NT, what are you all trying to change... or are you good the way you are?

I'm lazy.
Don't eat well, always tell myself I"m going to workout or live better but I don't.
I don't take school seriously enough, I'm a good student, B average in college, but I should be straight A's no problem.
I'm insecure and lack confidence.
I feel like I'm letting life pass me by.
Sense of humour confuses people.

I try to work on the first two, but then i end up saying nothing,
which means people act funny around me,
which makes me more paranoid.

I also have little time for people who are unreliable, or are a bit slow on the uptake.
I think I'm to cold blooded don't trust nobody

Tryin to get that sixpack swoleness back
Originally Posted by Rawk On

I'm SHY.
I'm quiet AS ALL HELL around most new people. It's really awkward.
I don't think i look approachable, people say like i walk around with a "im better than you" %@+%# face and i don't mean to.
A lot of little things piss me off and make me angry, i hate that.
I want to maintain a normal level of confidence. Sometimes i have none and other times i'm conceited as hell. WTH?!?!!?
I need to stop being so judgmental.
-reading skills. I just got tested again and I'm making improvements. I can read at a 5th grade level now.
^damn dude.

i guess people think i'm cocky but i dont try to be at all haha. its whatever though cant be too bad
-Money management
-Upping my ego/confidence just a bit. (A couple female friends said I had a chance years ago, but I was too scared to holla.

-Becoming more opinionated - I used to just cruise through everything, but I want to speak up more/call people on their BS
-Improving my focus - I have the drive to do anything, but that's the problem... I want to do everything.
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