Oakland Raiders fans

Originally Posted by PurpHeartGrapes

Originally Posted by oANONYMOUS1o

Talking about don't even add Gallery to the list, when he's obviously making solid contributions at LG for us. How is that not an impact on this team?

And yes the Browns had a worse draft. Their defense is pure garbage and they drafted two Wr's with their first 3 picks. Basically ignoring the defense for the better parts of the draft.
How could you not put Gallery on that list? Seriously, he was drafted as a tackle, the number 2 pick. Yet, you want to lift his bust label, because he is finally making a contribution at LG. Tony Mandarich is still considered a monumental bust, yet he also finally made contributions with the Colts.

Although I don't agree with the Browns draft strategy, keep in mind, that one of their receivers has a foot out the door (Edwards) and another will be wearing a different type of uniform next season (Stallworth). That being said, I don't know about Robiskie (slow) and Massequoi (Underachiever), but they were second round picks. They also reached on Alex Mack, but hey it's the Browns, and there is a reason why they are the Browns.

Son just compared Robert Gallery to Tony Mandarich

Are you that dense that you call that a straight comparison.
. Robert Gallery is a bust, many Raider fans have labeled him a bust. Gallery wasn't drafted to play LG in the ZBS position. They had to find aposition in their scheme since he failed at being a LT. Just saying no one will defend Mandarich's bust label, like you guys are trying to defend Gallery.

I'm just laughing that you put him on your "impact" list,
Fargas was a steal in 2003 and he rewarde you with a 1K season in 2007, Bush was a steal in 2007. Then McFadden comes along, Fargas production goes down while Bush and DMac are good for less than 500 yds each. I'm not saying they are not talented individuals, because they are very talented. However, what good is DMac if you are only making him a part time RB.

Please elaborate on whatever point you were trying to make above. So because Fargas and Bush were steals they're "impact" on the team is void? FOH. Once again you're another blockhead making speculations and coming to your own conclusions when you don't know anything about our team!
, the point went right over their head. Who said their"impact" on the team is void because they were steals? I said since they got DMac, their production declined. If you are going to draft someonewith DMac's talent, why make him a part time RB, instead of unleashing him on the League.

Funny thing is you call me a blockhead

Drafting DMac as your 4th pick, questionable. The Raiders were already getting production from their backfield. If they wanted to give Fargas, Bush & Co.some help, since Fargas is getting long in the tooth and Bush was coming off an injury, why not draft a Matt Forte in the 2nd round. Another possibility sincethe Raiders love speed, why not trade the pick and pick up Chris Johnson in the 20's. Instead they draft McFadden, waste his talent by making him a parttime RB.

Sorry I had to spell it out for you.
From: PurpHeartGrapes.niketalk
Sent:April 26, 2009, 10:24 pm

I already stated that Robert Gallery was a bust. But you're the idiot who thinks he doesn't have an impact on our team. He was the most consistent linemen in a unit that physically dominated opposition, albeit inconsistently, in many aspects of the running game last year. No ones denying that Robert Gallery was a late bloomer, a bust, whatever you want to call it. But if you're actually dumb enough to think that he hasn't made a MAJOR impact on our team you really are an idiot, name calling aside. And that's what this comes down to. Why don't you just admit that you made an ill advised statement earlier when you said you could count the number of impact players the Raiders have drafted on one hand? And the running back situation, once again I'll try and explain it to you. Darren McFadden's talented was waisted because he was a "part time" RB. His input last season was minimized because he was injured, it had nothing to do with "splitting" time. But all of that is null, my argument the entire discussion has been that your original statement concerning the impact of our draft picks was uninformed, ignorant, and flat out wrong. Each player I listed has made an impact on our team including Fargas, Bush, and an 75% McFadden. I have no business discussing our "questionable" draft history or hypotheticals with you. However, I'd be more than willing to see you address the original and only argument presented. I'd love to see you "spell out" your thought process for me.
Since you already got banned, it doesn't matter that you resorted to name calling. I won't sink to that level, I will just prove how muchfootball knowledge you lack.

So now Gallery is a late bloomer,
. Dog, you don't draft a LeftTackle of the future, give him #2 money, and then he proceeds to flop. Take the L on Gallery. Look at this years draft, and tell me how many Guards gotdrafted in the first round. Better yet, try and tell me who gets paid more in the L, Guards or Tackles? The Raiders were stuck with Gallery, and they gavehim all that loot, so they plugged him in at LG in their scheme and it paid off. In their scheme, anyone with marginal talent could've had some success. Problem is, Gallery will probably not start for any elite team in the L. Luckily, the Raiders are not an elite team. At least you admit he is a bust.

Also, the "counting the draft picks that have had an impact on the Raiders" comment was BigMike, get it right.

Raider fans that can't take L's...FTL

Stay classy Raider Nation
whats the point ironman? u live in LA and deal with raider fans all the time so you know once midseason hit they will be like "damn dog u was right wesuck" and be the laughing stock like always. same !#@% for the last how many years
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

whats the point ironman? u live in LA and deal with raider fans all the time so you know once midseason hit they will be like "damn dog u was right we suck" and be the laughing stock like always. same !#!@ for the last how many years

Ain't you a Cowboy fan?
I could see why you bitter.
I just went back and looked at this list of past draft picks, did dude really say that Nmadi is the only non-bust?

1. Darren McFadden, RB, Arkansas
6. Trevor Scott, DE, Buffalo

2. Zach Miller, TE, Arizona State
3c. Johnnie Lee Higgins, WR, UTEP
4a. Michael Bush, RB, Louisville

2. Thomas Howard, LB, Texas-El Paso

3b. Kirk Morrison, LB, San Diego State

2004 1. Robert Gallery, OT, Iowa
2. Jake Grove, C, Virginia Tech

1a. Nnamdi Asomugha, CB, California
3b. Justin Fargas, RB, USC

I can only see one person on this list who has been a bust and that's Robert Gallery
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

whats the point ironman? u live in LA and deal with raider fans all the time so you know once midseason hit they will be like "damn dog u was right we suck" and be the laughing stock like always. same !#@% for the last how many years
dude, let it go. stop trying to bait people. both of you are acting real dumb in here. you wanna argue with people for no reason, pm them.
Originally Posted by vctry20

I just went back and looked at this list of past draft picks, did dude really say that Nmadi is the only non-bust?

1. Darren McFadden, RB, Arkansas
6. Trevor Scott, DE, Buffalo

2. Zach Miller, TE, Arizona State
3c. Johnnie Lee Higgins, WR, UTEP
4a. Michael Bush, RB, Louisville

2. Thomas Howard, LB, Texas-El Paso

3b. Kirk Morrison, LB, San Diego State

2004 1. Robert Gallery, OT, Iowa
2. Jake Grove, C, Virginia Tech

1a. Nnamdi Asomugha, CB, California
3b. Justin Fargas, RB, USC

I can only see one person on this list who has been a bust and that's Robert Gallery

and the funny thing is, all these Draft Experts (Mel Kiper, McShay) pretty much called Gallery the safest pick in the draft that year, a sureshut down left tackle...hell he pretty much had his name in Canton they had hyped him up so much...but I agree, Gallery is probably the only "bust"we have on that list...but at least he contributes to the team...
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

whats the point ironman? u live in LA and deal with raider fans all the time so you know once midseason hit they will be like "damn dog u was right we suck" and be the laughing stock like always. same !#@% for the last how many years
Uhm. We're saying we suck NOW. Before pre-season, dog. Until Al dies, and we start building a team is based on needs and not wants, we willalways suck.

@#$!%%* Al Davis
I've realized that there's really no point in trying to analyze our moves/acquistions/draftees/etc until they're on the field. It saves my bloodpressure from boiling. No matter how good/bad we do I'll still be here.

I too can't stand Gallery, if for nothing other than the TIMING of his "holding" penalties. Play calling aside, I feel he can single-handedlyruin a drives momentum.
Did any of you guys catch the interview with DHB on ESPN when literally 10 seconds before he came on Cris Carter, Dilfer, and TJ were BLASTING him sayinghe's garbage, has no hands, track star, etc etc and then continued to laugh and snicker while he was giving the interview? It was a completely classlessmove on the part of ESPN, made me feel really bad for DHB. I hope he proves all of those pieces of #*!% wrong
Originally Posted by swizzc

Did any of you guys catch the interview with DHB on ESPN when literally 10 seconds before he came on Cris Carter, Dilfer, and TJ were BLASTING him saying he's garbage, has no hands, track star, etc etc and then continued to laugh and snicker while he was giving the interview? It was a completely classless move on the part of ESPN, made me feel really bad for DHB. I hope he proves all of those pieces of #*!% wrong
that was disgusting, and it was sad for such a great kid..

i have lost every single shred of respect i ever had for Cris Carter, btw. since yesterday he's been acting like DHB killed his family.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by swizzc

Did any of you guys catch the interview with DHB on ESPN when literally 10 seconds before he came on Cris Carter, Dilfer, and TJ were BLASTING him saying he's garbage, has no hands, track star, etc etc and then continued to laugh and snicker while he was giving the interview? It was a completely classless move on the part of ESPN, made me feel really bad for DHB. I hope he proves all of those pieces of #*!% wrong
that was disgusting, and it was sad for such a great kid..

i have lost every single shred of respect i ever had for Cris Carter, btw. since yesterday he's been acting like DHB killed his family.
Honestly I don't know how he proceeded with the interview. I'm not sure if he was watching/could hear when that nonsense was going on butI would have had an incredibly hard time constraining myself from just going off on them and saying #@+% you and walking out of the room he was in. I honestlyfelt bad for him and wanted to smack Carter in the @*!@+$+ face.
here is the clip. they're just ripping him then they bring him on like he couldn't hear what they said.

Cris Carter is a certified %@+**#@ idiot..


One key thats being missed in this entire thread is motivation,

The way the game (football) has been the last two decades, with its expansion and overall coverage it's gotten, most of these players are all very, very,VERY good. You don't have any scrubs out there anymore where the other team can exploit a specific weakness, at least, not many - and those scrubs are outof the game FAST -

So, with a more level playing field, you have to look outside of the box to gain a significant advantage, it's called MOTIVATION. The Patriots haveimplored it, with also a level of cockyness and overall demeanor that has helped make them the Franchise of this decade,

The Raiders drafted two guys that will be HIGHLY motivated to prove the doubters wrong, and in Oakland - with a players coach like Tom Cable - that means A LOT

But I've said already that I know you guys are just looking at the skin/bones of the NFL, instead of the DNA of it...it's all good though, BUT nobodyshould be swearing or catching feelings in this thread

EDIT - Thanks for that video of the DHB interview - I hadn't seen it....
- SOME good comes out of that though,
i dont understand why carter continues to rip on the kid. you can knock al davis and mgmt all you want, its not fault that the raiders chose him.

dhb and mitchell have something to prove, hopefully they prove the haters wrong

al davis gonna rip into espn if someone brings them up to him, should be funny
Originally Posted by DMan14

i dont understand why carter continues to rip on the kid. you can knock al davis and mgmt all you want, its not fault that the raiders chose him.

dhb and mitchell have something to prove, hopefully they prove the haters wrong

al davis gonna rip into espn if someone brings them up to him, should be funny
exactly. cris carter is a certified %*### in my book after that display he put on

"This is not track. You're one of the fastest athletes in Maryland history. Timed at a 4.25. Some people say he can run a 4.2 flat. But every gameI've seen they put 11 guys on defense. And they put hurdles in between. You've got to run between people. If they were having a track meet which theRaiders should know this - remember they had the 4 X 100 team, they had the two Olympian guys. You don't win football games with track guys. You don't.AND HE CAN'T CATCH THE BALL."
wow, mel kiper and todd mcshay has everyone brainwashed.
Im watchin jim rome, and these guys are sayin no one has ever heard of mike mitchell and no team was gonna even draft him.

the vid is nothing ground breaking , just mitchell workin out
I swear to God man.
I hope DHB and MM come in and prove everybody wrong.

There is nothing I want to see more than this.

Make em' eat their %*+$@# words
^ooohh, that Mitchell was the same Mitchell from the Ohio-OSU game? why am i just making this connection

yeah, dude was a problem in that game. you'd think at least some scouts would have noticed him from that.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I swear to God man.
I hope DHB and MM come in and prove everybody wrong.

There is nothing I want to see more than this.

Make em' eat their %*+$@# words

That is pretty classless coming from a future hall of famer
some of those things could have been in a A-B conversation between him and someone else, butnot for the whole damn world to see...

Hopefully my boys will beast out...
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

^ooohh, that Mitchell was the same Mitchell from the Ohio-OSU game? why am i just making this connection

yeah, dude was a problem in that game. you'd think at least some scouts would have noticed him from that.

now u see
If anybody saw that game, they will remember HE DOMINATED OSU
dude stood out head n shoulders above EVERYONE else on the field.
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