Oakland Raiders fans

He was constantly getting bubble screens at Texas Tech and there's a reason for that.

the reason is thats what texas tech runs. no matter whos out there.

two other wrs with 75+ catches and avg 11 yrds per catch each shows u that.
He got force fed the ball in the red zone, always on the backside of the offense.

that play vs texas was basically his signature play and what was outstanding tho? the misplaay by the CB? the missed tacke? or the dumb *%% safety misjudgingthe pass and wayyy undercuttign the route
the two Dbs made that play

Just Watch this upcoming yr for Texas Tech , Detron Lewis will put up the exact same or better numbers as crabtree with a less experienced QB
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

but what did i say wrong dre?

he listed players that ant even going to play on the raiders next year, a 1st round bust that SUCKS **@ and a RB that will proably be 3rd string this year

I don't know why you're trying to act like you didn't make a stupid statement. Aside from one of the asterisked players, every player I listed madea significant impact on our team last year. Who cares if a couple of them are gone this year, your were trying to make a terrible point that nobody we'vedrafted has contributed to our team.

But Darren McFadden sucks and he's a bust? Your opinion is just becoming more laughable. I'm not sure which "3rd string" running backyou're talking about but whether it's Fargas or Bush once, again you demonstrate that you have 0 knowledge concerning this franchise. Just Fargas wasour ENTIRE offense the last 2 and a half years. As for Michael Bush, son was a steal coming out of Louisville on day 2 of draft. He's healthy and anybodywho watched Raider games Nov-Dec last season knows what he can do.

I'm not trying to come off like an #$% but just stop, you come off as if you don't know anything about the game of football and as if you some agendaagainst the Raiders.
Originally Posted by oANONYMOUS1o

You post this sloppy list and proceed to tell someone to "shut your mouth" and call him ignorant.
, the irony and audacity of "Raider Nation",

I'm the first to call ignorance on Big Mikes part, but he finally makes a point and ya'll blast him,

Fargas was a steal in 2003 and he rewarde you with a 1K season in 2007, Bush was a steal in 2007. Then McFadden comes along, Fargas production goes down while Bush and DMac are good for less than 500 yds each. I'm not saying they are not talented individuals, because they are very talented. However, what good is DMac if you are only making him a part time RB.

Don't even put Robert Gallery up there, he is a bust. Hindsight is 20/20 though and at the time it seemed like Gallery was a good pick at no. 2.

Asomougha aside, the Raiders have more busts than a museum.

Ya'll dudes sayin' that Browns fans have no room to talk, at least they know where they stand. Raider Nation still thinks they are on top. Nobody is hating on the Raiders anymore, they are laughing at 'em. You have to be good to be hated on.

Son who the %*!@ are you? I told him to shut his mouth because of the lack of respect he displayed in his post. Cussing and speaking down on people like heactually knows what he's talking about. I called him ignorant because he made an ignorant statement. Son said and I quote, "U can count on 1 hand howmany of [the players listed] are having an impact on the raiders. learn football before you talk *!@@".

Now if that kind of ****ery flies with you whatever. But if some idiot is running off at the mouth about my football team, talking about *!@@ he knows nothingabout, making ignorant claims and statements then I'm gonna check him on it.

You said yourself you're the first to call ignorance on BigMikes part, the %*!@? Are you just looking for confrontation? Please enlighten me as to whatpoint he made.

Fargas was a steal in 2003 and he rewarde you with a 1K season in 2007, Bush was a steal in 2007. Then McFadden comes along, Fargas production goes down while Bush and DMac are good for less than 500 yds each. I'm not saying they are not talented individuals, because they are very talented. However, what good is DMac if you are only making him a part time RB.

Please elaborate on whatever point you were trying to make above. So because Fargas and Bush were steals they're "impact" on the team is void?FOH. Once again you're another blockhead making speculations and coming to your own conclusions when you don't know anything about our team!

Fargas production went down because he was hampered by injuries the entire season. McFadden was injured more consistently than Fargas so once again your pointmakes no sense. Fargas and McFadden didn't produce as much as they could of because they were injured. +$!%%$# brilliant. Every Raider fan who actuallywatches game knows how thin we were at running back last year. Since you don't watch Raider games let me reiterate, McFadden's production wasn'thampered because he was being used as a duel back it was hampered because he was injured pretty much the entire season.

As for Robert Gallery, I'll be pleasant because there was a time when me and the majority of Raider fans called him a bust too. I also wouldn't expectsomeone like you to have any insight as to his input into the team. Like i said I wouldn't expect you to know this but Gallery literally resurrected hiscareer playing LG the last two seasons. Gallery has actually excelled in our new ZBS system.

Incase there are any misunderstandings, I'm not personally mad at anyone in this thread. We're talking football and for the most part we're prettypassionate about our squads. Personal attacks weren't personal, sometimes *!@@ just goes a lil over board.

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1][table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by oANONYMOUS1o

Talking about don't even add Gallery to the list, when he's obviously making solid contributions at LG for us. How is that not an impact on this team?

And yes the Browns had a worse draft. Their defense is pure garbage and they drafted two Wr's with their first 3 picks. Basically ignoring the defense for the better parts of the draft.
How could you not put Gallery on that list? Seriously, he was drafted as a tackle, the number 2 pick. Yet, you want to lift his bust label, because he is finally making a contribution at LG. Tony Mandarich is still considered a monumental bust, yet he also finally made contributions with the Colts.

Although I don't agree with the Browns draft strategy, keep in mind, that one of their receivers has a foot out the door (Edwards) and another will be wearing a different type of uniform next season (Stallworth). That being said, I don't know about Robiskie (slow) and Massequoi (Underachiever), but they were second round picks. They also reached on Alex Mack, but hey it's the Browns, and there is a reason why they are the Browns.

Son just compared Robert Gallery to Tony Mandarich
Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
Originally Posted by PurpHeartGrapes

Originally Posted by oANONYMOUS1o

Talking about don't even add Gallery to the list, when he's obviously making solid contributions at LG for us. How is that not an impact on this team?

And yes the Browns had a worse draft. Their defense is pure garbage and they drafted two Wr's with their first 3 picks. Basically ignoring the defense for the better parts of the draft.
How could you not put Gallery on that list? Seriously, he was drafted as a tackle, the number 2 pick. Yet, you want to lift his bust label, because he is finally making a contribution at LG. Tony Mandarich is still considered a monumental bust, yet he also finally made contributions with the Colts.

Although I don't agree with the Browns draft strategy, keep in mind, that one of their receivers has a foot out the door (Edwards) and another will be wearing a different type of uniform next season (Stallworth). That being said, I don't know about Robiskie (slow) and Massequoi (Underachiever), but they were second round picks. They also reached on Alex Mack, but hey it's the Browns, and there is a reason why they are the Browns.

Son just compared Robert Gallery to Tony Mandarich

the trolling in here is strong.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
Down goes Frazier! Down goes frazier !
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
I am just sharing this with Raider Nation and %!!$ Reggie he got soft when got Kard-%**-ian Pierre Thomas is the truth
Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
I am just sharing this with Raider Nation and %!!$ Reggie he got soft when got Kard-%**-ian Pierre Thomas is the truth
understandable. dont worry i saw the big F on tv as soon as the pick was made.
Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

yungchris504 wrote:

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1]

[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table]

[table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius
[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
I am just sharing this with Raider Nation and %%+$ Reggie he got soft when got Kard-$**-ian Pierre Thomas is the truth

sure...thanks for sharing.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Based on the information we had about mitchell at the time of the pick... it seemed bad... now after everything that's coming out it seems much more reasonable.

But the DHB pick was still a bad pick, not because of who it was... but because we picked him at #7. We definitely could have traded down to the late teens & still been able to pick him up there...

That's my only problem with the pick... but the raiders are definitely looking up... i just don't see DHB as a true #1 receiver... a very good #2... but not a true #1.

Look up the Raiders draft history...we never trade down. Like I seriously can't remember a time we traded down. So you're right, we could have definitely traded down
and still got him. I felt the same way, but you had a straight panic attack right after the pick
. "I quit being a Raider fan. I'm done" and all that. Like you should be
more than use to poor management decisions. After a day of letting the draft hoopla settle, I'm glad you and others can see our draft isn't as bad as previously thought.
yea i was real upset when the pick 1st happened simply because i knew we could have gotten him later on in the 1st round, stocked up some morepicks & saved some money in the process.

then the 2nd round pick... mitchell... i saw some of his highlight tape & he does hit very well & he does play very fast. But he stares directly at thequarterback & makes his plays based off that... but good QBs in the NFL are just going to look off the safety everytime... So he does have potential, butwho else had potential... Michael Huff... & we all know how that turned out...

I just feel like we could have done a better job of handling these first two picks... but after a good night's rest, i've decided to give the raidersan above average draft grade... We ended up picking up Louis Murphy, who i like alot, but if we hadnt picked DHB at #7 then i'd give the raiders a bettergrade
Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
I am just sharing this with Raider Nation and %!!$ Reggie he got soft when got Kard-%**-ian Pierre Thomas is the truth
time for u to log off bud
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
I am just sharing this with Raider Nation and %!!$ Reggie he got soft when got Kard-%**-ian Pierre Thomas is the truth
time for u to log off bud
Time for you to lighten up bud
Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
I am just sharing this with Raider Nation and %!!$ Reggie he got soft when got Kard-%**-ian Pierre Thomas is the truth
time for u to log off bud
Time for you to lighten up bud
Lighten up? I believe you are the one coming into this thread trying to cause a scene. As many people have already stated, these draft gradesdon't mean *!$@. Mario Williams had a D next to his name on draft night, and he led the NFL in sacks last year. What does that tell you?
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by yungchris504

[h1]Draft Grades[/h1] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]ESPN.com's SportsNation grade each 1st round Pick[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Pick[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]Name[/td] [td]Grade[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]DET[/td] [td]Matthew Stafford[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]STL[/td] [td]Jason Smith[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]KC[/td] [td]Tyson Jackson[/td] [td]C[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]SEA[/td] [td]Aaron Curry[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]NYJ[/td] [td]Mark Sanchez[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]6[/td] [td]CIN[/td] [td]Andre Smith[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]7[/td] [td]OAK[/td] [td]Darrius Heyward-Bey[/td] [td]F[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]JAC[/td] [td]Eugene Monroe[/td] [td]B[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]GNB[/td] [td]B.J. Raji[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]Michael Crabtree[/td] [td]A[/td] [/tr][/table]

im sure reggie bush had a big A next to his name a few years ago too. this is meaningless bro
I am just sharing this with Raider Nation and %!!$ Reggie he got soft when got Kard-%**-ian Pierre Thomas is the truth
time for u to log off bud
Time for you to lighten up bud
Lighten up? I believe you are the one coming into this thread trying to cause a scene. As many people have already stated, these draft grades don't mean *!$@. Mario Williams had a D next to his name on draft night, and he led the NFL in sacks last year. What does that tell you?
It tells me you are taking my post way too serious. Everyone else got a laugh from it am I personally attacking you or something? Al Davis is thatyou?
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AG 47

ericberry14 wrote:

Based on the information we had about mitchell at the time of the pick... it seemed bad... now after everything that's coming out it seems much more

But the DHB pick was still a bad pick, not because of who it was... but because we picked him
at #7. We definitely could have traded down to the late teens & still been able to pick him up there...

That's my only problem with the pick... but the raiders are definitely looking up... i just don't see DHB as a true #1 receiver... a very good #2...
but not a true #1.

Look up the Raiders draft history...we never trade down. Like I seriously can't remember a time we traded down. So you're right, we could have
definitely traded down

and still got him. I felt the same way, but you had a straight panic attack right after the pick
. "I quit being a Raider fan. I'm done" and
all that. Like you should be

more than use to poor management decisions. After a day of letting the draft hoopla settle, I'm glad you and others can see our draft isn't as bad as
previously thought.
yea i was real upset when the pick 1st happened simply because i knew we could have gotten him later on in the 1st round, stocked up some more picks & saved some money in the process.

then the 2nd round pick... mitchell... i saw some of his highlight tape & he does hit very well & he does play very fast. But he stares directly at the quarterback & makes his plays based off that... but good QBs in the NFL are just going to look off the safety everytime... So he does have potential, but who else had potential... Michael Huff... & we all know how that turned out...

I just feel like we could have done a better job of handling these first two picks... but after a good night's rest, i've decided to give the raiders an above average draft grade... We ended up picking up Louis Murphy, who i like alot, but if we hadnt picked DHB at #7 then i'd give the raiders a better grade

Yeah, my thing about Mitchell is that those big hits might turn into missed tackles in the pro. I see NFL players bouncing off some of those hits.
He doesn't wrap up on making tackles...or from the highlights i saw. I personally wanted Chip Vaughn (where did he go btw?) but all is good.
I don't think you could compare him and Huff simply because Huff is beyond soft and satisfied with being a bum. I don't really see that in this
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AG 47

ericberry14 wrote:

Based on the information we had about mitchell at the time of the pick... it seemed bad... now after everything that's coming out it seems much more

But the DHB pick was still a bad pick, not because of who it was... but because we picked him
at #7. We definitely could have traded down to the late teens & still been able to pick him up there...

That's my only problem with the pick... but the raiders are definitely looking up... i just don't see DHB as a true #1 receiver... a very good #2...
but not a true #1.

Look up the Raiders draft history...we never trade down. Like I seriously can't remember a time we traded down. So you're right, we could have
definitely traded down

and still got him. I felt the same way, but you had a straight panic attack right after the pick
. "I quit being a Raider fan. I'm done" and
all that. Like you should be

more than use to poor management decisions. After a day of letting the draft hoopla settle, I'm glad you and others can see our draft isn't as bad as
previously thought.
yea i was real upset when the pick 1st happened simply because i knew we could have gotten him later on in the 1st round, stocked up some more picks & saved some money in the process.

then the 2nd round pick... mitchell... i saw some of his highlight tape & he does hit very well & he does play very fast. But he stares directly at the quarterback & makes his plays based off that... but good QBs in the NFL are just going to look off the safety everytime... So he does have potential, but who else had potential... Michael Huff... & we all know how that turned out...

I just feel like we could have done a better job of handling these first two picks... but after a good night's rest, i've decided to give the raiders an above average draft grade... We ended up picking up Louis Murphy, who i like alot, but if we hadnt picked DHB at #7 then i'd give the raiders a better grade

Yeah, my thing about Mitchell is that those big hits might turn into missed tackles in the pro. I see NFL players bouncing off some of those hits.
He doesn't wrap up on making tackles...or from the highlights i saw. I personally wanted Chip Vaughn (where did he go btw?) but all is good.
I don't think you could compare him and Huff simply because Huff is beyond soft and satisfied with being a bum. I don't really see that in this
The Saints nabbed him in the 4th. How is he? I really don't know much about the guy.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AG 47

ericberry14 wrote:

Based on the information we had about mitchell at the time of the pick... it seemed bad... now after everything that's coming out it seems much more

But the DHB pick was still a bad pick, not because of who it was... but because we picked him
at #7. We definitely could have traded down to the late teens & still been able to pick him up there...

That's my only problem with the pick... but the raiders are definitely looking up... i just don't see DHB as a true #1 receiver... a very good #2...
but not a true #1.

Look up the Raiders draft history...we never trade down. Like I seriously can't remember a time we traded down. So you're right, we could have
definitely traded down

and still got him. I felt the same way, but you had a straight panic attack right after the pick
. "I quit being a Raider fan. I'm done" and
all that. Like you should be

more than use to poor management decisions. After a day of letting the draft hoopla settle, I'm glad you and others can see our draft isn't as bad as
previously thought.
yea i was real upset when the pick 1st happened simply because i knew we could have gotten him later on in the 1st round, stocked up some more picks & saved some money in the process.

then the 2nd round pick... mitchell... i saw some of his highlight tape & he does hit very well & he does play very fast. But he stares directly at the quarterback & makes his plays based off that... but good QBs in the NFL are just going to look off the safety everytime... So he does have potential, but who else had potential... Michael Huff... & we all know how that turned out...

I just feel like we could have done a better job of handling these first two picks... but after a good night's rest, i've decided to give the raiders an above average draft grade... We ended up picking up Louis Murphy, who i like alot, but if we hadnt picked DHB at #7 then i'd give the raiders a better grade

Yeah, my thing about Mitchell is that those big hits might turn into missed tackles in the pro. I see NFL players bouncing off some of those hits.
He doesn't wrap up on making tackles...or from the highlights i saw. I personally wanted Chip Vaughn (where did he go btw?) but all is good.
I don't think you could compare him and Huff simply because Huff is beyond soft and satisfied with being a bum. I don't really see that in this
true... but our luck with safeties has been completely terrible... Stuart Schweigart... Michael Huff... whoever the hell else we had... allgarbage
I like him. He hits hard and wraps up the tackler.

Doesn't have great speed, but is a good football player.

He makes plays, not necessarily INT's, but plays.

He'll be a solid addition to the Saints' depleted secondary.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AG 47

ericberry14 wrote:

AG 47 wrote:

ericberry14 wrote:

Based on the information we had about mitchell at the time of the pick... it seemed bad... now after everything that's coming out it seems much more

But the DHB pick was still a bad pick, not because of who it was... but because we
picked him

at #7. We definitely could have traded down to the late teens & still been able to pick him up there...
That's my only problem with the pick... but the raiders are definitely looking up... i just don't see DHB as a true #1 receiver... a very good

but not a true #1.

Look up the Raiders draft history...we never trade down. Like I seriously can't remember a time we traded down. So you're right, we could have

definitely traded down
and still got him. I felt the same way, but you had a straight panic attack right after the pick
. "I quit being a Raider fan. I'm done" and

all that. Like you should be
more than use to poor management decisions. After a day of letting the draft hoopla settle, I'm glad you and others can see our draft isn't as bad

previously thought.
yea i was real upset when the pick 1st happened simply because i knew we could have gotten him later on in the 1st round, stocked up some more
picks & saved some money in the process.

then the 2nd round pick... mitchell... i saw some of his highlight tape & he does hit very well & he does play very fast. But he stares directly at
the quarterback & makes his plays based off that... but good QBs in the NFL are just going to look off the safety everytime... So he does have potential,
but who else had potential... Michael Huff... & we all know how that turned out...

I just feel like we could have done a better job of handling these first two picks... but after a good night's rest, i've decided to give the raiders
an above average draft grade... We ended up picking up Louis Murphy, who i like alot, but if we hadnt picked DHB at #7 then i'd give the raiders a better

Yeah, my thing about Mitchell is that those big hits might turn into missed tackles in the pro. I see NFL players bouncing off some of those hits.

He doesn't wrap up on making tackles...or from the highlights i saw. I personally wanted Chip Vaughn (where did he go btw?) but all is good.

I don't think you could compare him and Huff simply because Huff is beyond soft and satisfied with being a bum. I don't really see that in this

true... but our luck with safeties has been completely terrible... Stuart Schweigart... Michael Huff... whoever the hell else we had... all garbage

Yeah seriously....but if you look at Huff in college, he was never a good tackler. Always tackled high, I dunno where he got the big hitter image coming out ofcollege.

Stuart was a decent ball hawk, but was super garbage for us. Gibril was solid against the run, but struggled covering those TE's in our division.

I woulda been jumping up and down and #!!@ if we picked Louis Delmas from W. Michigan with that 2nd round pick. But if I recall, he was gone before we chose.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AG 47

ericberry14 wrote:

AG 47 wrote:

ericberry14 wrote:

Based on the information we had about mitchell at the time of the pick... it seemed bad... now after everything that's coming out it seems much more

But the DHB pick was still a bad pick, not because of who it was... but because we
picked him

at #7. We definitely could have traded down to the late teens & still been able to pick him up there...
That's my only problem with the pick... but the raiders are definitely looking up... i just don't see DHB as a true #1 receiver... a very good

but not a true #1.

Look up the Raiders draft history...we never trade down. Like I seriously can't remember a time we traded down. So you're right, we could have

definitely traded down
and still got him. I felt the same way, but you had a straight panic attack right after the pick
. "I quit being a Raider fan. I'm done" and

all that. Like you should be
more than use to poor management decisions. After a day of letting the draft hoopla settle, I'm glad you and others can see our draft isn't as bad

previously thought.
yea i was real upset when the pick 1st happened simply because i knew we could have gotten him later on in the 1st round, stocked up some more
picks & saved some money in the process.

then the 2nd round pick... mitchell... i saw some of his highlight tape & he does hit very well & he does play very fast. But he stares directly at
the quarterback & makes his plays based off that... but good QBs in the NFL are just going to look off the safety everytime... So he does have potential,
but who else had potential... Michael Huff... & we all know how that turned out...

I just feel like we could have done a better job of handling these first two picks... but after a good night's rest, i've decided to give the raiders
an above average draft grade... We ended up picking up Louis Murphy, who i like alot, but if we hadnt picked DHB at #7 then i'd give the raiders a better

Yeah, my thing about Mitchell is that those big hits might turn into missed tackles in the pro. I see NFL players bouncing off some of those hits.

He doesn't wrap up on making tackles...or from the highlights i saw. I personally wanted Chip Vaughn (where did he go btw?) but all is good.

I don't think you could compare him and Huff simply because Huff is beyond soft and satisfied with being a bum. I don't really see that in this

true... but our luck with safeties has been completely terrible... Stuart Schweigart... Michael Huff... whoever the hell else we had... all garbage

Yeah seriously....but if you look at Huff in college, he was never a good tackler. Always tackled high, I dunno where he got the big hitter image coming out of college.

Stuart was a decent ball hawk, but was super garbage for us. Gibril was solid against the run, but struggled covering those TE's in our division.

I woulda been jumping up and down and #!!@ if we picked Louis Delmas from W. Michigan with that 2nd round pick. But if I recall, he was gone before we chose.
Not many safties can cover Antonio Gates or Tony Gonzalez...but TG is gone now
, so we'll see how things pan out..I can't wait for football season tocome back around man
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by AG 47

ericberry14 wrote:

AG 47 wrote:

ericberry14 wrote:

Based on the information we had about mitchell at the time of the pick... it seemed bad... now after everything that's coming out it seems much more

But the DHB pick was still a bad pick, not because of who it was... but because we
picked him

at #7. We definitely could have traded down to the late teens & still been able to pick him up there...
That's my only problem with the pick... but the raiders are definitely looking up... i just don't see DHB as a true #1 receiver... a very good

but not a true #1.

Look up the Raiders draft history...we never trade down. Like I seriously can't remember a time we traded down. So you're right, we could have

definitely traded down
and still got him. I felt the same way, but you had a straight panic attack right after the pick
. "I quit being a Raider fan. I'm done" and

all that. Like you should be
more than use to poor management decisions. After a day of letting the draft hoopla settle, I'm glad you and others can see our draft isn't as bad

previously thought.
yea i was real upset when the pick 1st happened simply because i knew we could have gotten him later on in the 1st round, stocked up some more
picks & saved some money in the process.

then the 2nd round pick... mitchell... i saw some of his highlight tape & he does hit very well & he does play very fast. But he stares directly at
the quarterback & makes his plays based off that... but good QBs in the NFL are just going to look off the safety everytime... So he does have potential,
but who else had potential... Michael Huff... & we all know how that turned out...

I just feel like we could have done a better job of handling these first two picks... but after a good night's rest, i've decided to give the raiders
an above average draft grade... We ended up picking up Louis Murphy, who i like alot, but if we hadnt picked DHB at #7 then i'd give the raiders a better

Yeah, my thing about Mitchell is that those big hits might turn into missed tackles in the pro. I see NFL players bouncing off some of those hits.

He doesn't wrap up on making tackles...or from the highlights i saw. I personally wanted Chip Vaughn (where did he go btw?) but all is good.

I don't think you could compare him and Huff simply because Huff is beyond soft and satisfied with being a bum. I don't really see that in this

true... but our luck with safeties has been completely terrible... Stuart Schweigart... Michael Huff... whoever the hell else we had... all garbage

Yeah seriously....but if you look at Huff in college, he was never a good tackler. Always tackled high, I dunno where he got the big hitter image coming out of college.

Stuart was a decent ball hawk, but was super garbage for us. Gibril was solid against the run, but struggled covering those TE's in our division.

I woulda been jumping up and down and #!!@ if we picked Louis Delmas from W. Michigan with that 2nd round pick. But if I recall, he was gone before we chose.
i still think the raiders should have picked Rashad Johnson... i think that day 1 he could step in & be the leader of the secondary for thenext 5 years... Johnson has pretty good range, tackles well, is a very cerebral player overall... i jsut think he would have been a better fit for us... &the crazy ***@ is that we could have picked him in the 3rd round... oh well
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