Obama is a friend breaker now....


Sep 1, 2008
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Some people are really taking it overboard with this Obama winningpossibility....This forum i would lurk on, just look around since i'm into guns and stuff...I know that site is primarily white Caucasian males from thesouth, but does the racism really burn that bad in your souls...I've already got banned for supporting Obama, but i'm gonna make sure to get a new S/Nso when its announced Obama wins, i can diddybop all over the site[/color]

Obama appeals to basically immoral types.

Dumbest people in the world. That is a particularly extreme example though - I wouldn't expect to find too many liberals on a gun site.

This election does seem to have been particularly polarizing though - I'm not even in the US and I'm beginning to dislike people just because of thecrap they are talking about Obama (he hates babies, is a Muslim, is a Communist...).
Now in 2008, I find myself so disgusted with liberalism and liberals that I simply cannot associate with anyone who subscribes to that sorry excuse for a platform. If I were to try conducting an in-depth discussion of politics with those kind of people now, like I have done in the past, I am sure I couldn't last 5 minutes without making them swallow some of their own teeth. I consider liberals to be so far away from my own values and beliefs that they are no longer just a different party in my eyes. I basically look upon them as I would a foreign enemy such as the former Soviet Union. I have nothing in common with them. I have lost all respect for them. I simply cannot even associate with them any longer. And it is their extreme actions over the course of the past 6 to 8 years that have fueled my new feelings toward them.
Is that thread for real?

People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to breed, never mind own guns.
The sad thing is they don't know how ridiculously absurd they sound when they start saying all this "marxists" "socialist" comments.Anyone who mentions anything about "redistribution of wealth" loses all credibility to me.

That just means that they believe everything Fox News says. It's a shame, this is the product of fox news viewers and dirty campaign tricks.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

The sad thing is they don't know how ridiculously absurd they sound when they start saying all this "marxists" "socialist" comments. Anyone who mentions anything about "redistribution of wealth" loses all credibility to me.

That just means that they believe everything Fox News says. It's a shame, this is the product of fox news viewers and dirty campaign tricks.
I don't think you should be so quick to discredit anyone. The news is our mainstream media and one of the only ways people can learn aboutthe candidates. What you say about Fox News is what others who support McCain, say about MSNBC. It's only because you probably are voting for Obama thatyour judgements leads you to believe that everything bad said about Obama is not credible. Maybe you can elaborate on that because that is what it sounds liketo me.

I do agree that they sound ridiculous. Unfortunately, elections just bring out the "true" colors and beliefs of most americans and instead ofbrining a country together, election season just reminds us of how split this nation is, and how sickening people really can be.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

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I agree. His presidency goes so much deeper then gun control. My own brother is voting for him, which is a mystery to my father and I. We're not that close anyway, which means I may right him off. Secretary where I work is a supporter of his also. We always got along well, but once I found this out I have feelings of contempt for her. Even if we dodge this bullet, it goes to show how far our country has gone for this man to even be in the running, let alone maybe have an easy victory.

[/td] [/tr][/table]his sn, big surprse, hoodonit....i assume hood is a reference to the KKK
[table][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
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I own a small business and if I have to start laying people off, the first ones will be the Obama Voters, is it a coincidence they also happen to be the least productive? I think not!

[/td] [/tr][/table]Wow forget the color of your skin, your religion or sexual preference. These bigots are now hating on anyone that supports Obama?

Maybe these uneducated dummies can read the first amendment of theBill of Rights. The line before the 2nd Amendment for the Right to Bear Arms which these morons based their lives upon. The first amendment states thefreedom of speech and expression, did these idiots forget that part?!
Some of these people actually feel distraught at the fact that people theyknow are voting for him.
It's laughable actually.
we've found the 30% of the american public who STILL support President Bush.

I own a small business and if I have to start laying people off, the first ones will be the Obama Voters, is it a coincidence they also happen to be the least productive? I think not!

just for arguments sake, what happens if Obama's plan works and leads to a vibrant economy? I doubt they'd give him his props. It amazes me how anyoneon either side of the spectrum can talk in absolutes like they KNOW what will happen if ___ iselected.

And as far as anti-liberalism, what do they think this country was founded on? Thomas Jefferson was an athiest and often spoke out against religion.
This stuff actually makes me tear up. Call it what you want, but there is no part in my soul that can comprehend hating someone else like this. It sucks...
Originally Posted by dgk3188

we should join the forum and take over!

obama 08!
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]lets do it, i was gonna suggest that....Their sign up doesn'ttake long to approve either[/color]
If I vote for Obama, and become a Millionare in the next 4 years, I'm going to be taxed up the anal passage.
The OP of that thread's SN is VTHOKIESHOOTER.
nothing more need be said. ignorant, classless losers.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

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I agree. His presidency goes so much deeper then gun control. My own brother is voting for him, which is a mystery to my father and I. We're not that close anyway, which means I may right him off. Secretary where I work is a supporter of his also. We always got along well, but once I found this out I have feelings of contempt for her. Even if we dodge this bullet, it goes to show how far our country has gone for this man to even be in the running, let alone maybe have an easy victory.

[/td] [/tr][/table]his sn, big surprse, hoodonit....i assume hood is a reference to the KKK

or who done it?
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