NT's LEGAL Gun Thread UPDATE...First Youtube Firearm Review Page 61

^ magpul ones are solid and cheap. If it's out yet, check out their SL line. I personally like the old school round handguard with a carbine gas system, but the magpuls look better for a midlegnth gas carbine. Plus the (good) oval handguards have a double aluminum heat shield, the magpuls and most others have a single aluminum shield. Not a big difference unless your doing a bunch of full auto mag dumps.
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I've transitioned from 124 gr gold dots to 135 gr hornady flex lock. Still keep a few boxes of some hot *** 147 gr gold dots though.
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[COLOR=#red]9mm Winchester Ranger SXT (repackaged, re-branded, and better performing Black Talons)
12 Gauge Semi-Auto 6 Shells of OO Buckshot, 2 Shells of Solid Lead Slug which I have for my first two shots in case I need to make a more precise shot in a home defense situation, the last 6 are buckshot.
AK-47 A mix match of surplus 7.62x39 non-corrosive ammo, because it really doesn't matter...my AK eats anything you put in it and it hits hard.
AR Ammo Mark 262 Mod 1 77 grain 5.56. It hits very hard and has a longer effective range than 55 and 62 gr 5.56 and has match grade accuracy. Used in the HK-416s that took out Osama. Cost almost a dollar per round and I bought 1000 rds :lol: between giving them to buddies to try out and shooting them myself I only have 60 rounds left.[/COLOR]
I'm currently looking at getting another gun I want either a glock 21 or ar-15. I currently have a g19. I'm thinking the 21 is more practical for me but I hear People say the 9 is just as effective as the .45, but the .45 caliber is a beast so I kinda want one to see what the hype is about. The ars look food but I need to conceal my guns at home. My question is which one would you guys reccommend for my situation the ar or 21 or just keep my 19 and don't worry about another gun for now?
I'm currently looking at getting another gun I want either a glock 21 or ar-15. I currently have a g19. I'm thinking the 21 is more practical for me but I hear People say the 9 is just as effective as the .45, but the .45 caliber is a beast so I kinda want one to see what the hype is about. The ars look food but I need to conceal my guns at home. My question is which one would you guys reccommend for my situation the ar or 21 or just keep my 19 and don't worry about another gun for now?

[COLOR=#red]We all have our preferences, you can't go wrong with a .45 just understand that unless you are dealing with the Hi-Cap FN 45s and the few others with Hi-Cap you are going to give up magazine capacity and you are going to pay more for ammo. If these two factors doesn't bother you then try one out. I've had my share of high end .45s, liked them a lot to be honest...I used to be that guy who thought the 9mm was puny in comparison but then I realized how versatile the 9mm is, how concealable the smaller ones are, how light they are, and how much cheaper ammo is in the long run so I changed.

But then again I've had the opportunity to own and shoot some pretty nice .45s. At least I had the experience to do so and maybe you should to.
I don't know anyone who spends good money on ak ammo. I just buy bulk surplus too. Mine feeds hollow points fine and I heard those are the only ones that can cause trouble. Aks can shoot anything. I shoot the dirtiest ammo and it's great. :lol:
I can't embed or upload vids for some reason, but here's me shooting the fnx45 suppressed at 10 yards.  I need to go further but I was trying to practice shooting with both eyes open, i can't.....lol.


It takes a long time to retrain yourself to shoot both eyes open, but its worth it.  Just practice, practice, practice.  Only time I'll shoot one eye closed is if I'm trying to take a long shot.
It takes a long time to retrain yourself to shoot both eyes open, but its worth it.  Just practice, practice, practice.  Only time I'll shoot one eye closed is if I'm trying to take a long shot.

Hell yeah, Im doing it now. Been really working on it the last 3 months or so, to the point where within 13 yds or so it's close to my one eye group. But it definitely fatigues my eyes, and for longer shots, i still generally go one eye. Squinting my left eye a bit helps get my focus back, but its still hard.
I'm currently looking at getting another gun I want either a glock 21 or ar-15. I currently have a g19. I'm thinking the 21 is more practical for me but I hear People say the 9 is just as effective as the .45, but the .45 caliber is a beast so I kinda want one to see what the hype is about. The ars look food but I need to conceal my guns at home. My question is which one would you guys reccommend for my situation the ar or 21 or just keep my 19 and don't worry about another gun for now?

45's are good, it's probably my favorite caliber (though I generally carry a compact 9mm, and shoot a longslide 9mm in competition, go figure) but if i were you, I'd get another 9mm. specifically, the HK VP9.

Like Elder mentioned, ammo costs are significantly higher with 45, reduced capacity in most guns, more recoil. I still think 45 is more effective 9, but the difference between the 2 is small enough that other things like shot placement and number of lead pills in your smokewagon will be more important.
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"If you need to pull the trigger more than 8 times your mistake wasnt carryin a 1911, it was reaching for a sidearm"

Was watchin a prof. Body gaurd thing where the guy was teaching a class and made this statement. I agree 100%
^how many gunfights has oldboy been in?

Assuming you need to use your gun, and do fire, and score a 50% hit rate (which is probably higher than most gunfights), that means you hit dude 4 times. And that assumes you put him down with those 4 shots, and it assumes there's only 1 attacker. What if there are 2, or 3? What if you dump the whole mag at him and he's still shooting/attacking?

At home, it's hard to argue if you do pull something, it should be something with a stock, but most likely if your out in the world a pistol is the most likely weapon you'll have on you. I took a class with a guy that said his pistol was just to get him to his rifle (he keeps a rifle in the trunk of his car at all times). IMO, thats just dumb.
No idea. I get both sides of the coin tho.... If im in a sitch with multiple aggressors obv higher capacity is always a good thing. But if we truly walked aroind worrying abut worst case scenario wed hafta carry AR pistols. How many pocket 9s hold more than 8 rds?
^ I hear you bro, but thats why personally I don't carry a pocket 9. my mp9c has a 12 rd mag, so 13 rds.

And realistically you are right, thats why the 8 rd 45c is my other carry gun.

Also, assuming I don't get scammed (fingers crossed), I got this coming in next week.

I only need 7 rounds 
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Does anyone know where I can find 9mm rounds for the low? I purchased a CZ 75b omega today but I won't be able to pick up till next Thursday when everything clears. I want to take her out same night at the range. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Does anyone know where I can find 9mm rounds for the low? I purchased a CZ 75b omega today but I won't be able to pick up till next Thursday when everything clears. I want to take her out same night at the range. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Walmart has winchester value pack for 26ish plus tax. That's usually what I buy. It comes with 100 rounds.
I don't think it's dumb that dude uses a pistol to get him to his trunk. You could change from defense to offense real quick. Good luck in court though. :lol:

I'd never roll like that but I guess it makes sense. You got an ar vs a pistol it's a done deal assuming you can shoot worth a damn.
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Does anyone know where I can find 9mm rounds for the low? I purchased a CZ 75b omega today but I won't be able to pick up till next Thursday when everything clears. I want to take her out same night at the range. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Good buy man. I love CZs. Wish i owned a older one with the curved trigger gaurd :pimp:. Sp01 will be mine some day too. Drool.

If your buyin in bulk jus go to a gun show in your area. Or LGS and let em know your tryna get 1k rds. Theyll tax u some but by the time u add shipping too any slick online deals your right around the same price. If you order online i guess you dobt hafta leave your couch tho... Sgammo is legit and fast in comparison too some of the others ive tried
I don't think it's dumb that dude uses a pistol to get him to his trunk. You could change from defense to offense real quick. Good luck in court though. :lol:

I'd never roll like that but I guess it makes sense. You got an ar vs a pistol it's a done deal assuming you can shoot worth a damn.
this is true but i really cant see myself in a full fledged gun fight hah i dont make those moves or associate myself. But i guess if im minding my buisness near my ride and shots ring out getting to an AR would be nice... ( dont own one yet tho, building). I do have a keltec sub 2000 with a red dot tho that fits easily under/behind either seat and is in there alot. Also ill prob get shot by the cops when they arrive hah

Generally when i envision myself getting attacked its 1-2 attackers. Trying to take my car. Tryna jump me outside a restaurant/club. Tryna mug me at the atm, home invasion etc. Those r the situations i wanna be prepared for. I dont live in chiraq. Or browns ville or compton hah i dont want no problems but i have a family n a few nice things worth protecting
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Yeah exactly no one hates me enough to need to carry my ak in the trunk and a pistol. :lol: but if people want to more power to them to each his own.

I'll carry once our business is up and running and that's about it. That's the only time I'll be a real target. I'll probably just open carry. That'll either get me shot or never robbed. :lol: just gotta worry about the young idiots really and they aren't going to rob a dude they know has a gun. I've actually been counting cash at a job back in the day and we got the door kicked in. We each had a gun and just yelled upstairs we see you on camera and we got a Mossberg and glock 19 down here so take off.
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Leaving a rifle unsecured in a trunk is not a good look, especially with a bunch of gun stickers on your car (which this dude had). Car could get stolen, trunk could get busted open, then your out $1500 on a rifle and if someone uses that gun in a crime, having to deal with that hassle. If I shoot my way to car, Im not thinking of getting something bigger; Im thinking get the fukk out of there!
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