NT's LEGAL Gun Thread UPDATE...First Youtube Firearm Review Page 61

Anyone have a suppressor? I want one for the simple face that they look cool. That and you won't go death using your gun in a home invasion.

It'll still be loud with a suppressor. Need a suppressor + subsonic ammo to let off those "psst" shots.
Just turned the shield from a 8+1 to a 9+1, I'll give it the range test this evening


read up on this yesterday after someone mentioned it...

doesn't seem too reliable from the forums I read about it.

tell us how it goes.
How are dudes accidentally letting off shots in their house? Come on man...

All my guns are loud af but my shield.

Nothing tops my ak but my shotgun isn't far behind with a short barrel. About twice as loud as any of my friends.
We were teenagers tho and were all passin it around smokin blunts. But like i said idk what the hell he was doin but he was holdin it for a while and next thing you know BAM one round went off and the ***** dropped the K and dust was everywhere.
:lol: god damn. I remember my friend shot through the floor of his room like an idiot and played it off as fire works to his mom. Equally as dumb but not as dangerous I guess.
Anyone have a suppressor? I want one for the simple face that they look cool. That and you won't go deaf using your gun in a home invasion.
Don't have one but I'm with you on that going deaf part...always wondered how I'd react to shooting an AR or AK without my hearing protection.
letting off anything inside a home (obviously without ear protection) has got to be nuts of all kinds...

hopefully we never have to go there fambz.
That's one reason I keep multiple handguns ready but not a rifle for defending the inside of my home. (Overpenetration is another, though even pistol rounds will penetrate several sheetrock walls, through-and-through.) I've got a rifle, but don't plan on using it unless I need to shoot outside (and **** will have really gotten bad if the situation has gotten to that point). I don't look forward to shooting any gun without hearing protection, but in reality I know I won't have time or the presence of mind to fool with that if **** goes down.
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Was able to swing by my local and pick up some Perfecta 9mm. Went to the range and shot about 200 rounds and man, it was good. No jams, no issues, no nothing. $9.78 for 50 rounds. Solid price. It goes fast around me so the next time I see it I'm scooping up more for sure. Solid range rounds.
Was able to swing by my local and pick up some Perfecta 9mm. Went to the range and shot about 200 rounds and man, it was good. No jams, no issues, no nothing. $9.78 for 50 rounds. Solid price. It goes fast around me so the next time I see it I'm scooping up more for sure. Solid range rounds.
Good to know. Thanks for the report.
Heads up for California NTers:

Two of the bills approved by the Senate would ban the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines as well as semiautomatic, center-fire rifles with “bullet buttons,” a recessed button that, when pressed by a sharp object, allows removal of the magazine. Those already possessing such guns would have to register them with the state as assault rifles.

Another measure approved Thursday would ban the possession of large-capacity magazines, those holding more than 10 bullets.
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I'm sorry what does all that mean, no AR's? AK's?

First of all, the bills are not law, yet. However, it looks like they likely will become law once they go through all of the legislative steps. If that happens, here are some of the changes mentioned by that article:
  • Semiauto rifles with either normal detachable mags or (formerly California-compliant) bullet-button mags would no longer be allowed to be made or sold in-state. Yes, that would affect ARs and AKs.
  • If you already own gun(s) like that, you would be required to register them with the state as "assault rifles" (IMO basically putting yourself on a future collection list for those "assault rifles").
  • You could "permanently" attach the mag to the gun ("disassembly" would be required to remove the magazine), which would avoid having to register it as an "assault rifle." However...
  • You can no longer possess magazines with greater than 10-round capacity. I believe this was already in effect for handguns, but now would cover rifles, as well. So even if you have a fixed magazine, it would need to be 10 rounds or less (which is why I mentioned the SKS).
  • Since possession is not allowed, owners of banned mags would be "allowed" to sell them to licensed gun dealers or out of state to become compliant.
Other topics that I didn't hit with my first post above:
  • ID would be required not only buying guns, but also for ammo, with the intention of keeping felons etc from buying ammo.

  • Owners of homemade guns (such as partially-manufactured AR lowers completed by the buyer) would now be required to get a serial number for the firearms, register them with the state, and undergo a background check.
EDIT: There is some hope:
"Gun bills have traditionally had a harder time in the Assembly, but Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon said this week he is committed to pushing them through. The bills also must pass muster with Gov. Jerry Brown, who has vetoed some gun control measures in the past that he felt were overreaching."
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^45 hold 6+1 and 7+1 not bad at all! I was gonna get the G43 for xmas but mayne idk now...
I've built 4 AR's the 80% complete lower receiver way in Cali. Them law's don't mean a thing.
I agree! Nothing like building and owning a ghost...
I've never built or owned one, but I agree that laws are useless without implementation. And they're going to have a **** of a time enforcing a lot of these... At the end of the day, practically all gun control efforts only slow down/limit law-abiding citizens, and have no effect on criminals. What a waste of time and money.
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