NTs reading comprehension FTL

Nov 23, 2008
How some were unable to get the gist of a very simple question is beyond me. Instead they turn it into something else.

to think that one of you goes to Yale.
oh, and oppenheimer gave the U.S the atom bomb, so naturally that is why we suck Israel's u know what...and side with them no matter what... even if theyare blatantly wrong
Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

holocaust is over-exaggerated like whoa

I've just about had it with NT today.

Message board raids, belittling the holocaust....I don't know about y'all anymore....
Always wondered this too.

Holocaust is drilled into our heads from elementary school. Nothing else is that emphasized, not even slavery.
Because Jews are in power.

And that may seem like an ignorant, racist/discriminatory remark, but it's the truth.

This reminds me of the video of those Black Israelites that were applauding Hitler and saying the Holocaust was a joke to some Jewish kid, and he was gettingirate. Then they said "HOW ABOUT 100 million black people killed and enslaved to build the ground you walk on!? HOW ABOUT THAT?" Then all of a suddenthe kid started talking about: "Its not about comparing tragedies!"

Whenever slavery gets mentioned, it's always "that was so long ago", "get over it", "lazy blacks still expecting their 40 acresand a mule", but whenever the Holocaust gets mentioned, nothing even remotely negative is politically correct or incorrect, it's just plain"wrong and insensitive", even though far more people were killed during slavery.

there is no way 6-7 jews were killed.... it is just not possible.... Israel and America just use this as a big sob story so people feel sorry for them.....majority of those jews killer were soldiers anyway.... so this 6-7 million nonsense is just a complete over-exaggeration. why dont you people open ur eyes andlook at what they are doing to Palestine... holocaust similarities??? u bet
Man I'm not even going there.
I call out the elephant in the room too damn much for these conversations and then get paraded with a slew of denial.
.:walks out:.
Tarvald Drama Chase wrote:
there is no way 6-7 jews were killed.... it is just not possible.... Israel and America just use this as a big sob story so people feel sorry for them..... majority of those jews killer were soldiers anyway.... so this 6-7 million nonsense is just a complete over-exaggeration. why dont you people open ur eyes and look at what they are doing to Palestine... holocaust similarities??? u bet

You need to do some research.

Are there internment camps? Gas chambers?

I am not saying that to lessen what is happening in Palestine, but please... your ignorance is embarrassing everyone here.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Slavery and attempted genocide are different... no matter what you want to believe.
yes but flat out, slavery was significantly worse than the holocaust.

hasnt it been estimated that 20-30 million slaves were killed only during the middle passage across the sea
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Slavery and attempted genocide are different... no matter what you want to believe.
They are definitely two very different events.

Unfortunately, people feel the need to compare the two, as if one "deserves" more attention than the other.

That's what I never understood about all of this. Why the comparisons? Who cares who suffered more? That doesn't make one more important than theother. They are both black eyes on the face of humanity and events that we really need to learn from rather than used divisively.

No one looks out for the greater good. They just want to get ahead and pull each other back. At the end of the day, you aren't getting a prize in themail because one is deemed more tragic than the other.
Significance of tragedy
time spent studying it

the holocaust probably ranks among the highest...but it was a sad tragedy that does take a lot of time to discuss.

When you discuss the history of the world...WWII comes up, and from there u naturally will discuss the holocaust.

When you discuss European/Western history...WWII comes up, and from there u naturally will discuss the holocaust.

When you discuss American history...WWII comes up, and from there u naturally will discuss the holocaust.

So it's not like you can just forget about it.

And whoever says that they don't discuss slavery in school either didn't pay attention in class, or had poor teachers.

Edit: And can we please stop making this a thread about slavery...its worse than a Lebron thread in S & T turning into a Lebron vs. Kobe thread.

I'd like to hear opinions on what NTers feel should be discussed more, and why the holocaust is discussed so much, rather than which was worse.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Jews run America..That's why
Let's change that to the world instead of just the US. When you own most banks, media, and even are inside most European governments.
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