nt what do you consider "wealthy?"

I think wealthy is when you're able to do anything you want and not worry about the finacial cost.

my friends father the other day woke up and was like "I feel like buying a car." So he bought a car the same day lol
you can be RICH, but still have to work....your money is gonna run out if u dont work
To be considered WEALTHY, u do NOT have to work, your money is working FOR you.
example---u are rich if u buy a mansion, you are wealthy if u buy hotel chains, which generate income FOR you
a mansion costs you money, a hotel chain earns you money
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

exactly all those rich vs. wealthy arguments are stupid imo, they mean the same thing...

shaq's net worth is over $100 million, if you don't think he's wealthy you're delusional.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Is Shaq very well paid, well sure.. Is Shaq wealthy? Especially with the way he spends his money, ehhh.. I doubt he has some other way of generating mass income aside from the NBA.. Nonetheless, It's all appreciated. Hope to be there one day myself.[/color]

well yeah but the way i see it almost anyone can go broke.

wealthy ≠ bulletproof net worth IMO, it just means you have reached a certain level of financial success.

some dudes here are acting like wealthy means you have a 9-figure+ net worth. nah, only a few hundred people in the world have that.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

So you guys really don't think Shaq is wealthy? Cause he gets a check written to him by a wealthier white man/men?

exactly all those rich vs. wealthy arguments are stupid imo, they mean the same thing...

shaq's net worth is over $100 million, if you don't think he's wealthy you're delusional.
to Dudes saying Shaq isn't wealthy. Come on.
Wealth doesnt really have a number, being rich does. Wealth is based on the ability of your assets to grow. Rich is measured in numerical terms whereas wealthis measured over an amount of time.
AKA King Arthur wrote:
TH0MAS CR0WN wrote:
So you guys really don't think Shaq is wealthy? Cause he gets a check written to him by a wealthier white man/men?
thasts what im saying

dudes are confused

wealthy just cause it sounds like a more sophisticated word has the same meaning as rich

Rich is about 250,000 a year after tax in come same as wealthy

word up

and basically what i'm asking in this thread is what is "rich / wealthy?"

since $250,000 may be the cutoff for the highest tax bracket but that sort of income sure as hell doesn't make you "rich." upper-midle class at best.

AKA King Arthur wrote:
go ask a teacher in California if she would say she was rich if someone gave her a quarter of a million?

if you are smart you can make 250,000 dollars last for generations
$500 mil + I feel if you can provide for your future family 10-20 generations form now you're wealthy. Money does inflate tho, so I wouldn't swear bythat #

You also have wealthy status potential if you attempt to liquidate your net worth or close down/quit everything you own and do but the gov't won't letyou.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by toast1985

Wealth last for generations.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Exactly how I see it... The usual suspects (no henzo) like Rockefeller, Buffet, Gates are wealthy IMO (that's my way of looking at it)[/color]

exactly all those rich vs. wealthy arguments are stupid imo, they mean the same thing...

shaq's net worth is over $100 million, if you don't think he's wealthy you're delusional.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Is Shaq very well paid, well sure.. Is Shaq wealthy? Especially with the way he spends his money, ehhh..[/color]

dude bought a diesel truck...





Joey Cam Jr.; i can see where you're coming from, wealth = rich.

But for me rich is a depreciating amount, while wealth continues in perpetuity.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

well yeah but the way i see it almost anyone can go broke.

wealthy ≠ bulletproof net worth IMO, it just means you have reached a certain level of financial success.

some dudes here are acting like wealthy means you have a 9-figure+ net worth. nah, only a few hundred thousand people in the world have that.
400 Richest in America are over $1.3 Billion meaning that in this country alone there's gotta be at least a thousand people worth over $100mm.

There is one Russian billionaire who lost nearly all of his fortune in the recent market mayhem. So I definitely agree that pretty much anyone can go broke.Bulletproof net worth is an oxymoron, its just that most ultra high net worth individuals are very good at maxing out the bulletproof-ness of their assets.

As for wealthy, shoot, I don't have a number for that.
People often have a wrong connotation of the word wealth. They automatically think Billion dollar net worth and etc.

You could be worth 2million dollars an be considered wealthy. How you ask? Say your avg cost of living/lifestyle is about 60K dollars [mortgage, raisingfamily, travel and etc] you have 800K in investments that continue to give a great rate of return that the individual can live off of, so essentially your notworking for money... money is actually working for you.
Originally Posted by nicapino

you can be RICH, but still have to work....your money is gonna run out if u dont work
To be considered WEALTHY, u do NOT have to work, your money is working FOR you.
example---u are rich if u buy a mansion, you are wealthy if u buy hotel chains, which generate income FOR you
a mansion costs you money, a hotel chain earns you money
cant agree more
I mean, Shaq is paid--but I don't consider him to be wealthy. He's just really rich.

To me, wealth--as someone already pointed--is something that transcends time, and generations. It survives economic depressions on the local and global level.

Additionally, I equate wealth with "social power"-- the kind that affords luxuries, and furnishes privileges which money can't buy. So even if bysome freak accident, a wealthy individual/family becomes destitute, they can still reap and procure those aforementioned luxuries and privileges normallyreserved for their "class."

If Shaq were to lose all of his money right now, i doubt he could rely on some surreptitiously amassed "social power" to help him and his familythrough their predicament. Why--because dude is just a BBall player. Furthermore, it's very possible for him to lose everything in this lifetime. It onlytakes one or two bad investments.

Now, when I think of wealth, I think of the English monarchy, the Bush's, the Clinton's, the Rocafella's, and soon enough--the Obama's. I hopeyou're seeing a pattern with some of the names...lol.

Point of emphasis-- "Wealth" is not just about money...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I mean, Shaq is paid--but I don't consider him to be wealthy. He's just really rich.

To me, wealth--as someone already pointed--is something that transcends time, and generations. It survives economic depressions on the local and global level.

Additionally, I equate wealth with "social power"-- the kind that affords luxuries, and furnishes privileges which money can't buy. So even if by some freak accident, a wealthy individual/family becomes destitute, they can still reap and procure those aforementioned luxuries and privileges normally reserved for their "class."

If Shaq were to lose all of his money right now, i doubt he could rely on some surreptitiously amassed "social power" to help him and his family through their predicament. Why--because dude is just a BBall player. Furthermore, it's very possible for him to lose everything in this lifetime. It only takes one or two bad investments.

Now, when I think of wealth, I think of the English monarchy, the Bush's, the Clinton's, the Rocafella's, and soon enough--the Obama's. I hope you're seeing a pattern with some of the names...lol.

um so to be wealthy you need a name w/a pedigree? because shaq has george w. bush's money many many times over, for example.

these comments are getting ridiculous, no offense.

wealthy = rich, they're synonyms, look at a dictionary. and we're talking strictly wealth in a financial sense.

all this talk about "making money work for you" and "transcending time" is nonsense.

you can make $1 million last generations and you can blow $100 million in a year. $100 million makes you wealthy, $1 million doesn't. wealthy does notmean "fiscally responsible" or "frugal," it means rich. period.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Wealth last for generations.

QFT....Only Way I Could Put It.....Not Sure There Is Even A Number I Can Put Out There

But Put It Like This...Bill Gates Is Wealthy, His Unthought Of Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandchild Is Already Caking
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

man you guys

wealthy and rich mean the same thing

just like nippy and chilly or right and correct

From a purely monetary standpoint, sure--they can be interpreted to mean the same thing. But that's a very superficial interpretation.

You're failing to take into consideration that social connotations attached to each of those words, which in my opinion, reveals a great deal of differencebetween the two.

Furthermore, consider this--if "wealth" and "rich" connote the same thing, then why exactly are there two different words to begin with.Seems rather silly don't you think. Additionally, why are there discrepancies across the board concerning their definitions--if they both mean the samething...

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

man you guys

wealthy and rich mean the same thing

just like nippy and chilly or right and correct
They don't, even in the finance classes I took their taught as not meaning the same.

Like i said "Rich" is measured in numerical value and "Wealth" is measured over a certain time span.

For example USA is not categorized as a "rich" country... its categorized as a wealthy nation because it has sustained wealth for decades anddecades.
As I see it:

Rich is new money. Wealthy is old money.

Gates is rich. So is Warren Buffet. Henry Ford was Rich. So was Andrew Mellon and JD Rockefeller.
The present day Rockefeller's, Carnegies, Ford's, Mellon's, etc. are wealthy.

That being said.

In the present sense I do think that rich and wealthy are synonymous.
10m seems to easy too spend. Maybe 50 mil?
wealthy... someone post that video with the guy who has an elevator garage in his front yard with like 6 lambos. Now thats wealthy
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Wealth doesnt really have a number, being rich does. Wealth is based on the ability of your assets to grow. Rich is measured in numerical terms whereas wealth is measured over an amount of time.
This is extremely close.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

I mean, Shaq is paid--but I don't consider him to be wealthy. He's just really rich.

To me, wealth--as someone already pointed--is something that transcends time, and generations. It survives economic depressions on the local and global level.

Additionally, I equate wealth with "social power"-- the kind that affords luxuries, and furnishes privileges which money can't buy. So even if by some freak accident, a wealthy individual/family becomes destitute, they can still reap and procure those aforementioned luxuries and privileges normally reserved for their "class."

If Shaq were to lose all of his money right now, i doubt he could rely on some surreptitiously amassed "social power" to help him and his family through their predicament. Why--because dude is just a BBall player. Furthermore, it's very possible for him to lose everything in this lifetime. It only takes one or two bad investments.

Now, when I think of wealth, I think of the English monarchy, the Bush's, the Clinton's, the Rocafella's, and soon enough--the Obama's. I hope you're seeing a pattern with some of the names...lol.

um so to be wealthy you need a name w/a pedigree? because shaq has george w. bush's money many many times over, for example.

these comments are getting ridiculous, no offense.

wealthy = rich, they're synonyms, look at a dictionary. and we're talking strictly wealth in a financial sense.

all this talk about "making money work for you" and "transcending time" is nonsense.

you can make $1 million last generations and you can blow $100 million in a year. $100 million makes you wealthy, $1 million doesn't. wealthy does not mean "fiscally responsible" or "frugal," it means rich. period.

You don't need a name w/a pedigree to be considered wealthy. Although, often times, the two are linked.

Now as for Shaq and George W. Bush--consider this. If both of these men were to lose all their money tomorrow, whosefamily would have it tougher. The honest answer to this question highlights the difference between "rich" and "wealthy". The Bush"family" could still live very lavishly, comfortable at the very least, if Dubya were to lose his money. Youcannot say the same about the O'neal "family" is Shaq were to lose everything tomorrow. Again, this is the difference between "wealth"and "rich".

Now as for wealth and rich being synonymous in the dictionary--sure, yea, I understand and believe that. But what I think you fail to understand is the factthat words can have underlying meanings and connotations which make them unique, regardless of their relatedness to other words. For example, the words"worship" and "idolize" are synonynmous, but--individually--they signify and imply very different things--with "idolize" beingviewed, often times, as an extreme form of worship.

Furthermore, in the case of "wealth" and "rich", there are implications, of the social kind, which serve to further seperate these words.This is exactly why we're having this discussion right now...

Lastly, I understand that you want to define "wealth" strictly in the financial sense. But realize that, that in of itself, is a problem--especiallywhen you realize that, as previously stated, the term "wealth" implicates more than finances. This is something the dictionary will never tell you.This is why that Wall Street guy, living in Greenwich--land of the Hedge Fund managers-- with a net worth of 80 million, didn't consider himself"wealthy".

I said it and I'll say it again:
Point of emphasis-- "Wealth" is not just about money...

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