NT who is your best friend?

jt air jt

Jan 14, 2006
My best friend who I can tell everything to is a girl, and I feel like she would be my best man at my wedding

Not to mention that i smash once in a while

At this age (18+) who still has a best friend? Most people i talk to say they only trust themselves now and dont have anyone who they tell everything andstuff..
my bestfriend is my right hand man. we knowing him for like 6 years. the realest dude i ever had around me, and never changes when im oding bad like my otherso called "friends".
catrell carlyle woodard the 3rd
Honestly, with how my life has been recently I don't have that one person I can actually a "best friend." I did but me and her are not togetherany more. I do have friends who I can tell a lot to and can get both positive & negative feedback from but there's nothing like sitting down withsomeone and telling them how you feel about anything bothering you and feeling like jesus just wiped you down.
I have 3 best friends...sorta weird everyone said after high school we would stop talking but we still do something about every day.
"I got blood brothers %!#@$ I ain't got no pals"

I just have a few friends that I can tell anything ... Almost like bothers
Originally Posted by imsojayded

the girl i got half naked on NT for
been best friends for 8 years

she's not your best until you get in your b-day suit for NT.
nobody right now

my best friend from high school can go dig a grave and the 2 "best friends" i have right now are very unreliable
She's been my best friend since '05/'06 and we didn't even know it 'till drunkenly admitted it to each other at her ex's party. All mycraziest and best moment have been with her: getting butt naked in a hot tub after being super loaded and took a shower but with bikinis, took me to Vegas formy 21st and 2 out of the 3 times I've ever thrown up was with her. I LOVE HER and on top of that she looks good but nh.
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