NYPD back at it again...shoots playful dog in the head

I have been bit by 2 chihuahuas in my life, 1 miniature pincher and 2 yorkies.

Never have I been bit by a PittBull, even ones being rehabilitated.

Some of the most aggressive dogs known to man are Dalmatians.

Sure, just like with some humans, they have a predisposition to aggression no matter what you do, but 9/10 it's the owner and how the dog has been handled.
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They are not tho, is all up to the owner and how they raise their dog, all these breeds are domestic, these are not wild animals like tigers and lions, they are domestic pets, if anything the smaller breeds have a worst temperament than the bigger breeds, so inheritly a Chihuahua is more aggressive than a pitbull, just that a pit is bigger and stronger, so if you as the owner raise your dog to be aggressive, yes you would have created a wild animal...and this is the stigma around Pits, that they are all aggressive and wild, why? I guess a product of the aggressive environment they were raised in....**** sounds awfully familiar.

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I believe dogs can be shot cuz u can essentially weaponize them to attack... At least thats what NYPD will tell you.
Except when you even kick a K9 :rofl: in which case you might as well have plotted to kill the President.
Whoever said yorkies aren't more viscous than pits is a damn idiot.

Those little bastards are mean as hell. They will go after other dogs a lot of the time and bite people too. Never been bit by a pit. Been bit by plenty dumb girls yorkies. I think three times, I don't even think I've been bit by any other type of dog.

A lot of dumb people in this thread thinking they're smart.
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Smaller dogs tend to have bad temperaments...but they pose no threat man....just like pinschers :lol:
Whoever said yorkies aren't more viscous than pits is a damn idiot.

Those little bastards are mean as hell. They will go after other dogs a lot of the time and bite people too. Never been bit by a pit. Been bit by plenty dumb girls yorkies. I think three times, I don't even think I've been bit by any other type of dog.

A lot of dumb people in this thread thinking they're smart

:lol: @ you thinking you're above that quote.

Carry on.
Smaller dog breeds are in fact known to have a bad temper, you can ask this to any licensed dog trainer.

The difference is when a yorkie or something attacks someone, they're small and have a weak bite so they don't get that reputation of being vicious.

However when a pitbull bites it's gonna wreak havoc obviously. 
Random. Pit Bulls should be banned from earth. Those dogs are vicious. Seen one in pet smart looking all swoll owner couldn't even handle it.

Sooo much ignorance.

Pick up a book.

My grandmother is in her 70's has owned pit bulls for the last 20 yrs hasn't had a single issue,woman watched us as kids and now looks after her great grandchildren babies and all with no problem, a dog is like a child it'll become what ever you allow it to including a monster.

Responsible dog ownership prevents any dog from being "vicious".
Smaller dog breeds are in fact known to have a bad temper, you can ask this to any licensed dog trainer.
The difference is when a yorkie or something attacks someone, they're small and have a weak bite so they don't get that reputation of being vicious.
However when a pitbull bites it's gonna wreak havoc obviously. 

Which is not what NT's Lloyd Christmas said.
Pitbulls turn on owners/kids all the time. Doesn't need to be handled by humans because they simply can't be handled. Why do you have a real chain around his neck b??
Pitbulls turn on owners/kids all the time. Doesn't need to be handled by humans because they simply can't be handled. Why do you have a real chain around his neck b??

people turn on family/ kids all the time too.......

You do realize there are much larger "more dangerous" breeds of dogs in the world right? People manage to "handle" them as well the only time a dog becomes dangerous is either you wanted them that way or you simply have no idea what you're doing.

Again read a book before you start spewing ignorance.
Pitbulls turn on owners/kids all the time. Doesn't need to be handled by humans because they simply can't be handled. Why do you have a real chain around his neck b??

people turn on family/ kids all the time too.......

You do realize there are much larger "more dangerous" breeds of dogs in the world right? People manage to "handle" them as well the only time a dog becomes dangerous is either you wanted them that way or you simply have no idea what you're doing.

Again read a book before you start spewing ignorance.

What dog breeds are more dangerous than a Pit? I'm genuinely curious...

After a quick search (and I am in no way saying this list is the end-all/be-all), this came up:

10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds You Should Stay Away From

The list was based off of fatalities. The site was the first thing that came up when I did a google search, so I'm not advocating for it...I'm strictly going off their chart.

Also, I am a FIRM believer that all dogs are only as good as how they were raised.
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Pitbulls turn on owners/kids all the time. Doesn't need to be handled by humans because they simply can't be handled. Why do you have a real chain around his neck b??
ive owned pits my whole life and theyve never "turned" on me or my fam. they play with babies and everything. you just dont understand dogs thats all. same goes for the owners of these dogs that "turn". irresponsible ownership is the real problem not the dog.
A bunch of dogs present much more danger if improperly trained

A cane corso for example let some ******* raise em and you'll wish you were dealing with a pit
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