NT, whose the closest individual you've lost?

My 2 best friends, both killed in car accidents exactly 1 year apart. It's so crazy, you always think about your elders passing... grandparents and parents, but you never think your homies are gonna go.

My first friend to die was my bestie since i was 6. After she passed i became closer with a great mine, to the point where we realized how special our friendship was, the kind where you just have great vibes from the get go.
She died a year and 2 weeks after my other best friend. Both died the same way, car accidents. Both  were 18 and had just finished high school 2 weeks prior to their deaths.

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of my childhood best friend, Emily Levine . June 28th marks 2 years since other great friend's passing, Sydni Yoshie.

I miss them like crazy, it was a really rough 2 years for me.
I have finally started healing...
i lost my maternal grandfather on the day before my 15th birthday in 2007. my family doesn't know the exact reason for his death, but he had a rather big blow at the back of his head from falling on a sharp edge of a rock. we assume that his fall was triggered by a heart attack. he was working in the backyard of our home in the philippines and my baby cousin found him unresponsive & laying in a puddle of blood.

it just really sucks because i was looking forward to his call on my birthday the next day. as a kid, he took of me when my parents were working. he & i were very close. i miss him so much.
As far as permanent losses go I haven't lost anyone other than family.

My father passed when I was only 6. It has always bothered me not ever getting to know him, or him getting to know me. I'm going through a hell of a time in life right now, and I can't help but imagine if he were here I'd have quite an easier time.

Most of the time I'm over it because it's the only life I know, but I can't help but think what if?

On a selfish note, I've lost myself mentally. I'm on my way back to who I was, but it's a constant uphill struggle.

I stay thankful all my friends are still here and continue to be there. Without that I'd be completely lost
Wow this is a sad thread, I'm very lucky too not have lost anyone close. But all you NTers in this thread that lost someone I just want to say I'm sorry for your loss, life is never easy, stay as positive as you can.
My mom on my 17th birthday from a lung infection. She never smoked ever. Might be the saddest day of my life. She was only in the hospital for a week and got progressively worse. My dad and I were by her side when she died.

My uncle lost his life because he was going into heart surgery and they gave twice the amount of blood thinner which caused him to have a severe stroke.

RIP mom and uncle.
Lost my dad last year on May 9th....not a day goes by that I don't think of him....messed up thing was, he called me the day before and I didn't answer or return his call....%!%! tears me up everytime I think of it....I miss that man more than anything
My best friend Bryan Clark got lost (never found) on a camping trip when I was in the 6th grade, I'm in college now...from time to time I'll search his name on FB in hope of finding him..:*(
both of my grandfathers( mom and dad sides)
my homie Anthony Mata aka (founder of the party crew)

both of my grandfathers( mom and dad sides)
my homie Anthony Mata aka (founder of the party crew)

both of my grandfathers( mom and dad sides)
my homie Anthony Mata aka (founder of the party crew)

Sorry for your loss OP
I know what you're goin through.. I just lost a good friend last month from suicide
Originally Posted by Name I Koop

Lost my dad last year on May 9th....not a day goes by that I don't think of him....messed up thing was, he called me the day before and I didn't answer or return his call....

OP my ccondolences. My friend Grant Armstrong was killed in Iraq two years ago. Still miss him
Must've been a typo, but this occurred on April 1st, not April "2st". Thanks for those who have shown sympathy and for those who shared their own experiences with the loss of another individual significant in their own life.

Crank Lucas - She seemed incredibly unstable before she made this decision, she was most likely suffering from a mental illness and was very depressed. Everytime I would go back home from school it was as if I was slowly watching my mother die as she was clearly deteriorating mentally. There were a lot of factors in her life that added up to this; she was a loving mother who loved her family very much but sometimes she worried and pondered so much about the future so which lead her to make such a quick and irrational decision. She was upset about everything, she couldn't except the fact that my sister was married to a man who lived in China and didn't have any college education, she was worried about my poor grades I was receiving this past year, she was worried about our economic situation. My parents were both laid-off from their jobs in January and she became inceasingly worried about everything. She sacrificed her life for the American Dream, which unfortunately didn't work to her own standards.

Cragmatic - Love your avatar, Robert "Tate“ Foricer was in my graduating class at Scripps Ranch High School and I'm glad I had the opportunity to watch such a gifted athlete give his heart out every Friday night.
One of my friends from middleschool was shot dead last year and the shooter is still loose.
My grandfather died in 07. I lived with him and my Mom my whole life so he was more like a father to me. He was 86 years old, he had a great long life.
lost my mother to cancer after 6 years of cancer. she was a fighter and through the end always put me first. she was my best friend and i havent been the same since. life doesnt make me as happy as it used to. but im ok i guess.

funny thing is even on her death bed she always smiled to me and rarely let me see her suffer...

she knew that she wasnt gonna make it much longer, and i had my first spring break trip coming up. so obviously i wasnt gonna go. she died like 2 weeks before my trip. the next week, my aunt called me to tell me to come over that she had something for me. my mom had given her 500 dollars to give me so i could go on the trip. she knew she wouldnt be around

even staring death in the face, she just wanted to make me happy.

RIP 4/10/05
Originally Posted by yao11ming4mvp

On April 2st, 2010, my mother committed suicide.  She hung herself with electrical wires in her own closet.  My father was the one to find her, when 10-15 minutes prior she mentioned she was going outside to take a walk.  Unfortunately, this was her walk to heaven.
(wow) +
; damn that is rough man. How are you holding up?

Did we ever find out why it happened?
truly sorry to hear that OP, that's gotta be extremely difficult for you.. i wish you and your fam the best..
i would say my grandfather but that was when i was 2 or 3 so i don't remember him much.
but if i were to choose someone it would be a close friend's father.
ive dealt witha lot of it thru my life, it sucks and in all honestly i try not to cry when something happens, everyone looks to me to be strong so i try my best, sometimes ill cry quietly when im alone during the situation...

lemme see here...

i lost my uncle to aids, i was fairly young but i still remember him, him and my mom were extremely close so it hurt her alot and he was one my fav uncles, his exwife gave it to him from stepping out on him....

i lost one of my favorite cousins growing up, even though i was young he treated me with respect and like an adult and showed me guidance, he hung himself because he was going through issues with his baby moms, she was threatening to leave and he was gonna never see his child again...

my mother lost her grandmother (my great grandmother) a few years back, it hurt alot because she was like a mother to my mom, she raised her and was always there for her. i remember growing up and taking family trips to see her, and that awesome family cooking...

about 2 years ago my girlfriend lost her mom to a battle with cancer, it hit her hard and me too, ive known my girl since we were in the 2nd grade and her mom always treated my like a son, it hurt alot but i couldnt show it to my girl cause i know at that point she needed me to be there for her, i dont think i even shed a tear infront of her (im tearing now as i type this)

the past year i lost my greatgrandmother on my fathers side, it hurt alot, espcially to my grandmother, i was basically raised with them and theyve been around me my whole life. my son has a picture with his great great grandmother which i think is an amazing thing... it hurt my grandmother the most and were a pretty tight and big family, it was sad and it scared me alot because it a mix of age (she was 96) and pneumonia that took her and i know my grandmother is gettin old always and god knows what i do without her...

i lost a friend my soph year in highschool, a copped pushed him, he fell to the sidewalk and hit his head on the curb, he slipped into a coma and never woke up...

recently another child hood friend was lost, he was driving home one night and got into a car accident (he wasnt drunk or high or anything) no one knows what happened, they just found him on a side of the road, his car totaled and him face down as if he was crawling away...
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