NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Have any of you guys had the chance to have a Neapolitan Stout from Saugatuck Brewing Company?
First beer I tried in the Sierra Nevada Snowpack was the Boomerang IPA.

I dont think I've ever had Australian/New Zealand hops before, so I was pretty excited. The beer was light, crisp, refreshing, with a nice bitterness, and very drinkable at 6.7%.

Kinda reminded me of Blind Pig and Sculpin. First beer from the pack, and so far so good.
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Have any of you guys had the chance to have a Neapolitan Stout from Saugatuck Brewing Company?

Yes, and it's actually pretty good. It does kind of taste like the ice cream

This is fantastic. Like a light sour, with a great taste.
How many craft____.com sites are there?

With no money exchanged through trades, and then this.. This seems highly questionable.

Ive had both a Bible belt and a bomb!. I didnt deem them worth the extra $$$. I was very appreciative of fellow NTers helping out. But at the end of the day, wow, do they have something going there.. HT or the like seems more trade worthy

Leffe isn't too bad. I've had it a couple times.. Some Belgian sweetness from the malt and yeast. A few hints of other flavors.. It's a near hefeweizen IMHO. It's within that same realm. American brewers are getting better at brewing classic styles. Not sure if they are there yet consistently. I want more pilsners and belgian golden ales. A Belgian pale ale, what leffe is considered, is pretty rare it seems. I just had the #2 on the BA list for the style, Orval Trappist Ale, and found it a touch tart and a near "sour" with some funk. No true hops to speak of.

Maybe he sees or hears AMERICAN and thinks of the crazy amount of hoppy beers out there. One shouldn't be so shortsighted though. Maybe he'll find his niche eventually with something american.

Tonight: A heavy dose of WB Gose and some LC IPA mixed in.
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Good looking out.  Just bought a bottle and picked up a can of the Blood Orange Gose while I was at it.

I think I'm more excited about the XMas Bomb label than I am for the beer itself. :lol:

No problem man. Price isn't bad either considering I paid slightly less than that.

How many craft____.com sites are there?

There's quite a few out there. I haven't ordered anything yet probably because most (if not all) are out in Cali. Most of those beers are somewhat accessible to me. I'd imagine shipping costs are comparable to trading though. Not a bad deal for someone who can't get beers from out here. Only problem is not knowing how fresh the beers are.
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BA Narwhal. Pretty good. Hides the alcohol well. Would I be stoned to death if I said it tastes like your average BBA imperial stout?

*Kanye shrug*

Glad I didn't have to shell out $20 to try it
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Average BBA seems like a stretch to me. The overwhelming bourbon aroma and initial taste lends to me believe it is top tier stuff. I've had many BBA stouts that say they have bourbon or were aged for such and such months in such and such barrels. But it doesnt translate.. Here at least for me, it seems to carry through to a visible BBA presence. Would I pay above $16/bomber? No not really. I'll age one for awhile alongside some '12' and '13 stouts/strong ales and go from there. I'm less intrigued by Prairie stouts considering their $9.99 plus /12 oz bottle price point. So if we have to dog on the big boys here in SN, go after the others.... Not to say you are completely.

^From a couple posts above.. Neapolitan milk stout? That exists??? Wow. I'm so intrigued.. We just brewed a left hand milk stout clone (1-2 % abv higher than the norm with a slightly different hop schedule) and brewed a sierra nevada pale ale clone (we are dry hopping 3 gallons on straight cascade hops for 5 days.. Super excited to see the results). But the sierra nevada clone ended up being almost 6.7% abv vs. 5.5% scheduled. So it's a beastly beer... We may go with some vanilla or cinnamon themes on the next stout. Maybe even some Cacoa nibs. My brewing partner has talked about using some oak chips or staves.. Breweries around me have used some staves (basically a long chunk of oak barrel cut up). We may be pushing it. We brewed last Friday, so at about day 14, we will carbonate and may be ready for a small thanksgiving reveal
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I know for the most part as far as Michigan breweries go Founder's, Bell's, and New Holland get a lot of attention but my personal favorites are Saugatuck Brewing Co. and Oddside Ales. I don't know how far outside of Michigan they're distributed but they make some good beers. I wish everyone could experience a Neapolitan stout, it's good. Saugatuck is supposed to be making a Bourbon Barrel version which I can't wait to try.
We brewed last Friday, so at about day 14, we will carbonate and may be ready for a small thanksgiving reveal

i know you want it for the holiday celebration, but i will share that i have always enjoyed my homebrews that i let age for more than 2 weeks after bottling... i get the whole freshness aspect of it, but there's definitely a sweet spot and i feel that less than 14 days may be rushing it sometimes... at least keep some left over to taste a bit farther down the line!

Second brew I tried from the SN Snowpack. This is straight black coffee/espresso. Besides beer and water, black coffee or espresso is something I drink every single day, so I enjoyed this a lot. Snowpack is 2 for 2 for me!
I'll be in SF this Sunday and Monday visiting with the gf, any good beer/breweries spots to check out?

BA Narwhal. Pretty good. Hides the alcohol well. Would I be stoned to death if I said it tastes like your average BBA imperial stout?

*Kanye shrug*

Glad I didn't have to shell out $20 to try it

YO! What bar is giving pours like that? I would never go anywhere else :lol:
I'll be in SF this Sunday and Monday visiting with the gf, any good beer/breweries spots to check out?

I asked this a month back:

Interesting that Hop 15 got the nod over Pliny.

Bay area peeps: what recommendations do you guys have for checking out brewery/brewpub/beer bar-wise? The Trappist in Oakland, RRBC in Santa Rosa, Lagunitas in Petaluma are on the list. Thinking about doing The Rare Barrel in Berkeley. Will be in SF Saturday and Sunday and don't have any places there to check out just yet. Might do the Toronado there.

Mikkeller Bar in Union Square has a decent tap list. Food is on point also. Toronado is a must although it gets really packed on Sat nights. Also, if you're going to be in Oakland, my boy has a restaurant connected to Linden Street Brewing called The Dock. Awesome food!

La Trappe in SF is good.

Monks Kettle and Abbots Cellar as well.

BA Narwhal. Pretty good. Hides the alcohol well. Would I be stoned to death if I said it tastes like your average BBA imperial stout?

*Kanye shrug*

Glad I didn't have to shell out $20 to try it

YO! What bar is giving pours like that? I would never go anywhere else :lol:

Come down to San Diego playa. Beer bars-a-plenty with proper pours.

This bar in particular is O'Brien's. My favorite spot.

BA Narwhal. Pretty good. Hides the alcohol well. Would I be stoned to death if I said it tastes like your average BBA imperial stout?

*Kanye shrug*

Glad I didn't have to shell out $20 to try it

YO! What bar is giving pours like that? I would never go anywhere else :lol:

Come down to San Diego playa. Beer bars-a-plenty with proper pours.

This bar in particular is O'Brien's. My favorite spot.


Down here in Miami, the head would've started at the bulb, $20/25 easy. These savages here are shamelss :smh:
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