nt what do you consider "wealthy?"

Jul 11, 2007
i remember seeing this thing on msnbc a while back about people with various amounts of money, all well-off though, and basically i think the point was how itdidn't go as far as most people would expect it to? i'm not 100% sure, it was a while ago.

but i remember one dude on there was a wall st. guy living in greenwich and they asked him if he considered himself "wealthy" and he didn't really think so. then they said his net worth was ~$80 million.

like i would definitely consider that wealthy.

what would you define it as, in terms of net worth? liquidity matters a great deal in this sort of discussion but try to keep it simple, like a number orrange.

i'd say $10+ million. don't know if that's too low or too high or what, but 8 figures is a substantial amount of $$ IMO.

Rich is you have money to spend, but still somewhat have to worry about your money eventually running out, or something to that effect.

Wealthy is never having to worry about your financial situation, ever. Wealthy is buying whatever you like, using your money however you like, without worryingabout consequences.

Having a few million is rich, not wealthy. I dont even think $10 million is wealthy, depending on your spending habits.
i dunno man 'rich' and 'wealthy' are synonyms.

wealthy sounds more sophisticated maybe but it means the same thing.

despite the chris rock jokes and jay-z lyrics that imply differently.
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets


Wealthy is never having to worry about your financial situation, ever. Wealthy is buying whatever you like, using your money however you like, without worrying about consequences.


That's a good way to put it. Being able to buy whatever and not really worry about the price. Except what you're buying matters too... Go to thegrocery store or Macy's and getting whatever you want is so different than going and buying as many houses and Lambos as you want...
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Wealthy to me is being able to own a Private Jet (or at least have fractionalownership through a company/ something of that sort) or having assets worth double digit millions... Aside from that, being happy and thoroughly enjoying thelife you live (with or without material things and excess money).[/color]

Shaq is rich, the white man signing his check is wealthy.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Basically.[/color]
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets


Rich is you have money to spend, but still somewhat have to worry about your money eventually running out, or something to that effect.

Wealthy is never having to worry about your financial situation, ever. Wealthy is buying whatever you like, using your money however you like, without worrying about consequences.

Having a few million is rich, not wealthy. I dont even think $10 million is wealthy, depending on your spending habits.
spot on
Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Shaq is rich, the white man signing his check is wealthy.
Hmmm anyway to put that in numbers, y'know, to keep on topic. And I'm pretty sure Shaq's net worth is equal or more to the nba ownersigning his checks, with Shaq having more earning potential.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Shaq is rich, the white man signing his check is wealthy.
Hmmm anyway to put that in numbers, y'know, to keep on topic. And I'm pretty sure Shaq's net worth is equal or more to the nba owner signing his checks, with Shaq having more earning potential.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]

Do you know how much it costs to own a team?[/color]
So you guys really don't think Shaq is wealthy? Cause he gets a check written to him by a wealthier white man/men?
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Shaq is rich, the white man signing his check is wealthy.
Hmmm anyway to put that in numbers, y'know, to keep on topic. And I'm pretty sure Shaq's net worth is equal or more to the nba owner signing his checks, with Shaq having more earning potential.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]

Do you know how much it costs to own a team?[/color]
Yes, that's why they use a group of investors.
Originally Posted by DayDayz e36

Shaq is rich, the white man signing his check is wealthy.

was it chris rock or kat williams that said this ??? and smh at you guys analyzing it
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

So you guys really don't think Shaq is wealthy? Cause he gets a check written to him by a wealthier white man/men?

exactly all those rich vs. wealthy arguments are stupid imo, they mean the same thing...

shaq's net worth is over $100 million, if you don't think he's wealthy you're delusional.
TH0MAS CR0WN wrote:
So you guys really don't think Shaq is wealthy? Cause he gets a check written to him by a wealthier white man/men?
thasts what im saying

dudes are confused

wealthy just cause it sounds like a more sophisticated word has the same meaning as rich

Rich is about 250,000 a year after tax income, same for wealthy
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

TH0MAS CR0WN wrote:
So you guys really don't think Shaq is wealthy? Cause he gets a check written to him by a wealthier white man/men?
thasts what im saying

dudes are confused

wealthy just cause it sounds like a more sophisticated word has the same meaning as rich

Rich is about 250,000 a year after tax in come same as wealthy

word up

and basically what i'm asking in this thread is what is "rich / wealthy?"

since $250,000 may be the cutoff for the highest tax bracket but that sort of income sure as hell doesn't make you "rich." upper-midle class atbest.
go ask a teacher in California if she would say she was rich if someone gave her a quarter of a million?

if you are smart you can make 250,000 dollars last for generations
Originally Posted by toast1985

Wealth last for generations.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Exactly how I see it... The usual suspects (no henzo) likeRockefeller, Buffet, Gates are wealthy IMO (that's my way of looking at it)[/color]

exactly all those rich vs. wealthy arguments are stupid imo, they mean the same thing...

shaq's net worth is over $100 million, if you don't think he's wealthy you're delusional.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Is Shaq very well paid, well sure.. Is Shaq wealthy? Especially withthe way he spends his money, ehhh.. I doubt he has some other way of generating mass income aside from the NBA.. Nonetheless, It's all appreciated. Hope tobe there one day myself.[/color]
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets


Rich is you have money to spend, but still somewhat have to worry about your money eventually running out, or something to that effect.

Wealthy is never having to worry about your financial situation, ever. Wealthy is buying whatever you like, using your money however you like, without worrying about consequences.

Having a few million is rich, not wealthy. I dont even think $10 million is wealthy, depending on your spending habits.
Good answer!
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets


Rich is you have money to spend, but still somewhat have to worry about your money eventually running out, or something to that effect.

Wealthy is never having to worry about your financial situation, ever. Wealthy is buying whatever you like, using your money however you like, without worrying about consequences.

Having a few million is rich, not wealthy. I dont even think $10 million is wealthy, depending on your spending habits.

i totally understand this way of it, but to me rich should be where you never have to worry about a dime for the rest of your life and buy whatever you wantand never even look at the price. wealthy imo sounds like you got plenty money but depending on your spending habits can go away or can be dead and gone wordto justin. but i see it the same both ways ether way it go.
wealth is in the billions and like dukes said last at least two generations meaning you could take a major hit in the stock market and still be ok ...... Idon't know if you guys remember the Indian Billionaire that lost something like 30B when there was a drop to about 6000 in the stock market and still hadenough left to be set for life

A really good analogy of being rich are the lottery winners that later go broke less than a decade later

Damn I can't post the Chris Rock clip
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