NYPD back at it again...shoots playful dog in the head

Dec 3, 2009

Bros as a dog lover and fur dad to two, this story and video broke my heart because plenty times I've seen my pups dash out from between my legs when I answer the door and jump on the mailman or neighbors playfully....I can see this happening to one of my dogs and finding myself in a situation where I would lose my mind and quite possibly get myself killed....I understand to some dogs are just animals, but to some of us they are the closest thing we have to our own children...you care for them, you've seen them grow, they are a part of you, seeing some cop execute your dog is no different than seeing that cop execute your child to some people.

NYPD when are you as a department going to do better?....show that you are there for the people and discipline these individuals, don't just shove it off as "under investigation" place the aggressor on paid leave until people eventually forget and then reset their lives as if nothing...the immunity to justice has to end.
Not to say that I side with the officer in this situation, because I don't, the dog was entirely too small to be considered a real threat, but this is the owners fault.

People need to understand that you can't let your dog run loose, especially around strangers. When you do, you run the risk of something like this happening. Unfortunately, the owner had to learn this lesson the hard way.
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Not to say that I side with the officer in this situation, because I don't, the dog was entirely too small to be considered a real threat, but this is the owners fault.

People need to understand that you can't let your dog run loose, especially around strangers. When you do, you run the risk of something like this happening.

I don't know if you won dogs bro, but you don't keep your dogs leashed or caged in your home and sometimes they just skip passed you before you can even react when you open the door....that doesn't give anyone the right to take my pets life :frown:
That was a pretty small dog, didn't have to kill it

:lol: at NYPD back at it again, had me thinking they killed a person.
Naww man... that ain't cool at all. I'm glad the website didn't show the actual shot and blurred it out.

That broke my heart! Taser, Baton, OC Spray... ect. So many other options.

I would understand if the dog was barking and aggressively trying to engage. But Dog literally looked confused and just trying to see who they are.

They way it looked back at the other Officer while wagging it's tail. |I :frown:
Not to say that I side with the officer in this situation, because I don't, the dog was entirely too small to be considered a real threat, but this is the owners fault.

People need to understand that you can't let your dog run loose, especially around strangers. When you do, you run the risk of something like this happening.

I don't know if you won dogs bro, but you don't keep your dogs leashed or caged in your home and sometimes they just skip passed you before you can even react when you open the door....that doesn't give anyone the right to take my pets life :frown:

I do own a dog. You don't have to keep your dog leashed or in a cage in order to prevent it from getting loose. As a dog owner, you know how your dog behaves in certain situations. I can assure you that this wasn't the first time this dog reacted like this to a knock on the door.

Knowing how her dog reacts to a knock on the door, she should have either picked him up or put him in a separate room. Instead, she relied on telling people that an advancing, barking dog was "friendly!".
Not to say that I side with the officer in this situation, because I don't, the dog was entirely too small to be considered a real threat, but this is the owners fault.

People need to understand that you can't let your dog run loose, especially around strangers. When you do, you run the risk of something like this happening.

I don't know if you won dogs bro, but you don't keep your dogs leashed or caged in your home and sometimes they just skip passed you before you can even react when you open the door....that doesn't give anyone the right to take my pets life :frown:

While on this subject though, it is the owner's responsibility to secure the dog.
Bruh was soooo ready to shoot that dog

Odds are he gets a slap on the wrist and is back to smoking people's dogs in a month or two.

Some real coward **** and I'm not a fan of dealing with strangers dogs at all.
After watching the video, I think the owner is at fault. Perhaps the officer didn't need to shoot the dog but dog owners need to understand that not everyone is comfortable with dogs. Most likely the cop won't be punished or receive days off from work.
After watching the video, I think the owner is at fault. Perhaps the officer didn't need to shoot the dog but dog owners need to understand that not everyone is comfortable with dogs. Most likely the cop won't be punished or receive days off from work.

Dogs are fast man, she opened the door for a moment and the dog slipped out. I've had to catch my neighbors dog a few times.
After watching the video, I think the owner is at fault. Perhaps the officer didn't need to shoot the dog but dog owners need to understand that not everyone is comfortable with dogs. Most likely the cop won't be punished or receive days off from work.

It ******* sucks because I love dogs!

But if the Officer knows how to articulate his reasoning for utilizing his DW.

Then he won't get in trouble. Maybe a write up or contact report. That's about it.
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After watching the video, I think the owner is at fault. Perhaps the officer didn't need to shoot the dog but dog owners need to understand that not everyone is comfortable with dogs. Most likely the cop won't be punished or receive days off from work.

Dogs are fast man, she opened the door for a moment and the dog slipped out. I've had to catch my neighbors dog a few times.

Dog just didn't slip out. Owner widen the door and didn't even bother trying to hold him down or retrieve him.

Just stood there and watched.
I hate dogs.

Dog owners need to understand this.

Nothing irritates me more then a dog owner not in control of thier pet.

"Oh he doesn't bite" dont work with me.

Control your *****!

Not condoning the officer at all but i see pet owners who act like their pet is everybody's.
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yeah the nature in which the door was opened makes me side with NYPD. you gonna try and not open the door and the sic the dog on me while you do whatever behind the door? Nah buss that door wide open where I can see you or control your pets. too many variables right there
Touchy subject. But they could have kept the dog inside if that's what they really wanted to do. Size doesn't exactly matter I wouldn't say that's a "small" dog either. Sure it may have wanted to play but you never know.

Pet owners can be so annoying at times tho, just cause you love your dog to death doesn't mean everyone does. Don't force your dog on others, biggest problem I notice.
After watching the video, I think the owner is at fault. Perhaps the officer didn't need to shoot the dog but dog owners need to understand that not everyone is comfortable with dogs. Most likely the cop won't be punished or receive days off from work.

Dogs are fast man, she opened the door for a moment and the dog slipped out. I've had to catch my neighbors dog a few times.

The dog was most likely already at the door as the police knocked at the door or as the police started knocking. I think the dog owner should have kept the dog away from the door as it was opening.
I don't care for dogs that much or dog owners who love their dogs more than people (esp the ones who kiss them in the mouth :x) but it was clear as day that dog was not in any sort of aggressive attack mode, beyond being tiny as hell and that that Cop knew he was going to shoot it soon as he saw it, if it got within X feet of him. NYPD damn near aren't even human at this point

Now im pissed!

WTF was that!?!

And when he loses his mind they'll put one in him and call it a day.

No tears shed over the next NYPD officer that meets thier demise.
Yes as an owner you should control your pet I get that...but you can't be thinki your dog is gonna be shot dead execution style because he slips out of your grasp to go GREET a stranger....if my dog was aggressive and I was careless, I'd understand the cop defending himself...I would blame myself, if my dog is small and friendly as an owner you simply are not gonna be 100% on guard with strangers because you know your dog personally poses no threat whatsoever, if someone is freaking out because the dog is just greeting them, they can easily be restraint....can't stand people that act as if dogs are some beast straight from the pits of hell.
If a cop is that high strung and can't carefully ***** a situation and lives by the "shoot first ask later" mentality, they have no business being a cop.

Should the owner have been in control? YES.

But that cop had more than enough time to see he wasn't in danger. He had his gun out wel before the dog was even out the door...

Absolutely pathetic.
my dog is small and friendly as an owner you simply are not gonna be 100% on guard with strangers because you know your dog personally poses no threat whatsoever,

And thats the issue :lol:

Yes YOU know your dog.

I don't.

I treat most dogs as a threat.

The sooner pet owners get this the better off everyone will be.
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Not everyone is comfortable around dogs. Simple as that. If your dog has a tendency to bolt when the doorbell rings or someone knocks, you gotta do what you can to make sure the dog is either crated or barricaded somewhere.
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