NTers - need help joining a social circle.

Feb 5, 2011
There is this girl that I really like, the problem is that her group of friends is very cliquey and, to be honest, I'm not exactly part of a clique myself (by clique I mean a large social group. ) , nor have I ever been part of one.

I grew up in a well-off, but *$+$$* up family so as a kid, I never felt comfortable around other kids from my area.... that's my excuse, I have a problem, I need some help.

to those who will help, thank you

to those who wanna make fun of me, ++!+ you

good day.
There is this girl that I really like, the problem is that her group of friends is very cliquey and, to be honest, I'm not exactly part of a clique myself (by clique I mean a large social group. ) , nor have I ever been part of one.

I grew up in a well-off, but *$+$$* up family so as a kid, I never felt comfortable around other kids from my area.... that's my excuse, I have a problem, I need some help.

to those who will help, thank you

to those who wanna make fun of me, ++!+ you

good day.
are you in middle school?

just go talk to her
don't complicate things bro. talk to her. have fun. plain & simple.

EDIT: Do this while she's alone, unless you have no problem engaging her friends too
don't complicate things bro. talk to her. have fun. plain & simple.

EDIT: Do this while she's alone, unless you have no problem engaging her friends too
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

are you in middle school?

just go talk to her
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Damn, why so harsh on dude? For some people, it's not that easy.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]OP, just go talk to her[/color]
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

are you in middle school?

just go talk to her
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Damn, why so harsh on dude? For some people, it's not that easy.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]OP, just go talk to her[/color]
Get her number and hit her up after school. Best time to get to know HER, is without annoying friends around. So phone could be a start. Good Luck.
Get her number and hit her up after school. Best time to get to know HER, is without annoying friends around. So phone could be a start. Good Luck.
People with lame advice that is not gonna help FTL. I get what you are saying...but you gotta find a different time to talk to her. I know a lot of girls roll around with a bunch of other girls so it's hard to chat them up. With these sort of birds you HAVE to catch them in between classes or something where they are walking alone. Your best bet OP is to be stalkerish and find out when she has to walk between classes. Then one of the days just stop her and pretend you don't know something (where some building or something is), or if you are more direct just spit your game however. It's not easy to do this...and not casual, but you got no other sort of shot. If the chick has a sense of humor you could try something with a note, but usually that stuff doesn't work well unless you are good looking and she's already into you.
People with lame advice that is not gonna help FTL. I get what you are saying...but you gotta find a different time to talk to her. I know a lot of girls roll around with a bunch of other girls so it's hard to chat them up. With these sort of birds you HAVE to catch them in between classes or something where they are walking alone. Your best bet OP is to be stalkerish and find out when she has to walk between classes. Then one of the days just stop her and pretend you don't know something (where some building or something is), or if you are more direct just spit your game however. It's not easy to do this...and not casual, but you got no other sort of shot. If the chick has a sense of humor you could try something with a note, but usually that stuff doesn't work well unless you are good looking and she's already into you.
Don't need to be part of a clique - use it to your advantage.

A lot of groups of friends are so comfortable with each other they often just joke around all day. Be the somewhat mysterious dude with a different and positive attitude that they aren't used to.

Arrive on the scene standing out from the rest.

Show her what you can offer her.
Don't need to be part of a clique - use it to your advantage.

A lot of groups of friends are so comfortable with each other they often just joke around all day. Be the somewhat mysterious dude with a different and positive attitude that they aren't used to.

Arrive on the scene standing out from the rest.

Show her what you can offer her.
Originally Posted by halal cart23

I grew up in a well-off, but *$+$$* up family so as a kid, I never felt comfortable around other kids from my area.... that's my excuse, I have a problem, I need some help.
Originally Posted by halal cart23

I grew up in a well-off, but *$+$$* up family so as a kid, I never felt comfortable around other kids from my area.... that's my excuse, I have a problem, I need some help.
OP, ask some of your friends if they know her then they could introduce you.  If you already tried that and none of them do, then you're gonna have to bite the bullet and talk to her in front of her friends.  The fear of rejection is hard to get over, but sometimes you gotta just turn the swag on and if they don't wanna talk to you then tell them you heard they were easy and wanted some fun before class...
OP, ask some of your friends if they know her then they could introduce you.  If you already tried that and none of them do, then you're gonna have to bite the bullet and talk to her in front of her friends.  The fear of rejection is hard to get over, but sometimes you gotta just turn the swag on and if they don't wanna talk to you then tell them you heard they were easy and wanted some fun before class...
I'm in college.

And It ain't like I haven't talked to her, I know her, but I want to get closer to her by getting closer to her friends... because if you win the whole group over, it is easier to go after a specific girl. (this !#!% is from mystery method) But I don't know how to join this group.

BTW, some of you fools are too far removed from college life to understand or remember how important a social circle is in getting w/ girls.
If you are always hanging out by yourself or only w/ one or two people - guys that is, then girls won't even give you a second look.
I'm in college.

And It ain't like I haven't talked to her, I know her, but I want to get closer to her by getting closer to her friends... because if you win the whole group over, it is easier to go after a specific girl. (this !#!% is from mystery method) But I don't know how to join this group.

BTW, some of you fools are too far removed from college life to understand or remember how important a social circle is in getting w/ girls.
If you are always hanging out by yourself or only w/ one or two people - guys that is, then girls won't even give you a second look.
make sure u have fresh shoes, fresh clothes, fresh breath....

then talk to her...nothing to out there....just talk about how the day is going, have something in COMMON with her in the conversation...

then one day one of her friends are gonna join and you introduce and there ya go..YOU IN IT TO WIN IT
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