NT... What's Your Policy On Broken Goods? Vol. Wife or Do Not Wife

Jan 4, 2008
NT, how do you respond when you find out that a female you're talking to has had some severe physical/psychological trauma? I'm talking rape, childhood molestation, things of this nature. I always seem to attract these kinds of girls (wth does this say about me...) and it was always trouble. I just hung out with a girl and found out that she's had an experience like this... she didn't tell me outright, but she did tell me that something "terrible" had happened. I wasn't really trying to seriously date this girl anyways and finding this out won't really change anything, but I'm just curious as to whether you guys have been in a situation before like this. This isn't a girl problem thread because I have no problem, I know what I'm going to do, but what would YOU do NT?
I remember awhile ago an NTer's girl got raped or something like that when he was out of town/away. I don't remember what happened afterwards though.
It's not you 1 in 4 women have been assaulted at some point in their life

Personally It wouldn't affect her chance of being "wifey"
this kind of crime just sickens me!

but op i feel like the girl can be very emotional or very hard to become close with(not trusting men)
if you love each other

and are comfortable with each other

than $%^& yeah wife it up

but expect her to be emotionally distant in the beggining
I want to say it would have no effect, but something that seriously damaging could really blow up later in your married life.
I won't say most, but a LOT a LOT a LOT of females have had at least one of those things happen to them by someone. Most probably won't tell you but damn, within the last 3 years I have met some people with some messed up backgrounds. And these aren't even hood girls either.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

I remember awhile ago an NTer's girl got raped or something like that when he was out of town/away. I don't remember what happened afterwards though.

Originally Posted by thegame2006

this kind of crime just sickens me!

but op i feel like the girl can be very emotional or very hard to become close with(not trusting men)

Agreed. And funny enough, with girls like this they usually move really fast. Jump headlong into something serious when they really can't handle something serious. When I was younger I used to want to save these girls, but now I realize that I really can't do anything for them. Show my support, sure, but nothing I can do will REALLY help them get past that experience. It's just sad on all accounts, these girls stay victims for their entire lives and it's so damn hard for them to really cope and fix the damage.
I swear damn near every girl i've been with for a long time tells me a story about stuff like that after we've been topgether for a while. sickens me but there are often no warning siogns. Chicks always tell me that they feel safe around me because i'm a big black dude (paws). I wonder if they are attracted because they feel a dude like me can provide safety and stregth. Insert Philosoraptor gif
i know a chick who molested or something when she was 5....she is virgin to this day. i liked her, even told her i loved her as friend, but honestly, after she told me that, I dont think i could deal with kind of baggage, she had too many issues beyond that but all of them seemed to stem from that experience.
"Manage her"
Make her a stripper. Take all the money, but make sure she has her hair and nails done, keep her looking good, treat her once in a while for a job well done. Then set up some "dates" and make more money. If she gets out of line, put her down, emotionally. Then have her recruit some more girls of the same ilk and make more profit. Trust this will work and you'll be a happy man. Girls like this are the perfect type to start with, unless one already hip to the game comes along.
Treat it like you would electronics. Get it at a much cheaper price, don't expect it to last long, experience problems on the regular, end up regretting wasting the time/energy/money.
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

if you love each other

and are comfortable with each other

than $%^& yeah wife it up

but expect her to be emotionally distant in the beggining
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

I remember awhile ago an NTer's girl got raped or something like that when he was out of town/away. I don't remember what happened afterwards though.
I remember this. He wanted to/did go ham on the dudes. Sad thread

I say just try to work around it because he telling you is her trusting you.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Treat it like you would electronics. Get it at a much cheaper price, don't expect it to last long, experience problems on the regular, end up regretting wasting the time/energy/money.

well damn! that metaphor was perfect! 
Unfortunately, damaged goods. Emotionally / Physically hurt.

Be the guy to show her that youll take care of her.
As long as she's strong enough to still respect herself, I don't mind working to break down walls in the beginning. But if the +##*+ turned into a stripper, then hell no. My girl now went through some stuff with her dad when she was younger. But she was strong enough not to succumb to the !%!%$@%% that most chicks that go through traumatic experiences goes through. And we're good
Is she in any therapy getting any assistance with her issues? If not, I would suggest that before going into any serious relationship.
Originally Posted by thegame2006

this kind of crime just sickens me!

but op i feel like the girl can be very emotional or very hard to become close with(not trusting men)
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