NT, why is it when a gang related shooting happens, families blame the police, etc? Serious topic

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

You expect Parents/Families to place blame on themselves?

Blaming others is the American way.

Sad, but true
Originally Posted by rashi

Police are a waste of time and resources. If everyone owned a gun, there would be no use of them.
, are you Brian Schinzel, bro?


i dont agree with this statement, but it's not that far-fetched...

Originally Posted by rashi

Police are a waste of time and resources. If everyone owned a gun, there would be no use of them.
, are you Brian Schinzel, bro?


i dont agree with this statement, but it's not that far-fetched...

Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

Of course people in the hoods of chicago have a negative perception of the police in chicago just look at their history. If i were the police chief I would just do massive sweeps of the scum bags in that town and prosecute (broken windows theory). Then when thats all done community policing to the fullest flooding the streets with mountain bike officers foot beat officer so the community sees that we do care about them. Im trying to be a chief somewhere and have some good ideas of what the new age cop is all about
Thing is thats when you all go from a police force to a military force doing city wide sweeps and practically declaring war on the people in these neighborhoods.They will fell even more threatened by the searches seizures,swat teams and the almost martial law you all will put in place.I respect your actioins and can see how it is almost justifiable ,but these people are truly afraid and feel terrorized this would push them over the edge.I think the best way to do it is to empower the people make the citizens feel like they are in control and that they have your support 100%.
Originally Posted by KayGeeDaGr8

Of course people in the hoods of chicago have a negative perception of the police in chicago just look at their history. If i were the police chief I would just do massive sweeps of the scum bags in that town and prosecute (broken windows theory). Then when thats all done community policing to the fullest flooding the streets with mountain bike officers foot beat officer so the community sees that we do care about them. Im trying to be a chief somewhere and have some good ideas of what the new age cop is all about
Thing is thats when you all go from a police force to a military force doing city wide sweeps and practically declaring war on the people in these neighborhoods.They will fell even more threatened by the searches seizures,swat teams and the almost martial law you all will put in place.I respect your actioins and can see how it is almost justifiable ,but these people are truly afraid and feel terrorized this would push them over the edge.I think the best way to do it is to empower the people make the citizens feel like they are in control and that they have your support 100%.
I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize
I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize
Originally Posted by rashi

Naw man, who the hell is that?

my good friend.

he's an uber-libertarian who has self-taught himself econ and finance @$!@, with a dash of crazy "alarmist" theory

he told me about this financial crisis @$!@ like a year and a half before it went down

always talking about the dollar failing

he was the first person i ever heard raise the "if everyone had a gun" argument....

which, while i dont agree, is pretty damn logical....i cant even argue with it...

i actually use it sometimes in arguments with people way too anti-gun or pro-gun control
Originally Posted by rashi

Naw man, who the hell is that?

my good friend.

he's an uber-libertarian who has self-taught himself econ and finance @$!@, with a dash of crazy "alarmist" theory

he told me about this financial crisis @$!@ like a year and a half before it went down

always talking about the dollar failing

he was the first person i ever heard raise the "if everyone had a gun" argument....

which, while i dont agree, is pretty damn logical....i cant even argue with it...

i actually use it sometimes in arguments with people way too anti-gun or pro-gun control
Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.
Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.
^ see but sometimes, bright teenagers that do good in school, go down that road and join gangs. My philisophy is:

"Raise your kid to the best of your ability to not to bad, to not be a negative. Always do what's right, and stay true to what u are and what u want to do/be." Anytime a person breaks that, I always blame the parents first.  If that ever happened to me the first thing I would say to myself is "I failed as a parent."

But in the words of the Joker, I guess it's "all part of the plan."

Great posts btw.
^ see but sometimes, bright teenagers that do good in school, go down that road and join gangs. My philisophy is:

"Raise your kid to the best of your ability to not to bad, to not be a negative. Always do what's right, and stay true to what u are and what u want to do/be." Anytime a person breaks that, I always blame the parents first.  If that ever happened to me the first thing I would say to myself is "I failed as a parent."

But in the words of the Joker, I guess it's "all part of the plan."

Great posts btw.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.
The dude(s) might get caught or they might not, not all police are bad people though.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.
The dude(s) might get caught or they might not, not all police are bad people though.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

OP, so what exactly did you do for her to know you weren't happy with her FB Comment? You said you ignored her, was it a blatant ignore and did she know why? Just wondering how she knew you weren't happy unless you directly spoke on it to her.

I think you should sit down and clear your name when it dies down.

well she knows that I'm an active FBer. Always commenting, posting, and posting on my co-workers statuses. So she knew that I saw her status. When she asked why I kinda didn't post anything, I kinda brushed her off and told her I was busy doing something, I'll talk to u later, and avoided her the rest of the week. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

OP, so what exactly did you do for her to know you weren't happy with her FB Comment? You said you ignored her, was it a blatant ignore and did she know why? Just wondering how she knew you weren't happy unless you directly spoke on it to her.

I think you should sit down and clear your name when it dies down.

well she knows that I'm an active FBer. Always commenting, posting, and posting on my co-workers statuses. So she knew that I saw her status. When she asked why I kinda didn't post anything, I kinda brushed her off and told her I was busy doing something, I'll talk to u later, and avoided her the rest of the week. 
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.

But your stuff will still be missing, your home owners insurance will still go up. And if a family member,friend etc is killed they still will be dead. In all my years of living i can honestly say i have never had a need or have had anything resolved by a police officer. Do i hate/dislike police no...... But at this point in life i havent had a need directly/indirectly.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.

But your stuff will still be missing, your home owners insurance will still go up. And if a family member,friend etc is killed they still will be dead. In all my years of living i can honestly say i have never had a need or have had anything resolved by a police officer. Do i hate/dislike police no...... But at this point in life i havent had a need directly/indirectly.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.

What do you want them to do? Lemme guess, they're supposed to magically know this is going on and prevent it right? I'm sure it's also their fault when this happens too, right?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by drock2010

I see it this way people who always say "F the police" or just bad stuff about cops. Who do you call when your house gets broken into? or somone hurts or even kills someone close to you?

I understand there are A LOT of a-hole cops and crooked ones but dont generalize

Ok and? What the hell is a cop going to do AFTER THE FACT? You have already been robbed, the family member is already dead. What are police going to do? Investigate? Sure, time and a half and overtime would be nice in their pockets.

What do you want them to do? Lemme guess, they're supposed to magically know this is going on and prevent it right? I'm sure it's also their fault when this happens too, right?
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