NYPD back at it again...shoots playful dog in the head

that dog could probably bite your finger off in the right scenario. I have two dogs and if someone was knocking on the door I would put them in another room before I answer the door every time. Owners fault 100%

Da ***** are your fingers made of? :lol:

That dogs Jaw doesn't have the strength nessesary to bite anyone's finger off, stop lying to yourself...lmao
Da ***** are your fingers made of? :lol:

That dogs Jaw doesn't have the strength nessesary to bite anyone's finger off, stop lying to yourself...lmao
that dog could hurt you if it gets mad enough trust me. Now whether it could actually rip your finger off is debatable and depends on the person but the dog shouldn't have been running in the first place
Fam you see the difference because you have a dog phobia, to me my dogs are my kids and I'm not alone in this, you kick or kill my dog, you killed my family member....my dog dies, I'm mourning her death, I raised my dog from a couple of weeks old, I've fed and cared for her....to me the difference is obvious one is a person and the other an animal, but the love is not that much different....but you'll never understand.

But yes, an owner should always keep their dog restraint SPECIALLY if it's an aggressive dog....but like I've said you slip up, like most humans do...your dog gets away from you, it doesn't give ANYONE the right to execute them....specially a cop who has training and should know better

I don't have a dog phobia.

I was raised with a German Sheppard and and A Pomeranian.

I will still never understand the huminazation of a dog.
Why is it so hard for dog owners/dog lovers to understand that not everyone likes or wants to be around dogs. Keep your dog on a leash and treat people as if they don't want to be around dogs unless told or given the option otherwise. Small dogs......medium size dogs......big dogs, it doesn't matter.

Of course I understand....all dogs should be leashed when being walked in public, that's not the case here, the dog was at home and slipped out the house, it's happened to me plenty times and I've had to chase them down the hallway....the smaller they are the easier they slip between your legs and out the door.

It's still the owner responsibly or fault that the dog "slipped" out of the house in the first place. The dog owner opened the door not the dog.
Would've been crazy if the owner retaliated and shot the cop who shot the dog. Cops would've lit the owner up afterward though and that place would look like the end of a Tarantino movie though.
If there's a story here I think it's only fair that you share it with us
no story, but I know my Maltese can bite pretty hard, even when playing, and she can run wow fast
not saying the cop is right, but I deliver appliances and tvs for a living, and besides not having a spot to park, clients having their dogs loose when they open their door is a major turn off.  I have been bitten and scratched by "happy dogs" of my clients, and i have also kicked a few dogs and was written up for it due to clients not putting their dog away prior to me arriving.  they always say "oh hes friendly" or "he will only lick you to death".  I do not play that, almost any dog is capable of letting loose on a stranger.  It sucks but it is what it is.  I  am not gonna assume a dog just wants to play based on what its owner says.  For the record, im not exactly a dog lover but i don't have a phobia of them either.  
I don't care for dogs that much or dog owners who love their dogs more than people (esp the ones who kiss them in the mouth :x) but it was clear as day that dog was not in any sort of aggressive attack mode, beyond being tiny as hell and that that Cop knew he was going to shoot it soon as he saw it, if it got within X feet of him. NYPD damn near aren't even human at this point

Cot damn, did this ***** eat ****** or something?
Lmao, what kind of grown man sees "most" dogs as potential danger? This sounds like something you need to seek help for.

I don't like dogs.

There's Nters who are scared of roaches and rats.

People have a terrible fear of the most harmless snakes.

The **** is you to tell me how to feel?

lmao, didn't tell youbhowbto feel. You just lack the capability to rationally analyze situations on a case by case basis.

You basically have the same mentality as racist cops.
This story :smh: based off the vid I can't really side with the cop. Could the dog have potentially been a threat - absolutely. But I think the officer should have given the owner(s) a chance at bringing it back into the apartment before deciding to fire off his gun.
Why is it so hard for dog owners/dog lovers to understand that not everyone likes or wants to be around dogs. Keep your dog on a leash and treat people as if they don't want to be around dogs unless told or given the option otherwise. Small dogs......medium size dogs......big dogs, it doesn't matter.

I'm a dog owner, and DK gets it.

Steezy can keep posting pics of Yorkies/Chiuhuas (sp?), but most people can see that all he's doing is trying to move the goalposts.

Doesn't matter how small or large the dog is, there are LEGIT phobias people have, in addition to others just not liking the animal in general.

It's really not that hard to understand.
Shooting is a last resort. Clearly an excessive use of force here. This is the type of triggerhappy officer that would shoot an unarmed man.
Yes, owners should control their pets and restrain them if necessary but this situation did not warrant shooting it in any way.

I consider my pets family as well. My dog died at the age of 17 last year and it felt like I lost a family member, gave him a proper funeral and all. If some triggerhappy cop shot my dog he'd be getting sued with every single charge I can possibly think of.
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You basically have the same mentality as racist cops.


Y'all dog lovers are off the hook!

:lol: @ someone reppin this none sense.

It ain't even about being a dog lover. Your statement was that all dogs are a threat. Instead of walking through life with that ridiculous mentality, you should learn how to assess situations on a case by case basis. The same way cops should in their dealings, not treating every situation the same.

You can reach all you want with what I said, but I'm not comparing dogs/people/race. It's how you deal with circumstance.
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I mean hr could have waited to see what it was going to do and til it appeared it was going to be a threat. It was most likely going to sniff at his feet for a second then walk back in the house. If it were bigger and more aggressive in posture it'd be different but I have to agree he jumped the gun or the lethal self defense
Owner is at fault for letting the dog loose. Police officer didn't have to shoot the dog though. I get that the officer is trained to keep his hand on his service pistol during situations like this, but there was poor judgement being made in that situation.

Owner should've immediately called for his dog to get back into the house. Or told the officer that it's friendly.
I'm a dog owner, and DK gets it.

Steezy can keep posting pics of Yorkies/Chiuhuas (sp?), but most people can see that all he's doing is trying to move the goalposts.

Doesn't matter how small or large the dog is, there are LEGIT phobias people have, in addition to others just not liking the animal in general.

It's really not that hard to understand.

Guess that cop is just gonna go executing every single dog that crosses his path, well because he has a phobia and the rest of the world should understand this.
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