NYPD back at it again...shoots playful dog in the head

I'm a dog owner, and DK gets it.

Steezy can keep posting pics of Yorkies/Chiuhuas (sp?), but most people can see that all he's doing is trying to move the goalposts.

Doesn't matter how small or large the dog is, there are LEGIT phobias people have, in addition to others just not liking the animal in general.

It's really not that hard to understand.

Guess that cop is just gonna go executing every single dog that crosses his path, well because he has a phobia and the rest of the world should understand this.
Absolutely disgusting behavior from the NYPD, but it's nothing new. These cops with a badge think they are all above the law, and unfortunately they are in many instances. You can have video proof of something, and still they get away scot- free, it's terrible. I could see myself getting all riled up and possibly doing something crazy if that was my dog.
NYPD stay wildin ...one of the greatest cities in the country/world probly got the worst police force :smh:

How sway?

He shot that dog which posed the same threat as ANY dog that size walking up to him in the street...
NYPD stay wildin ...one of the greatest cities in the country/world probly got the worst police force
From my point of view the NYPD looks like one big crime syndicate 

They can''t all be bad apples, but there sure seem to be a lot of them
From my point of view the NYPD looks like one big crime syndicate :lol:
They can''t all be bad apples, but there sure seem to be a lot of them

The requirements to becoming a cop are minimal, you just need a clean record and some BS psych clearance and you are good to go...so in return you have a bunch of nobodies all of a sudden handed a badge and a gun and a liscence to pretty much violate civil rights as they please, I know good cops, I've encountered bad cops, sadly the bad seems to outweigh the good specially when every time they drop the ball they are recorded...but they seem to not care at all....like the undercovers that arrested the USPS worker, being recorded and KNOWING they were wrong, THEY DIDNT CARE....they know the dept will simply drag anything against them out till the public simply forgets...victims get paid off in a civil suit and that's the end of that...they are then back out on the streets.

The only solution and this will take years to actually see the benefits is by making the requirements to becoming a police officer HARDER....perhaps an actual college degree, more vigorous psych exams, physical exams, maybe even the use of non-lethal weapons.
It ain't even about being a dog lover. Your statement was that all dogs are a threat. Instead of walking through life with that ridiculous mentality, you should learn how to assess situations on a case by case basis. The same way cops should in their dealings, not treating every situation the same.

You can reach all you want with what I said, but I'm not comparing dogs/people/race. It's how you deal with circumstance.

How long are you gonna stay on a statement I already edited?

Seeing most dogs as a threat doesnt mean I will treat most dogs as a threat.

The bigger picture is not everyone sees your pet as you do which you obviously keep ignoring.

Lame ****.
Owner should've did a better job controlling the dog.

The cop shouldn't have been that quick to shoot though.

If the ups guy even so much as kicked an aggressive dog when delivering a package he's likely out a job. A cop on the other hand. Well the same rules don't apply to them.
It ain't even about being a dog lover. Your statement was that all dogs are a threat. Instead of walking through life with that ridiculous mentality, you should learn how to assess situations on a case by case basis. The same way cops should in their dealings, not treating every situation the same.

You can reach all you want with what I said, but I'm not comparing dogs/people/race. It's how you deal with circumstance.

How long are you gonna stay on a statement I already edited?

Seeing most dogs as a threat doesnt mean I will treat most dogs as a threat.

The bigger picture is not everyone sees your pet as you do which you obviously keep ignoring.

Lame ****.

My bad, you said most...

Now you won't treat them as a threat, well that's good to hear.
I only read the first page but I'm willing to bet a lot of dog lovers decided to be dog haters in this thread just so they could go against steezy.
Random. Pit Bulls should be banned from earth. Those dogs are vicious. Seen one in pet smart looking all swoll owner couldn't even handle it.
Random. Pit Bulls should be banned from earth. Those dogs are vicious. Seen one in pet smart looking all swoll owner couldn't even handle it.
They're not inherently vicious, it's just that if they are not trained properly they can do a lot more damage than other dogs due to their bite.
Dumb people who can't control their pets are annoying. YOU only love your animal, put the thing on a leash, train it and don't let it run wild, specially in public.

Random. Pit Bulls should be banned from earth. Those dogs are vicious. Seen one in pet smart looking all swoll owner couldn't even handle it.

I have never been around a mean pit bull in my life

The meanest dogs I've ever been around are Chows, Dalmatians, and Jack Russels
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Dumb people who can't control their pets are annoying. YOU only love your animal, put the thing on a leash, train it and don't let it run wild, specially in public.

Ignorant AF

Pitbulls aren't any more vicious than a Yorkie, is the owners that decide to train them to be aggressive that's the problem.

Most misunderstood breed of dogs ever, **** is sad.
Is it ok for me to go around shooting and punching random strangers that want to pet my dog in the street? I wonder if this is acceptable, keep yourself on a leash buddy and stay away from my pet!
Dumb people who can't control their pets are annoying. YOU only love your animal, put the thing on a leash, train it and don't let it run wild, specially in public.

Ignorant AF

Pitbulls aren't any more vicious than a Yorkie
, is the owners that decide to train them to be aggressive that's the problem.

Most misunderstood breed of dogs ever, **** is sad.

You on a roll today, bruh.
They are not tho, is all up to the owner and how they raise their dog, all these breeds are domestic, these are not wild animals like tigers and lions, they are domestic pets, if anything the smaller breeds have a worst temperament than the bigger breeds, so inheritly a Chihuahua is more aggressive than a pitbull, just that a pit is bigger and stronger, so if you as the owner raise your dog to be aggressive, yes you would have created a wild animal...and this is the stigma around Pits, that they are all aggressive and wild, why? I guess a product of the aggressive environment they were raised in....**** sounds awfully familiar.
Is it ok for me to go around shooting and punching random strangers that want to pet my dog in the street? I wonder if this is acceptable, keep yourself on a leash buddy and stay away from my pet!
man stop it
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They are not tho, is all up to the owner and how they raise their dog, all these breeds are domestic, these are not wild animals like tigers and lions, they are domestic pets, if anything the smaller breeds have a worst temperament than the bigger breeds, so inheritly a Chihuahua is more aggressive than a pitbull, just that a pit is bigger and stronger, so if you as the owner raise your dog to be aggressive, yes you would have created a wild animal...and this is the stigma around Pits, that they are all aggressive and wild, why? I guess a product of the aggressive environment they were raised in....**** sounds awfully familiar.
i see what i going on in here now, I'll see myself out 
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