had breakfast.
now if i ain't stoned and try to eat something i get tired of it after a couple bites.
hunger pains FTL.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by iBlink

SpeakUp23 wrote:

Self confidence- I have absolutely none and I dont see myself establishing any new relationships anytime soon because my shyness is really keeping me from doing that

Why're you lacking self confidence if you don't mind my asking?
Idk, I see myself as aesthetically unpleasant, therefor my self-confidence is way down. Whether that is the case for certain idk, but thats the ay I see myself. Its kinda hard to talk to people when you think that all theyre thinking about is eww when is this guy gunna get out of my face.

Yea I know man up. Easier said then done in this stage of the game for me
Son everyone on this planet is attractive to someone. Try hitting the barber shop to get a fresh, cop some new out fits, kicks, whatever may have you.

Life's too short to be thinking you're not good looking. You don't have to be Denzel or Paul Walker to get people to want to talk to you. The only reason you won't get any new relationships is because you're thinking too negatively. People can pick up on that @#%+ and it wards them off, trust me.

Try going a day with a smile on your face and thinking positive pimp. You haven't suffered from any burns to the face or anything, so there's no reason to think you're "aesthetically unpleasant".

Real talk.... turn your swag on pimp.

Its all in your mind homie. Just go out there and be you.

As for myself...
-I gotta learn to control my emotions when in argument.
-Set the tone right from the get go... no more friendzone, lol, if they ain't feeling it.. meh, I'm in my senior year of college. Cut my losses now.
- money management: seems like no matter what my paycheck just disappears. And I always have car expenses at the worst times. Finally bout to have my creditcard balance at zero for the first time in a year tho

- I need a new job: I'm not getting paid enough at all

- eating and drinking habits: it's hard as hell to kick Gatorade out of the diet. I hate soda and I can only drink so much water. I need FLAVOR

- trying to get in shape: been saying all summer its too hot to work out, now the fall is upon us I need to quit being lazy and tighten up these abs again

- get rid of my store credit cards: I swear I'm not getting duped by those sales associates again, there really aren't any noticeable benefits likethey say. Its a scam to make you just spend even more money to get that debt higher.
lose the little bit of fat i have left, so weight cutting is not as brutal.
Usually Im super arrogant around people I dont know, and when Im by myself, and make a pretty bad impression because of it. Im trying to change that a bit, butwithout really getting myself the other way around, so Im trying to do at least one positive thing a day, but Im getting some mixed results

I really belive that confidence is the key to a lot of things, so I just dont want to lose that being someone Im really not.

My life has been really hard this summer, but Im not letting that get into my head, so Im good
like most people here. money management is on a big issue of mine. most of it goes to drinkin. smh

being upfront and tellin people how i really feel. especially girls.

just started school so hopefully ill be a little more focused this year
- Becoming more of a legal hustler.
- Starting my own responsible life, with my lady.
- Finding my true passion in the job industry.
- Continuing to build a strong relationship with my spouse.
- learning to stack money. I run through it too easy.

That's all for now, but ill be back later.
Learning not to be sucker into pointless and minor arguments. People cant argue with walls unless they're crazy.
Actually start focusing on school and not just coast by with 50's and 60's
Been slacking on getting a part time job for the longest time ever
i got a job, got somewhere to live, got a car, i can eat when i want to....but i hate the person im with, i hate her with a passion, i despise her so much thati cant enjoy my life like when before i met her, but there really aint nothing i can do at this point.
i need to do what i have to do to stay out of jail, im taking this probation thing for a joke.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

i got a job, got somewhere to live, got a car, i can eat when i want to....but i hate the person im with, i hate her with a passion, i despise her so much that i cant enjoy my life like when before i met her, but there really aint nothing i can do at this point.
is there a reason y you cant leave her?
try to control my emotions and control myself from controlling others. people see me as a complete ahole and it is because of the way i come off as blunt andupfront to everyone, even people i just met. idk if thats a good thing or not...
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

i got a job, got somewhere to live, got a car, i can eat when i want to....but i hate the person im with, i hate her with a passion, i despise her so much that i cant enjoy my life like when before i met her, but there really aint nothing i can do at this point.

You can't leave?
something that i am happy with is learning to accept changes in life; may it be family, friends, your job. people come and go all the time due to selfinterests and selfish motives. you just have to live with it and move on.
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