NT, why is it when a gang related shooting happens, families blame the police, etc? Serious topic

Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

Some people feel that the police is there to protect individuals which is wrong, we protect the community. 
i think that's the argument.

how is the community being protected when there are teenage gangs having shootouts in the streets?
Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

Some people feel that the police is there to protect individuals which is wrong, we protect the community. 
i think that's the argument.

how is the community being protected when there are teenage gangs having shootouts in the streets?
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

sickickz23 wrote:
to counter that:

why was it when he was alive, and when he joined the gang, the majority of his family and friends never spoke to him about why he joined the gang? Why not tell him to get out. Cuz he's a "grown man?" SMH....

(purely speculaton, but i'm betting that other than his mom, most of his family didn't worry about his life being taken away when he joined that gang)

why would you assume that?

just to play devils advocate...

wasn't that one boy who was killed near the school in Chicago beat up cuz he woulnd't join a gang? he was bullied by them cuz he refused to join or something like that...i don't know if thats the kid you referenced in your original post...

how do you know that wasn't the case here?

i think both of you are being petty...you for not speaking to her over something she said on FB and her for having the whole office involved...unless she called your friends wife out by name i personally don't think it was that big of a deal for you to not speak to her & not offer your condolences on her wall or whatever...

Good post MyT I am in agreeance with u. Both of you all sound immature.... RIP to the kid tho.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

sickickz23 wrote:
to counter that:

why was it when he was alive, and when he joined the gang, the majority of his family and friends never spoke to him about why he joined the gang? Why not tell him to get out. Cuz he's a "grown man?" SMH....

(purely speculaton, but i'm betting that other than his mom, most of his family didn't worry about his life being taken away when he joined that gang)

why would you assume that?

just to play devils advocate...

wasn't that one boy who was killed near the school in Chicago beat up cuz he woulnd't join a gang? he was bullied by them cuz he refused to join or something like that...i don't know if thats the kid you referenced in your original post...

how do you know that wasn't the case here?

i think both of you are being petty...you for not speaking to her over something she said on FB and her for having the whole office involved...unless she called your friends wife out by name i personally don't think it was that big of a deal for you to not speak to her & not offer your condolences on her wall or whatever...

Good post MyT I am in agreeance with u. Both of you all sound immature.... RIP to the kid tho.
Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

From an officer's perspective the individual is just ignorant. Some people feel that the police is there to protect individuals which is wrong, we protect the community. We can not be everywhere at once. CPD is a fine police department and they have alot to deal with with gangs. In dc the gangs want no part of us.

Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

From an officer's perspective the individual is just ignorant. Some people feel that the police is there to protect individuals which is wrong, we protect the community. We can not be everywhere at once. CPD is a fine police department and they have alot to deal with with gangs. In dc the gangs want no part of us.

In some communities the police protect and in some communties they are an occupying force in a war and they carry themselves as such.I'm guessing alot of black folks in the ghettos and in the poorer areas of Chicago truly view the cops as an enemy they are at war with and believe they have neglected their duty as officers.You also gotta factor in alot of these communities have stockholm syndrome they are so used these gang members being around they have grown accustomed to the gangs activities in the area.She is a fool for saying the cops killed her nephew in some cases the cops truly have no part in these fools deaths.
In some communities the police protect and in some communties they are an occupying force in a war and they carry themselves as such.I'm guessing alot of black folks in the ghettos and in the poorer areas of Chicago truly view the cops as an enemy they are at war with and believe they have neglected their duty as officers.You also gotta factor in alot of these communities have stockholm syndrome they are so used these gang members being around they have grown accustomed to the gangs activities in the area.She is a fool for saying the cops killed her nephew in some cases the cops truly have no part in these fools deaths.
Sad situation, but the gang member new the risks involved with becoming part of a gang.  His parents, his aunt, and the police department are not responsible for the outcome of his choices...he is.

You have every right to ignore her facebook post.  Simply express sympathy for the pain that she is going through and keep it moving.
If she and her coworkers want to act like children about it then so be it.
Sad situation, but the gang member new the risks involved with becoming part of a gang.  His parents, his aunt, and the police department are not responsible for the outcome of his choices...he is.

You have every right to ignore her facebook post.  Simply express sympathy for the pain that she is going through and keep it moving.
If she and her coworkers want to act like children about it then so be it.
LarryDavid- We cant be everywhere at once. Usually what happens is once a shooting occurs we usually ask withnesses (community) if they saw anything blah blah and 9/10 times they say NO. So help us help you and give us something instead of being quite. That makes me mad more than anything when the COMMUNITY DOES NOT COOPERATE!!!
LarryDavid- We cant be everywhere at once. Usually what happens is once a shooting occurs we usually ask withnesses (community) if they saw anything blah blah and 9/10 times they say NO. So help us help you and give us something instead of being quite. That makes me mad more than anything when the COMMUNITY DOES NOT COOPERATE!!!
Of course people in the hoods of chicago have a negative perception of the police in chicago just look at their history. If i were the police chief I would just do massive sweeps of the scum bags in that town and prosecute (broken windows theory). Then when thats all done community policing to the fullest flooding the streets with mountain bike officers foot beat officer so the community sees that we do care about them. Im trying to be a chief somewhere and have some good ideas of what the new age cop is all about
Of course people in the hoods of chicago have a negative perception of the police in chicago just look at their history. If i were the police chief I would just do massive sweeps of the scum bags in that town and prosecute (broken windows theory). Then when thats all done community policing to the fullest flooding the streets with mountain bike officers foot beat officer so the community sees that we do care about them. Im trying to be a chief somewhere and have some good ideas of what the new age cop is all about
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

i think this is just an isolated incident. i usually don't see people blaming the police the gang related murders.

i think its prevalant than you think, bro....

people tend to look at the cops in a negative, and rightfully so because.....

Originally Posted by QuaniBoiXi

there are some crooked cops out there.

jus cuz the one you know is good, doesnt mean they all are.
every situation is different


so there you go... i will never wish death upon anyone, but if you're alledgely involved with one's death, people tend to want to take revenge, and the most basic form of revenge is, "i'm going to do to you what you did me"...

the women is in a grieving period, but eventually, she's going to have to mature up and understand that people have different views. you arent saying "i dont care that your nephew died"... you're just saying "i dont approve of what your personal views are of the police b/c my personal views of the police"...

you should wait a few days, explain that to her, and let her know you're deeply sorry for the tragic loss of her nephew...

that would hopefully patch things up...


Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

i think this is just an isolated incident. i usually don't see people blaming the police the gang related murders.

i think its prevalant than you think, bro....

people tend to look at the cops in a negative, and rightfully so because.....

Originally Posted by QuaniBoiXi

there are some crooked cops out there.

jus cuz the one you know is good, doesnt mean they all are.
every situation is different


so there you go... i will never wish death upon anyone, but if you're alledgely involved with one's death, people tend to want to take revenge, and the most basic form of revenge is, "i'm going to do to you what you did me"...

the women is in a grieving period, but eventually, she's going to have to mature up and understand that people have different views. you arent saying "i dont care that your nephew died"... you're just saying "i dont approve of what your personal views are of the police b/c my personal views of the police"...

you should wait a few days, explain that to her, and let her know you're deeply sorry for the tragic loss of her nephew...

that would hopefully patch things up...


Originally Posted by adob0

because it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. 

Beat me to it. It's always the polices fault, the governments, etc. As long as it isn't the victim/criminal, it's too hard for people to take responsibility these days
Originally Posted by adob0

because it's ALWAYS someone else's fault. 

Beat me to it. It's always the polices fault, the governments, etc. As long as it isn't the victim/criminal, it's too hard for people to take responsibility these days
Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

LarryDavid- We cant be everywhere at once. Usually what happens is once a shooting occurs we usually ask withnesses (community) if they saw anything blah blah and 9/10 times they say NO. So help us help you and give us something instead of being quite. That makes me mad more than anything when the COMMUNITY DOES NOT COOPERATE!!!

i was playing devils advocate and trying to answer the question

i actually agree with you alot.

people want to criticize the police when noone wants to actually call them

its a catch 22

because, growing up in the hood, the police were much more scary than reassuring to me...

i grew up with an unnatural fear of police....real talk

but, if i see someone get shot infront of my house, im calling the boys.....

hell, we called the police when our drunk neighbor hit my moms car....

Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

LarryDavid- We cant be everywhere at once. Usually what happens is once a shooting occurs we usually ask withnesses (community) if they saw anything blah blah and 9/10 times they say NO. So help us help you and give us something instead of being quite. That makes me mad more than anything when the COMMUNITY DOES NOT COOPERATE!!!

i was playing devils advocate and trying to answer the question

i actually agree with you alot.

people want to criticize the police when noone wants to actually call them

its a catch 22

because, growing up in the hood, the police were much more scary than reassuring to me...

i grew up with an unnatural fear of police....real talk

but, if i see someone get shot infront of my house, im calling the boys.....

hell, we called the police when our drunk neighbor hit my moms car....

People have unrealistic expectations of police officers.

You shouldn't expect a police officer to "protect and serve", police officers are always minutes away when seconds count. While police officers are on the side of roads enforcing stupid arbitrary laws and sitting in parking lots talking amongst themselves, there are houses being robbed, ect.. There is no protection from a Community College graduate that has been brainwashed to think he/she is above the law. Sorry.

Police are a waste of time and resources. If everyone owned a gun, there would be no use of them.
People have unrealistic expectations of police officers.

You shouldn't expect a police officer to "protect and serve", police officers are always minutes away when seconds count. While police officers are on the side of roads enforcing stupid arbitrary laws and sitting in parking lots talking amongst themselves, there are houses being robbed, ect.. There is no protection from a Community College graduate that has been brainwashed to think he/she is above the law. Sorry.

Police are a waste of time and resources. If everyone owned a gun, there would be no use of them.
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